Show Up Real is a show dedicated to putting more cash in the hands of Women of Color.

Hosted by multiple six-figure business coach Catalina Del Carmen, she shares strategies that keep your business simple, your mindset focused, your bank account big, and your impact even bigger. Listen to the weekly episodes on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or your favorite podcast app. 



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Meet the host

Catalina Del Carmen is a wife, mom, first-generation Guatemalteca, and multiple six-figure business coach. She keeps it real week after week, sharing the mindset, marketing, and sales strategies that keep your coaching business simple while still massively profitable and impactful.

264. Grounded Goals vs Growth Goals

On today’s episode, I’m sharing the goal setting strategy we use inside Show Up & Lead Mastermind. We explore how you can set BIG goals while also creating safety in your business to achieve them.

This strategy will help you be real with yourself about what is required to hit your next milestone.

Show Up & Lead Mastermind opens for enrollment in September. Click here to join the waitlist to get the most up to date info.

My content marketing group program, Show Up Real, opens for enrollment soon. Click here to get on the waitlist to get the most up to date info.

Follow @CatDelCarmen and @showuprealpodcast on Instagram and visit for more.


[00:00:00] My name is Catalina Del Carmen, and I am a wife, mother of two, daughter of immigrants, and rule-breaking business coach for women of color, coaches, creatives, and service professionals. I spent years trying to figure out the online business game, creating fashion blogs, YouTube channels, Instagram pages, email lists. It’s all of the things with little or nothing to show for it. Now I run a growing multiple six-figure coaching business, keeping things radically simple so I could spend more time with my babies than my business. Inside my programs, Show Up Real and Show Up and Lead Massively, I teach my clients how to build an online community using authentic, revenue-generating content that doesn’t require them to be everywhere.

[00:01:00] Whether it’s your first four figures in business or six figures in my mastermind, less is more when you are committed to growing your impact and revenue at the same time. In this show, I tell the whole mother effing truth about what it takes to build and scale an online business. I don’t gatekeep. I don’t tell you half the truth. I keep it real and I will challenge you to do it as well. Welcome to Show Up Real Podcast.

Hello, hello, hello. Welcome back to Show Up For Real Podcast. I’m so happy you are here. I am currently on vacation from my business for three weeks this month. I think I mentioned that last episode and I’m mentioning it again because I’m very, very excited. Um, okay, so today I am talking about goal setting.

[00:02:00] When you want to create your next big goal, when you want to create a goal that you’ve never achieved before, I want to give you background on how we think about this inside Show Up and Lead Mastermind and why we use this strategy when goal setting. Okay. So that’s what we’re talking about today. Um, I recently got back from Maui with my family. We had the best time. Um, so it was just me, my husband, my one-year-old, and my five-year-old. First of all, before we went on this trip, I was a little nervous because this is a lot of parenting time, especially because we didn’t bring anyone with us, like nobody to help us. And I was a little nervous, y’all. I really, really was. I was nervous I was going to be exhausted by taking care of the kids just 24/7. Um, and

[00:03:00] honestly, it turned out to be such a fulfilling trip. Uh, we were there for about, I don’t know, five, six days. And it was just everything I wanted. I feel I left that trip so connected with my kids. So connected with my husband. My husband and I just felt really, really grateful and proud of the family that we’ve built. And I think just the rest, right? Like the not thinking about work. It helped me really realize that a lot of the heaviness and anxiety in my life, it really doesn’t come from my kids that much. I, I sometimes will put it on like being a mother because motherhood is so hard that sometimes my, yeah, in my brain, I’m just like, oh, it’s so much work. And they’re always yelling and they’re

[00:04:00] overstimulating and they’re jumping from right to left. And I’m always worried if one’s going to fricking hit their head super hard. Like they’re, they’re crazy. Don’t get me wrong. But I think what I learned just by resting and taking time to play with them and be with them and enjoy this, like age with both of them. I really learned that, like, it didn’t feel hard and heavy to be with them 24/7. It was so joyful. And although there were definitely, we had our moments, um, it was just so wonderful. So I had the best time. I’m going to like literally create a whole podcast episode on. On the three weeks I took off of my business, but I’ll do that after it’s all done. Um, okay. So I, I am recording this during my vacation, so I’m working a little,

[00:05:00] little bit here and there. It’s just cause I didn’t get to it earlier. So I am definitely working a tad, but I’m doing it in between massages and in between nail, getting my nails done and my hair’s done. And I’m also, I’m just, I really want to do a ton of house projects, um, and take naps and shit. Not that I, I do take naps even when I’m working, but still, um, okay. So let’s talk about today’s episode. I am talking about goal setting. I’m going to go through the goal-setting strategy we use inside Show Up and Lead Mastermind and how we think about. Creating goals and how to be more intentional about them and not just setting the number and like letting them be, but really, really thinking about who do you have to become and who do you have to become to create that goal and also who, what are

[00:06:00] some, some examples that you’ve hit it, right? Because sometimes if we don’t hit the big goal where we get disappointed if we don’t hit like the money goal, but we don’t really look at the other parts of our growth that show significant growth, right? That’s what we’re going to talk about today. We’re going to talk about goal setting. Um, before I get into that, I just want you to know that Show Up and Lead Mastermind will be opening up for enrollment in September. So there is some time, but if you want to be the first to get all the details, join the waitlist.

Okay. So let’s get into goal setting. All right. So inside Show Up and Lead Mastermind, this is how we think about goals. So there are two goals that you create inside the mastermind. You create a grounded goal and you create a growth goal. Okay. I’m going to explain each of them, but we have two goals. And the reason we have two goals is because I used to not do this and I, we used to just set a goal and go with it. And what I realized is sometimes when we make very big goals, especially as more experienced entrepreneurs, when we create goals that are too big for us, and I say too big, meaning like they’re, you know, sometimes the goal could feel so big that it feels like we’re already behind when we really, really aren’t. Okay. So instead of thinking so black and white in our goal setting, I

[00:08:00] created this strategy and it really, really helps my clients be very intentional about how they’re creating their goal, but not only how they’re creating the goal, but also understanding what it takes to create the goal and actually understanding who do they have to become and how do they have to think to create that goal. Okay, so let’s just get into it. Number one, the first goal you are going to create inside Show Up and Lead Mastermind and that I just recommend whether you’re in the mastermind or not, I recommend starting with something I call the grounded goal. Now your grounded goal is something that you are certain that you can create or you’re close to certain that you can hit that goal based off data, based off real results that you’ve

[00:09:00] created. Grounded goals are really about the small increases in your growth. And they’re, it’s really looking at your business from a, from a real place, looking at the data and really asking yourself, what can I create? Now, the reason I created this goal was I remember when I was in the beginning of my business, I was like in this fantasy land thinking that my first six figures would be so easy because I had made six figures in my career. And, um, I also knew a pretty, pretty, I knew a lot about business, um, in general, and I just thought like, sure, I could, of course I could jump to zero to a hundred K. Everybody does that, doesn’t it? And the reality is if you have never created a goal or if you have never hit the milestone that you are setting, you do not know.

[00:10:00] What it takes. Okay? You don’t know what it takes if you haven’t created it. And I don’t mean to sound rude, but it’s just the truth. And I’ve learned this lesson over and over and over again in my business. I think this goal will be like easier to achieve because XYZ when the reality is if I’ve never hit that goal, I really don’t know what it takes. Okay. And I also see a lot of people create these huge goals when they don’t know what it will look like in their business. And not only do they not know, I, I think they just don’t understand what comes with the growth, what comes with the milestone, right? That’s why using this method is so helpful because you really start looking at,

[00:11:00] not only the goal and the milestone, but you start looking behind the scenes of it and really asking yourself, like, okay, who do I have to become to create the goal? So your grounded goal is based on off of data. And you’re really choosing a number or a goal that you feel semi-certain that you can hit or get really, really close to because that’s how, like, that’s how fair the goal is. It’s not something really outrageous. Now your growth

goal. Your growth goal is more of a stretch. It’s something you feel that you would love to create, but you’re not sure if you can create it, but you are like in, you know, you will give it your all to get to that goal. Okay. The growth goal is the stretch goal. Now, it’s very important that when you are setting your goals, especially these two goals,

[00:12:00] that you have this in mind, that the grounded goal is something that you, it’s a lot more realistic based off of data, based off of numbers, based off of real stuff, right? And then your growth goal is something that is a stretch. It’s really like, let’s try and hit that. You might not hit that. You might not get close to hitting it, but you want to try. And the reason we set goals this way is so that you start understanding the relationship you have with your goals. When you set a grounded goal, you’re going to be a lot more intentional about it. When you set a growth goal, you’re going to understand that you might not hit that goal. And in that process of setting these two goals, you get to learn so much about yourself as a business owner and as an entrepreneur, you get to learn so much about what is working in your business and

[00:13:00] what is not. Because when we set one goal, it’s a lot easier to get deflated and be like, oh, I didn’t hit my goal. I’m not on the right track. But when you start being very intentional about how you set your goals and what you’re looking to get out of them, then it becomes more, I don’t know, it becomes, it becomes more helpful for your business in general. So what I want to give you some examples of like some grounded goals and some growth goals. So I have one client who, um, so her grounded goal is to make $60,000 this year. This was last year, her goal was to make $60,000. And that was based off of a real, like number of clients. She had a certain number of sales calls. And this was her grounded goal. This was a goal that she felt certain she could

[00:14:00] make. And then her growth goal was to make $100,000 in a year. Now the reason this is important is because what I found with her is that she actually, she hit her grounded goal. She made over $60,000 in one year, but she didn’t hit her growth goal. And when we were reflecting on this, one thing that we found was she did hit her growth goal in the number of like clients she signed. She actually signed more clients than she thought she was going to sign, but she hit her grounded goal and actually exceeded her grounded goal because she, I think her grounded goal was 60K and she made like 70 or 75K, right? But she didn’t make the 100. And the reason this was such a helpful learning experience for her is because she realized that in order to hit that 100K, she really had to have different business

[00:15:00] practices that she did in the 60 and 75. She realized that her 100K goal was going to require a different level of client. She had to increase her prices. She had to set up new systems. She had to do a lot of things differently in her business to create that goal. Now, when she first set her goal in the beginning of the year, she didn’t know what she didn’t know. Right? And when she didn’t hit that goal, she actually learned exactly what it took to create it. Right. And then now she has the knowledge and awareness of what she needs to do this year to make that 100K. That’s why goal setting is so important. This is why I love doing this grounded goal and growth goal because you get to be so intentional about what you’re doing and what you’re learning. Okay. So that’s one example.

[00:16:00] So another example of goal setting is, so I’ll give you an example of my business. So one of my grounded goals in 2022 was to make, I wanted to make about 300K in revenue in my business. Um, and my growth goal was to make 500K in my business. Now, mind you, my grounded goal was 300K because I had already made 250K in my business and I knew that, okay, I could make this 50K more. I know how to do that. Right. And I actually did. I made 330 something, right? So I hit that goal. But what I found is I did, I did not hit my 500K goal. But what I learned about that, and I’m not, not just learned from like, oh, I didn’t hit my goal. I’m sad. But what I learned about that, I realized that that 500K, my growth goal, it

[00:17:00] really required a different way of thinking about my business, right? I couldn’t operate my business with the same mind that I did in my first two years. It required different systems. It required me to think differently. And that taught me so, so much. And the only reason I know that is because I got to set this growth goal and really, really reflect on what I needed to learn to hit that goal. Okay. So I just wanted to talk to you about goal setting. This is how we set goals inside show up and lead mastermind. So if you’re interested in joining us, join the waitlist. So you have all the information and I will see you next time. Thank you for listening to the show up and lead massively podcast. If you love this episode, please write a review and share it with me. I will shout you out in our next episode and I will talk to you soon. Bye!

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