Show Up Real is a show dedicated to putting more cash in the hands of Women of Color.

Hosted by multiple six-figure business coach Catalina Del Carmen, she shares strategies that keep your business simple, your mindset focused, your bank account big, and your impact even bigger. Listen to the weekly episodes on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or your favorite podcast app. 



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Catalina Del Carmen is a wife, mom, first-generation Guatemalteca, and multiple six-figure business coach. She keeps it real week after week, sharing the mindset, marketing, and sales strategies that keep your coaching business simple while still massively profitable and impactful.

269. 6 Steps to a Unique Marketing Message that Makes You Stand Out in Your Niche

On today’s episode, I talk all things marketing. I am breaking down the six steps you need to take to elevate your marketing, stand out in your niche, and be known for your offers. I share examples on how to refine your niche, create more uniqueness in your brand, and why this is important when scaling your business and offers.

Show Up & Lead Mastermind is opening enrollment September 24th and we are launching with a 4-day event, I’m calling Simple Scaling Week. Click here to join the waitlist to be the first to get info.

Show Up Real, my content marketing group program, opens for enrollment soon. Click here to get on the waitlist to get the most up to date info.

Follow @CatDelCarmen and @showuprealpodcast on Instagram and visit for more.


My name is Catalina Del Carmen and I am a wife, mother of two, daughter of immigrants, and a rule-breaking business coach for women of color, coaches, creatives, and service professionals. I spent years trying to figure out the online business game, creating fashion blogs, YouTube channels, Instagram pages, email lists—all the things—with little or nothing to show for it. Now, I run a growing multiple six-figure coaching business, keeping things radically simple so I can spend more time with my babies than my business. Inside my programs, Show Up Real and Show Up and Lead Mastermind, I teach my clients how to build an online community using authentic, revenue-generating content—content that doesn’t require them to be everywhere. Whether it’s your first four figures in business or six figures in my mastermind, less is more when you are committed to growing your impact and revenue at the same time. In this show, I tell the whole mother effing truth about what it takes to build and scale an online business. I don’t gatekeep. I don’t tell you half the truth. I keep it real and will challenge you to do the same.

What is up y’all? Welcome back to the Show Up Real podcast. I hope you are having a wonderful day and had a good weekend. I am so excited about today’s episode. I created this episode with one specific client in mind inside of my mastermind. I’ve been thinking about her and really trying to put together a process to help her improve her marketing message because she is a genius and is just so good at what she does. But I feel like her marketing needs to improve.

I wanted to share this with you because I think, in the market that is 2024 in the coaching industry, now is the time to really take risks with your marketing and to double down on getting behind your offer. Whatever you offer, it’s really time to double down on it, trust it, make it something you’re proud of, and market it in that way as well.

So today I’m going over six steps to elevate your marketing message and really become known in your niche. What I really want is for people to identify your business or you with something specific. You want to guide the way people think about your business, you, and your offers through your marketing. That is marketing messaging. So that’s what we’re talking about today.

Before we get started with that, I want to mention a couple of things. Number one, if you listen to the show, if you take something away from it, if you’ve learned something, it would mean so, so much to me if you could share it on your Instagram stories, Facebook, text it to a friend, or share it with somebody who would find value in it. This is how the podcast grows, and it would mean so much to me.

Secondly, I also wanted to mention we made a little change—actually, a lot of changes. Let me give you some background on what’s happening. I’m making a lot of changes and upgrades inside my mastermind, Show Up & Lead. That’s where my head has been for a long time, and I ended up changing the dates for the launch. So whatever I said in any other episode, I want to share the new dates with you. Show Up & Lead Mastermind is going to be opening its doors September 25th. Click here to join the waitlist. On that day, I will likely be doing an event too, so stay tuned for that. I’ll be telling you more about the program in the next several weeks, but I just wanted to start with that because it’s a fresh decision I made.

So let’s get into marketing messaging—how to improve your marketing, how to elevate your marketing, and really, the shift that happens as you get into selling programs or one-on-one. It’s the shift into really becoming known for a specific result or a specific skill or just becoming known for what you do. That’s what I want to talk about today. Let’s get started with the six steps.

Before we get into the steps, let me make something clear because I’m using the phrase “marketing message.” I want to make sure you know what I’m talking about. Your marketing message is important because when you’re scaling your business—growing your offers—and when I say scaling, I mean growing your business to more clients. It could be more revenue, but when I think of scaling, I think of the amount of time you as the owner or your team puts in and the amount of money you make. If you want to make the same or more money but give less of your one-on-one time, that’s what I consider scaling at a lower level, like one-on-one coaching to group level. There are many levels of scaling, but that’s what I’m thinking about right now.

So why is it important? A marketing message is important because when you’re scaling, you will be selling to new people who have never met you, who don’t know who you are, who might not watch your stories, who aren’t familiar with what you do. Your job, as the CEO of your business, is to help them understand what happens inside your program, what happens inside your offer, how it will help them, what the actual offer is. There are so many questions a person interested in working with you might have. Our job is to answer those questions very easily. We don’t want people to spend weeks or months trying to figure out who we are and what we do. Although sometimes it does take that much time, if we can improve that, we want to.

If you’ve been in business for more than a couple of years, more people are getting to know you simply because you’ve had more time in the game. You’ve been marketing your offer more. They might have seen a little bit of you a couple of years ago and then a little bit recently. The longer you are in business and the longer you are marketing your business, the longer you’ve been in the game. If you’ve been in the game longer, you want people to really have a good understanding of you.

The way I think about your marketing message is like if two strangers who’ve never worked with you, who don’t know you but know about you and your offers, would they have a clear understanding? Could they talk about what you do and how you help them? Like, could two people who just follow you and don’t watch all your stuff all the time articulate to each other what you do and how you help them? There’s no perfect marketing message, but if you’re doing it right, people know about you, what you do, and what to come to you for.

When I think about marketing, there’s a man, a white man named Russell Brunson—I think it’s Brunson, yeah. Russell Brunson. I’ve been following him for a very long time because he’s very good at what he does. When I think of him, I think of ClickFunnels,, which I think is his software. It’s the software he sells with his program—it’s a marketing software. When I think of him, I think of not only ClickFunnels but funnel marketing, marketing online. If anyone ever brings up funnels, I immediately think of him. Why? Because his messaging is very clear. I honestly have never watched a webinar from him, never read a book from him. I’ve listened to some podcasts where he was a guest. I think he has lots of ads, so I’ve seen his ads, probably some social media stuff. But for the most part, I’ve never really been in his world, but I can tell you exactly who he is, what he does, who he helps, and how he helps them. It’s common knowledge. And the reason for that is because he has a great marketing message—his messaging is very clear and concise.

That is the point of a marketing message. Now, when you’re selling coaching, services online, especially as an entrepreneur, if you’ve made 30K, 40K, 70K, 100K, even 200K, if that is how much money you’ve sold in your business, if you want to go to the next level, one thing you’re going to want to do is improve your marketing message regularly. You want to really have this attitude and learn about your own marketing and start taking in your own marketing subjectively so you can improve it, so you can experience your own marketing. A lot of people post here, post there, “I’ve got to make a piece of content today,” “I’ve got to post this,” and “I’ve got to post that.” That will work for a long time, and there’s still room for that when you’re growing, but when you have the desire to scale your business, when you want to get your time back, when you want to take on more clients with less time, you’re definitely going to have to refine your offer or even create a new one once you book out one-on-one.

Once you do that, you’re going to have to learn how to market that refined offer, that special offer, that new offer you create. One of the shifts I had when I created my first group offer was that I really had to start looking at my offer like a product—like a product in the beauty area at Nordstrom. I had to think about my program like a product and start learning to articulate the most important components. I had to make sure that the person I was talking to was the person I was selling to. I just had to become way more intentional about how I market.

Marketing is one of the skills you have to practice, grow, get better at, and detach yourself from—especially those who get very upset if their marketing doesn’t work. You have to learn how to detach yourself from that and look at your marketing from the perspective of your client. Look at it as if you are a person interested in the result you sell. Would you buy from you? Would you buy from you?

I’m going to share six things you should absolutely be doing—not all at once, but probably little by little—on a regular basis if you want to improve your marketing message, help people get to know who you are and how you help them faster, create more demand, and look very unique in your industry. Let’s get started.

Number one: Create your own lane. One thing I’ve seen, for example, with my client Naihomy, whom I’ve been working with for a long time—she still sells one-on-one coaching, but earlier this year, she really created her own lane and became known for something specific. You can have a lot of success as a general coach. She was a holistic health coach, but this year, she really honed in on becoming known as an expert in hormones. She shifted her marketing to focus on being a holistic health coach who looks at things from the perspective of your hormones, the food you eat, and holistic healing. She’s still shifting her marketing message, but she’s an example of someone who decided to go for it.

This happened to me when I decided to create Show Up Real, my content marketing group program.

Before I created that program, I was still talking about marketing in general, sales in general. I became very general, and I didn’t really stand out. Then I created the Show Up Real program, and I focused it on content marketing, what you’re doing wrong in your content marketing, how to create your content plan, how to create your content strategy—more focused on content marketing. People started to associate me with content marketing, and I started seeing the power of that association. I’m still in the middle of this, but now I’m trying to identify myself as the person who can help people market their coaching business online. It’s still marketing, but I’ve created my own lane because I specifically focus on content. I also like to talk about sales, but the more I lean into content, the better my results are, the more results my clients are getting, and that’s what I’m trying to teach you here.

You want to really hone in on something specific. You can talk about that one thing all the time. It’s really important to create your own lane because that’s what makes you stand out.

Let me give you an example of a very successful company that has created its own lane: Peloton. Peloton has its own bike, its own app, and its own technology, but what Peloton really is is a spin bike with an app to it. But they created their own lane. They created their own market in the cycling world, even though cycling has been around for ages. They created their own lane, and I think they became a multi-billion dollar company. Creating your own lane and having your own market is really, really important.

Number two: Become known for something specific. Again, when you’re marketing your services, I want you to think about what people already know you for and also think about what you want to be known for. A lot of people have a hard time focusing on one thing because they don’t want to lose out on other things. But the truth is, the more specific you get and the more consistent you get with it, people will start to associate you with it.

I want you to pick one thing and start talking about it all the time. Really create a clear marketing message around it. I like to give my clients something called a sentence. It’s called a position statement, and it sounds like this: I help X person get X result so they can X. For example, for me, it would be, “I help coaches who are at 6 figures scale their business to multiple 6 figures by improving their marketing message.” That’s a very clear sentence. You want to have that position statement.

Then I like to add some things to it, but to start with, that’s what you want to focus on. Become known for something very specific.

Number three: Make sure you love the program you’re selling or the service you’re selling. If you have an offer that you don’t 100% love, you’re not going to market it well. You’re not going to want to show up for it every day. So, make sure you really love the program and that you believe in it. That’s why it’s so important to create a program you love and that feels aligned.

When I created the Show Up Real program, I wanted to make sure it was something I was excited about teaching. If you have a program that you don’t feel 100% about, go back to the drawing board, get some feedback from clients, refine it, and make sure it’s something you’re really proud of and that you’re excited to sell.

Number four: Tell your story. Stories sell. Stories make your marketing more relatable and connect you with your audience. Share your journey, the struggles you’ve overcome, and how you got to where you are today. When I started sharing my story more, I noticed a big shift in how people responded to my marketing. It humanizes you, and people want to work with someone they feel connected to.

Number five: Focus on transformation. People buy results, not features. Make sure your marketing emphasizes the transformation your clients will experience. Whether it’s a physical, emotional, or financial transformation, you need to make it clear what the end result will be for your clients.

And finally, number six: Be consistent. Consistency is key. Your marketing message should be clear and consistent across all your platforms—whether it’s your website, social media, emails, or wherever you’re showing up. The more consistent you are, the more people will begin to associate you with that specific thing.

That’s all for today, folks. I hope these six steps help you improve your marketing message and really get you known in your niche. Remember, it’s all about creating your own lane, becoming known for something specific, and being consistent in your messaging. If you loved this episode, don’t forget to share it with someone who would benefit from it, and I’ll catch you in the next one.

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