But you also want to make a lot of money — I’m talking Oprah money, Beyonce money — good rich people money. I know this because this is me too. But scaling your business to six-figures and beyond will require you to think differently.
I’m a Business Coach that helps WOC Coaches radically simplify their business so that they fuel their business with more cash to create MASSIVE impact in their community.
You don’t have to work around the clock to make lots of money. I made my first $100k in 6 months while working three days a week. How? I simplified EVERYTHING, I focused on what mattered, and I let go of perfectionism
Show Up & Lead the Mastermind is a program created for WOC coaches who desire to create six-figures and beyond in their coaching business but want to do it in a way that serves their community, creates client results that change generational narratives, without working yourself to the bone.
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Up & Lead
Show Up Real Podcast is a show dedicated to helping WOC create more money in their business using simple strategies to keep you focused on what matters in your business – your mind, impact, and the growth of your business.
Wanna keep your business simple, mindset focused, bank account big,
Show Up Real
and the impact even bigger?
and the impact even bigger?
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