Show Up Real is a show dedicated to putting more cash in the hands of Women of Color.

Hosted by multiple six-figure business coach Catalina Del Carmen, she shares strategies that keep your business simple, your mindset focused, your bank account big, and your impact even bigger. Listen to the weekly episodes on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or your favorite podcast app. 



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Meet the host

Catalina Del Carmen is a wife, mom, first-generation Guatemalteca, and multiple six-figure business coach. She keeps it real week after week, sharing the mindset, marketing, and sales strategies that keep your coaching business simple while still massively profitable and impactful.

271. 5 Steps to Elevating Your Marketing

Today I am talking about elevating your marketing. I share 5 steps I’ve learned that you really have to take to elevate your marketing so you can grow your business and get to the next level.

Hear about the 5 areas you need to prioritize on your way to multiple six figures.

Show Up & Lead Mastermind is opening enrollment on September 24th and we are launching with a 4-day event, I’m calling Simple Scaling Week. Click here to join the waitlist to be the first to get info.

Show Up Real, my content marketing group program, opens for enrollment soon. Click here to get on the waitlist to get the most up to date info.

Follow @CatDelCarmen and @showuprealpodcast on Instagram and visit for more.


[00:00:00] What is up, y’all? Applications for Show Up & Lead Mastermind open on September 24th with Simple Scaling Week, my four-day virtual event teaching you how to scale your business and keep it simple. I designed this mastermind for women of color in business to scale their coaching offers online to 100K, multiple six figures, and beyond. Our approach to scaling your business is focused on three core areas: One, your signature coaching process; Two, advanced selling; and Three, an unbothered mindset. Let me explain.

You’ll be able to develop a signature coaching process and learn how to market it so that your work doesn’t blend in with other programs. It is so important that when you are scaling, you create a body of work that is yours and truly your intellectual property.

[00:01:00] Number two, selling. Scaling your programs means more content in less time, creating a sales process that makes it easy for your clients to understand what it’s like to work with you inside your programs and buy into it easily.

Three, unbothered mindset. The number one issue I find for women of color struggling to scale their business is a deep attachment to perfectionism and people-pleasing. To be completely honest, when you are scaling your business, you have to practice detaching yourself from it to be able to grow it. Inside Show Up & Lead Mastermind, we teach you how to detach yourself from your business, clients, and online haters because if you’re going to build a legacy of a business, you have to create strong boundaries and an unbothered mindset.

Here’s what you get inside of Show Up & Lead Mastermind. This program is 12 months long of weekly coaching. You get one-on-one planning calls quarterly, so you always know what your priority projects are for the quarter. You also get community inside of Slack to collaborate with top-tier women of color coaches and business owners. You get video feedback and reviews on your launch plans, curriculum, and marketing materials. We will give you the feedback you need.

[00:02:00] You’ll also get the curriculum inside the portal, which is filled with strategies to help you get fully booked in one-on-one coaching, launch your group offers, innovate your income stream, and mindset exercises to keep your business moving, which is most important. You also get a private podcast, virtual events, and challenges. We are kicking off this new round of Show Up & Lead Mastermind with a live virtual event in October. The investment for this program is 10,000, and there are payment plans available.

This program is designed for coaches and service providers who have a record of consistent sales and want to grow their revenue to multiple six figures, all the way to seven figures, without burning out and being obsessed with work. If this is you and you know this program could help you get to the next level, I want to invite you to join.

Welcome to Show Up Real Podcast. Before we get started with today’s episode, I want to invite you to a very special event I’m putting on for women of color coaches and service providers who want to scale their business to six and multiple six figures [00:05:00] without burning out, overworking, and really building a business that they are so, so proud of. I’ve been able to grow my coaching business to nearly 800K in sales, and I’ve done this while moving five times with my toddler and husband, nine months of pregnancy that left me sick most of the time, giving birth, postpartum anxiety, and with an ADHD brain that doesn’t do well with typical business strategies. I want to teach you my method of growing a business, and I’m doing this at an event I’m calling Simple Scaling Week. It’s going to be four days long, and I’m going to be sharing four scaling lessons with you every single day.

We’re going to touch on innovating your own offer so that you can sell your coaching offers and really make them into a brand. We’re going to talk about balancing your business using really [00:06:00] simple, simple ways of creating systems behind the scenes in your business. We’ll also talk about elevating your marketing so that you can build trust with your audience faster and just stand out in a very unique way that only you can do. And lastly, we’ll talk about calmly launching your group offerings and really learning how to remain calm and confident when launching a program and putting on this huge marketing campaign, and how to keep your mindset calm and confident.

This event is sponsored by Show Up & Lead Mastermind, which applications for this program open September 24th during this event. I want to invite you to join. You can get on the list by joining the waitlist.

All right, y’all, let’s get back to the episode. I can’t wait to see you there.

What is up, y’all? Welcome back to Show Up Real Podcast. I hope you are doing so, so well. Okay, y’all, today I am talking to you about elevating your marketing and steps I’ve learned that you really, really have to take to get from whether you are at six figures and wanting to go to multiple or whether you are at like 40K and want to get to a hundred. There’s some wiggle room here, but I’ve really learned, I’m going to be sharing five different things with you. And I’ve really learned that like, if you want to grow your business, if you want to keep growing your business year after year, if that is what you want to do, you’re going to have to elevate your marketing.

[00:08:00] And I’m sharing five of the areas that I believe you need to be prioritizing on your way to multiple six figures. So I’ll be sharing my five and then I’ll give some context around it as well and the why behind it.

I want to make sure that you get on the waitlist. If you are a woman of color coach or service provider who wants to create a big business and wants to hit six figures or multiple six figures and do it in a way that is not burning you out. That’s really, really important—honoring your life and the life that you want to create with your business and not just head down. My life is my business. That’s not what we do here. So [00:09:00] if you want to grow your business in that way, if you want to work with me, if you want to sell out your one-on-one coaching, if you want to transition into group coaching, if you want to learn how to launch your group offer using your unique signature process, we help you do that inside Show Up & Lead Mastermind. So make sure to get on the list. Once you get on the waitlist, you will get an email with all the information you need about it.

Okay. All right, let’s get started. I want to make sure that I get through all of this. So these are kind of five areas of marketing that you are going to work on, not only within Show Up & Lead Mastermind, but these are the five areas that I want you to really start envisioning what you would like it to look like when you take action on these things.

All right. [00:10:00] So, number one, the number one thing that I’ve learned, and it took me a while to do this, and I feel like I’m still working on it in some ways, but the number one thing that you are really going to have to work on and own as you go from, let’s say 50K to 150K, 200K, 300K in sales, and just on your way to building more of a brand than a business, you have to, have to start owning your uniqueness. This took me a really long time to embrace, surprisingly. I feel like my first 100K in business felt like I was in this, like, I don’t know, like Candyland, and I just was taking all this action, and I was talking about whatever I wanted, and I was just so focused on serving and so focused on really serving my people and just becoming experienced and good at being a coach and helping my clients get results that because my head was just so deep in the game, it was so easy for me to like own who I was at that time, right? Like I just surrendered so much to be able to show up very unapologetically.

But what I learned as I did that, and I started really scaling my business and I started having more of a vision of my business and where I wanted to go and what I wanted it to look like, it felt like there were so many rules of what I was supposed to do when it came to messaging, when it came to creating a brand and rebranding, and when it came to [00:12:00] having the right positioning and the right marketing message and niching down. And it just felt like there were so many things I had to get right to scale.

And I feel like all of that got in the way of me just fully owning who I was as a coach, what my methods are, the type of coach I am, and really the parts of me that make my coaching so marketable. I think a lot of people get stuck in a certain range in their revenue because they aren’t owning their uniqueness, and they’re trying to put themselves in a box of what is marketable and what is profitable. And there’s this resistance, and the resistance [00:13:00] really just makes it so your marketing feels a little diluted and doesn’t

really connect with people.

Owning your uniqueness is the hardest thing in the world because most of us who start businesses, who start coaching businesses, or service-based businesses, like 90% of the time, especially when you’re just starting, your only focus is paying the bills and growing your business so you can eventually quit your job and take care of your family. You know, you are just in such a deep state of hustle and getting this business off the ground that when you get to a place of sustainability and profitability, you might need to really [00:14:00] reconnect with the parts of you that are unique because those parts are the parts that are going to help you grow your business from here on out. And that’s probably the hardest part. So, it’s super important that you work on this if you are in this phase, because it really will make or break your business, in my opinion.

All right. Number two, you have to stand out. It’s just, it’s really connected to owning your uniqueness, but you really have to stand out and create new ideas. Like, I’m not saying you have to create these crazy new ideas that no one has ever heard of. I just mean creating some thought leadership that makes your work different from others. And I know this is so, so hard, especially if you’re an early business owner, if you’re a coach that is just getting started or maybe you haven’t sold out your offers yet, and you’re still working on just getting consistent sales, it might seem really hard to create thought leadership content that feels different from others. But I think it’s the same thing as owning your uniqueness. It’s more of a process of figuring out how you can stand out and share the parts of you that make you and your coaching process different from others. And it’s probably one of the most important things you can do in your business at this stage.

All right. Number three, as a woman of color, as a business owner, as a coach, you have to create a message that resonates with your ideal client and their deepest desires. And to be completely honest, this has probably been one of the hardest parts of my business because I don’t really identify as like a super traditional business coach. I’m not someone who teaches you how to create a 10K month and things like that, which a lot of other business coaches do, and I love that they do that, and I think it’s amazing, but it’s just not something that I’ve really focused on.

So for me, it has been a lot more challenging to create messaging that resonates with my ideal client because my ideal client is someone who is a woman of color, who wants to create a coaching business that feels authentic to them and their values, and that really represents their unique brand and style of coaching. And that has been a lot harder to articulate in my messaging than just saying, “Hey, I’m going to help you make 10K in 30 days,” or something like that.

So, you have to work on this and you have to get really, really clear on what your ideal client wants and how you can help them get there. And I think the clearer you can get on this, the easier it will be to create messaging that resonates with them and really speaks to their deepest desires.

All right. Number four, this is a big one, and it’s something that I think a lot of business owners overlook, but you have to create a brand that feels authentic to you and your values. And I think this is something that a lot of business owners struggle with because we see so many other people in our industry doing things a certain way, and we feel like we have to do it that way too. But the truth is, you don’t. You can create a brand that feels authentic to you and your values, and that really represents who you are as a coach and business owner.

And this is something that I have worked on a lot over the past year or two because I realized that my brand didn’t really feel authentic to me anymore. It felt like I was trying to fit into this mold of what I thought a business coach should be, instead of just being myself and showing up as who I am. And so, I had to do a lot of work on reconnecting with my values and what I stand for, and then creating a brand that reflects that. And I think it’s so important to do this because if your brand doesn’t feel authentic to you, it’s going to be really hard to show up consistently and build a business that you love.

All right. Number five, and this is the last one, but it’s so, so important, you have to prioritize your mindset. And I know this sounds so cliche, but it’s true. Your mindset is everything when it comes to scaling your business. You have to believe in yourself and your ability to create the business you want, and you have to be willing to do the mindset work to get there. This is something that I have invested so much time and money into because I know that if my mindset isn’t in the right place, it’s going to be really hard to scale my business.

And I think this is something that a lot of business owners overlook because we’re so focused on the strategies and the tactics, but the truth is, if your mindset isn’t in the right place, none of those strategies and tactics are going to work. So, you have to prioritize your mindset and make sure that you’re doing the work to stay in a positive and empowered state of mind.

All right, y’all, that is all I have for you today. I hope you found this episode helpful and that you’re able to take some of these tips and apply them to your own business. Remember, scaling your business is a process, and it’s going to take time, but if you stay consistent and focused, you will get there. And if you’re interested in working with me inside Show Up & Lead Mastermind, make sure to get on the waitlist. We open applications on September 24th, and I would love to work with you and help you scale your business to the next level.

All right, y’all, have a great week, and I’ll see you in the next episode.

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