Show Up Real is a show dedicated to putting more cash in the hands of Women of Color.

Hosted by multiple six-figure business coach Catalina Del Carmen, she shares strategies that keep your business simple, your mindset focused, your bank account big, and your impact even bigger. Listen to the weekly episodes on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or your favorite podcast app. 



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Meet the host

Catalina Del Carmen is a wife, mom, first-generation Guatemalteca, and multiple six-figure business coach. She keeps it real week after week, sharing the mindset, marketing, and sales strategies that keep your coaching business simple while still massively profitable and impactful.

274. Six-Figures with Self-Doubt

In this episode, I am sharing 5 steps you can take to navigate self-doubt while making 6 figures.

Self-doubt is just a part of growing. Learn how you can be successful, even when self-doubt makes you feel like you’re hitting a wall.

Show Up & Lead Mastermind is now open for enrollment! Apply now at

Show Up Real, my Content Marketing Group Program, opens for enrollment soon. Get on the waitlist to get the most up to date info.

Follow @catdelcarmen and @showuprealpodcast on Instagram.

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 What is up y’all? Applications for Show Up and Lead Mastermind are open now. I designed this mastermind for women of color in business to scale their coaching offers online to 100k, multiple six figures, and beyond. Our approach to scaling your business is focused on three core areas. One is your signature coaching process.

Two is advanced selling, and three is an unbothered mindset. Let me explain. You’ll be able to develop a signature coaching process and learn how to market with it so that your work doesn’t blend in with other programs. It is so important that when you are scaling, you create a body of work that is yours and really is your true intellectual property.

Number two, selling. Scaling your programs means more content. in less time, creating a sales process that makes it easy for your clients to understand what it’s like to work with you inside your programs and buy into it easily. Three, unbothered mindset. The number one issue I find for women of color struggling to scale their business is that they have a deep attachment to perfectionism, people pleasing, and to be completely honest, when you are scaling your business, you have to practice detaching yourself from your business to be able to grow it.

So inside Show Up & Lead Mastermind. We teach you how to detach yourself from your business. clients and online haters. Because if you’re going to build a legacy of a business, you have to create strong boundaries and an unbothered mindset. Here’s what you get inside of Show Up and Lead Mastermind.

This program is 12 months long of weekly coaching. You get one on one coaching. planning calls quarterly. So you always know what your priority projects are for the quarter. You also get community inside of Slack to collab with really top tier women of color coaches and business owners. You get video feedback and reviews on your launch plans, curriculum, marketing materials.

We will give you the feedback you need. You’ll also get the curriculum inside of the portal, which is filled with strategies to help you get fully booked in one on one coaching, launch your group offers, innovate your income stream and mindset exercises to keep your business moving, which is most important.

You also get a private podcast. We have virtual events and challenges, and we are kicking off this new round of show up and lead mastermind with a live virtual event in October. The investment for this program is 10, 000 and there are payment plans available. This program is designed for coaches and service providers who have a record of consistent sales and want to grow their revenue to multiple six figures, all the way to seven figures without burning out and being obsessed with work.

If this is you and you know this program, This program could help you get to the next level. I want to invite you to join.

My name is Catalina Del Carmen and I am a wife, mother of two, daughter of immigrants and rule breaking business coach for women of color, coaches, creatives, and service professionals. I spent years trying to figure out the online business game, creating fashion blogs, YouTube channels, Instagram pages, email lists.

It’s all of the things with little or nothing to show for it. Now I run a growing multiple six figure coaching business, keeping things radically simple so I could spend more time with my babies than my business inside my programs. Show up real and show up and lead massively. I teach my clients how to build an online community using authentic revenue generating content that doesn’t require them to be everywhere.

Whether it’s your first four figures in business or six figures in my mastermind, less is more when you are committed to growing your impact and revenue at the same time. In this show, I tell the whole mother effing truth about what it takes to build and scale an online business. I don’t gatekeep. I don’t tell you half the truth.

I keep it real, and I will challenge you to do it as well. Welcome to show up real podcast. Hello, hello, hello. Welcome to show up real podcast. I hope you are having a wonderful, wonderful day. I. I’m so pumped to talk to you about how to create six figures with self doubt. I think a lot of people make their self doubt something way bigger than it is.

And that’s why I wanted to talk about this. It’s why I wanted to share some solutions for you. If you hit a wall when it comes to self doubt, I want to talk about that and I want to talk about how I’ve worked through it, how we work through it and show up and lead mastermind. And I, I just want to give you some solutions.

So before I get started with today’s episode, I feel like you’ve gotten all the reminders, but doors are open to show up and lead mastermind. If you are listening to this episode on the day it comes out or within two weeks. Of it coming out around two weeks. Um, yeah, doors are open. I’m so excited. There’s so much newness coming into this, this kind of season and era for Show Up and Lead Mastermind and I’m so excited.

So if you are actively working towards six figures, you, you are looking at that as your goal and you wanna make it happen. Whether you have a program or whether you have one-on-one coaching. Or if you’re a service provider, um, come apply, let’s talk and see if it’s for you. This time around with the bonus that’s happening, it’s, it is the, I would say it is the only mastermind that I know of that is so, that really is a mix of one on one.

And being in a group of women of color who are growing their businesses, um, I just started a couple of new things. One is quarterly one on one calls, um, are happening on a regular basis. basis. So I have intensives with my clients every quarter and we basically look through what’s happening in their business and we plan for the future.

So you’re going to be able to have that. Plus if you book a sales call within the bonus period, which is between September 24th of 2024 and September 26th, you also get an extremely great bonus of a VIP day and three months of Voxer. I, the reason I did this is because I really want to Be in touch. And I don’t know if it’s always going to be this way.

And if I’m going to offer this again, just to be clear, but right now I really want to, I want to just be close to my clients within this program and I want to help them create results. And I really am focused on like, how can we create results for them? faster, quicker, better with more confidence, with more balance in our lives.

I just, I really want to like solve that for all of my clients. So to do that, I really want to have access to you as much as you have access to me. And I just want to support you with that. So if you’ve ever wanted to work with me one on one, And you bring in 30, 000 or more in sales in the last 12 months, I want you to apply.

Like this is your chance to really get a steal of a program to have one on one coaching. And, um, with me and really make this something like really hit your goals in the way you want to hit them. So we’ll talk a lot more about that later, but let’s get into today’s episode. Let’s talk about how to make six figures, how to make multiple six figures.

With self doubt. Okay. With self doubt. I want to talk through that. And I, this is important to me because I talk a lot about self trust. Self trust is really one of the like philosophies in the mastermind, but The truth is that self doubt is a hundred percent going to happen as a part. It’s just a part of growing and doing and becoming someone you’ve never become creating results you’ve never created before.

And I really want to give you solutions in terms of how I handle this myself and how I am able to be so persistent in My business and taking just like making big moves and taking big risks, even when self doubt feels really, really big. Um, and I don’t think a lot of people know this about me because I come off very, very confident, but I have.

Like, I kind of have really bad self esteem and it started, I think it started when I was really, really young and it had a lot to do with my body. I was always the chubby girl. And I just remember. Like for most of my life, just let’s be real here. For most of my life, I’ve really not had a good relationship with my body.

And it’s probably not until this year that I’ve really, or maybe after I had kids that I really started just embracing my body for what it was and what it is and what it’s done and everything it’s capable of. And. Regardless, I won’t get into that, but I have low self esteem in that realm. And then also I recently ish got diagnosed with ADHD and it’s made so much sense for me because when it comes to like traditional education, although I have a bachelor’s degree, although I did decent in high school, I struggled so, so much.

And I will say that like, A lot of my, how do I say this? I mean, I’m going to, I’m going to show my low self esteem right now in saying this. I have a lot of beliefs about myself when it comes to being smart. And a lot of that comes from my time in school and in college. And I really ha I believe I’m learning.

I’m learning to unbelieve this. A lot of like the reason I graduated With a bachelor’s degree in business is one because I did the work and I deserved it. But two, I just am very personable and I made good friends with all my teachers and I made sure that they knew the hard work I was doing. So I feel like they gave me a lot, a lot, a lot of slack, but they also pushed me.

And I also worked really, really hard, obviously, but. I have, I have lots of strings of low self esteem, so I deal with self doubt like a lot, like a lot, a lot, a lot. One, because I’m a human, and two, because of my history, right? So let’s get into Um, how I deal with it. Let’s get into how I deal with it and how I recommend you deal with it and how I kind of coach on it within show up and lead mastermind and how I handle that.

Okay. Okay. So, and I will say to this, I’ve had to learn how to do this over and over and over again, because I just feel like. Um, you’re going to feel so much discomfort in so many phases of your business while you’re trying to grow your, your revenue and trying to scale your programs. So for me, this has come in and I’ll give you examples while I go through this, but this has come through, um, from having major successes.

from having, um, my baby after my biggest year in business from launching brand new programs from having really, really bad launches, like just a mix of all of it. I’ve, I’ve really had to learn how to, how to, you know, Calm down and how to calm the self doubt or just normalize the self doubt to continue and like keep going and looking at the long term goal.

Okay, so this is, I’m going to share, let’s see, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 steps to navigating self doubt and making six figures or multiple six figures. Okay. Number one, the first thing I do when I’m like realizing that I’m just in my head and I have a lot of self doubt and I’m going back and forth. The first thing I do is kind of get an understanding of what, like what, what is, I kind of rate myself down.

Like, like am I like spinning in my mind? Like, am I completely in doubt and stressed and all the things, or Am I just having some self doubt, like some regular human self doubt? I think that’s the number one thing. Because if you are like in a deep self doubt cycle, right, you can call it a self doubt cycle, self sabotage.

And we actually have a framework in Show Up and Lead Mastermind where I teach self trust and I teach it as like self trust is the opposite of self sabotage, but I’m, I’m It’s self sabotage, but the way I’m looking at it lately as I’m creating the new curriculum is it really is like self trust versus self doubt.

And looking at it, so looking at your self doubt and really asking yourself, like, okay, am I really spinning or can I regulate this easily? That’s number one is just like identifying because if you aren’t full out, like, I’m spinning out. Then you like half to get that out of your body. You have to regulate yourself.

You have to journal, move your body, take a walk. Um, I always recommend it. The first thing I do is to brain dump in a journal and just like let out every sentence that’s going back and forth in my head. And I, especially from that, explain myself doubt, right? So I will get it. All of the thoughts out of my head that sound really, really mean, like, you can’t do this.

You don’t know how to do this. I can’t believe this is still a problem for you. You’re marketing sucks. Your clients don’t like you. Like that’s how it sounds in my brain. Like my brain is very much like, wow, your clients hate you. Like nobody wants to work with you actually. I know it’s silly, but it’s so like, it’s just a very, honest thought that goes through my brain when I’m doing new things, when I’m taking action, when I’m taking risks, right?

So first you want to do that. You want to understand what’s happening in your brain. That’s, Step one and, and really under ask yourself, like, is this self doubt manageable or do I really need to, you know, get this out of my body ASAP? And I want you to trust your first answer there. I want you to trust your first answer.

Now, if you’re like, no, I’m not spinning out, but I’m like, keep going back and forth maybe with my marketing or with the plan I created. If you’re having. a good amount of self doubt, but it’s not spinning out completely. I want you to normalize. One, I want you to like really identify, like, how are you going to regulate that?

So one is like rate the self doubt. Do what you got to do to get yourself regulated. Okay. And the way we do this, so that’s number one, but number two is one thing we do within show up and lead mastermind. I’m creating a new video about this right now and I’ve taught it in the past within show up and lead mastermind is a framework.

I have a system, I have, I should say, called quick to compassion. Okay. Quick to compassion is a A, I would say a process that I do with myself that really involves being very, very, very quick with giving myself the TLC that I need. It’s, it’s really, The process I go through to not debate whether I deserve compassion, rest.

Care, right? I think a lot of what happens when we are just in a cycle of self doubt, a lot that happens is we’re just debating with ourselves all day. Like we’re just debating whether we deserve, like, should we do this? Or I know I should be marketing and no, I should be creating this and I should be doing this.

And I should, Even for things like around the house, I should be doing my laundry and I should be doing this. There’s like a lot of I shoulds and I think when you find yourself telling yourself a lot of I should be doing this or I should be marketing now instead of just giving yourself the love, the self compassion that you need, that’s a problem.

That’s a problem. So that’s why, and it really, this really came from one of my clients asking me, she’s at, this was at the live event last August, almost a year ago. My client asked me and she’s like, but I feel like you’re so good at giving yourself compassion. She said that, and I’m not good at giving myself compassion.

And I remember she told me this and then I went home that day or to my Airbnb that I was staying at, I went to the Airbnb and I came up with this method, um, of self compassion and I’m like, okay, here’s what you have to do then. And that was the beginning of this, this framework around like, you have to be very, you have to become quick at giving yourself compassion.

That’s the is like, you could either debate. And spend time and energy going back and forth in your head that you deserve it. Or you can just give yourself what you fucking need in the moment. Excuse my language. Like you can just give yourself what you need and you have to get good at that. And what I find is like when I am quick to compassion, when I’m quick to give myself compassion, I’m more productive.

I’m more productive. So this is a tool to actually get your you into action, but it involves slowing down. So quick to compassion. Let me just give you like the quick framework. Um, first, It’s, it’s a six step framework, but we condensed it and made, um, step one and two end to the third power. There’s three ends.

Okay. Three ends. That’s, well, let’s just call it step one. Step one is N to the third power and N to the third power is one. So step one is N to the third power, right? Okay. N to the third power is first, you’re going to notice your emotion. You’re going to notice the sensation that your body’s going through.

You’re going to acknowledge your emotion. Okay? That’s step one. Notice the emotion. Step two is name the emotion. Name it. That’s how slow I want you to take this. I want you to notice it and then I want you to name it. And then after you name it, and if you want to, if you’re having a hard time naming your emotion, and by the way, I want to be very clear here.

When you’re naming an emotion, it should be the name of an emotion. An emotion is not a sentence long. An emotion is one word. So, emotion is, I’m feeling really stuck right now. That’s, that’s not naming the emotion. Naming the emotion is, I’m feeling overwhelmed, right? I’m feeling sad. I’m feeling stressed, right?

Those are emotions. I really want you to feel that. challenge yourself to name the actual emotion. And you can just Google emotions wheel and it’ll give you a lot of options. So N to the third power is you notice the emotion, you name the emotion. And then, uh, the third one is you normalize it. You normalize your emotion.

How is it normal? Why is it normal to feel this way? And if you actually answer that question, then you’re probably, your answer is probably going to be something like, or I want it to be something like, well, it’s normal to feel this way because I’m doing something I’ve never done before, or I’m, it’s normal to feel this way because I’m trying to hit a goal I’ve never created before.

Is it normal? Like, is it, would someone in your circumstance in your shoes feel X emotion? Is that a normal feeling they would use, they would have with your circumstance? And if the answer is yes, which I hope it is, if the answer is yes, then I want you to like, realize that nothing’s wrong with you for feeling this way.

Nothing’s wrong with you for feeling this way. It’s just normal. Okay, so that’s end to the third power. So first, you’re going to enter the third power and then step two in the quick to compassion framework. Step two is you’re going to give yourself the space you need. You’re going to rest. You’re going to take a walk.

You’re going to take a breath, whatever you need, but like you need to give yourself the compassion that you, you know, you, you need. You, you want to do right. So give yourself space, take a breath, take a moment to breathe, right? Just pause. I should really call that like step two is like, be present, be present in that moment.

And then. Take a breather. And then from that, and I might even say, take a real breath, like take three real breaths after doing the end to the third power. And then from that space, I want you to shift your focus to compassion. Okay. Shift to compassion. And what I mean by that is ask yourself, what do I need right now?

Step number three is asking yourself, what do I need right now? And you can close your eyes and you could really ask yourself and that might be lately for me. I’ve been, I started a new gym and I’ve been working out a lot. So sometimes like when I’m just feeling anxious, I’m like, Oh, I need to go to the gym right now.

And I’ve been trying to practice that. Like, no, no, no, no. Yes. There’s a lot to do. Yes. You’re behind on a zillion things. And you’re also going to go to the gym right now. And I’m, and I’m willing to feel another emotion to give myself compassion, right? Because sometimes when we do take the action, so the next step, step four is actually taking the action, giving yourself the compassion, right?

So step three is shift to asking yourself, what do I need right now? And then step four is. Take action with kindness, move forward and resist debating with your brain, resist debating with your brain.

And then the next step, step five, is you reassess, you get back to work and then you repeat as needed. So that’s the quick to compassion kind of framework that we use. And again, this is a tool I use. So I just, I mean, it saves time and I’m also just regulating my emotions with it. So I like to think of giving myself compassion as extremely productive.

And I want to get better and better and better at that. Like, how can I get quicker at come back at compassion? How can I get quicker to identifying what I’m feeling, asking myself what I need, and taking action on that? Because I really see it as something that’s extremely productive for my business. For my life, for my family, you know, for everything I want for myself, I just want to get out of that cycle, especially if I’m feeling a lot of self doubt.

So that’s number one. Okay. Oh no, that’s number two. First, you’re going to like really rate your self doubt, really get your thoughts out of your brain and kind of see if you really need some like deep nervous system regulation or if you just need to like loosen up. And then you’re going to. normalize and get really good at getting quick to compassion.

Like I want you to practice that daily. If you want to create six figures, even with self doubt, okay, number three, the third thing that I do and that I’ve have done when I’ve, you know, grown my revenue, even with self doubt is I review my result recipe. I review my result recipe result recipe is something within show up and lead mastermind that we do.

And it’s really basic. Your result recipe is you identify what your thoughts, emotions, and actions were for the, the first results that you’ve created. Right? So like, Within show up and lead mastermind, and I use this tool within the mastermind because it, it is a more sophisticated tool you had to have had success in some way, shape or form to be inside the mastermind, right?

You need to have some record of sales and marketing and just growth overall. And the result recipe is you identifying like, what is my recipe for success? What type of thoughts? What type of sentences am I telling myself in my head when I’m seeing results? What kind of emotions am I creating? What kind of freedom am I giving myself?

It’s really just like understanding where your mindset is at, what your actions look like when you are creating results. So I review my result recipe and I get, I kind of look at like, I look at it as like my personal fundamentals. of success. Like, what are my fundamental steps to create success? So I review that.

I look at that. I’m like, okay, this is my recipe to, like, getting into a more self trust cycle where I’m like, not doubting all of my ideas where I’m not doubting my marketing, where I’m not doubting like all of these things. Let me get back. Let me look at my result recipe and let me, let me look at that and try to get back to that energy.

And that’s what you do. You look at that and you’re like, okay, yeah, this is a good reminder. People do want to work with me. My clients get amazing results. I have a record of client results. People love me. I’m always getting asked to do X, Y, Z. I spoke on stages. I’ve done whatever.

Whatever it is, but review your result recipe and inside show up and lead, you’ll do that. Number four, plan to win, create a plan based on where you are now and where you want to go, where you want to go, or likely, like if you’re inside show up and lead mastermind, you’ll have a quarterly plan. So you’re really relooking at the plan and you’re like, okay, let’s play to fucking win.

And you’re reviewing that and you’re like, okay, let’s Where am I in this process? I don’t want you to get too caught up on what you’ve done before, what you haven’t done before when you’re creating that plan or when you’re going, looking back at the plan that you created. I really want you to learn how to handle your emotions.

With whatever plan that you created and follow through with your plan, that is one thing that’s helped me not just grow my revenue, but sustain my business when it has been the hardest is going back to the plan I originally created our brain when we’re in deep self doubt, our brain wants to abandon our plan.

It wants to abandon it. And if you made an ambitious plan, it definitely wants you to abandon it. So I really want you to go back to that plan. Don’t get caught up on what you’ve, what you have experience in and what you don’t have experience in. And instead, go to the plan that you made and follow it. I don’t want you to worry about like how you’re going to feel later or how it’s going to feel doing XYZ.

I just want you to focus on the next couple steps aligned with your plan. Focus on what you believe is the best plan of action or the next best steps. When you’re planning, when you’re executing, when you’re implementing, I want you to do it from this calm, determined energy.

And one thing I don’t think I added in here, but one thing I do too, that really helps me kind of get back to my plan is I identify what emotions I want to create so that I can implement the way I want to. So what I mean by that is like, I remember a specific time when I was on maternity leave and I was like, I was like one month postpartum, it was crazy.

I was so full of just all the emotions. My hormones were literally everywhere, right? I just had a baby. And I had my first, uh, mastermind call coming up and I was going to start work again just like a couple of days a week. And I didn’t have any childcare, like I had zero childcare and I think it was like a week away.

And I was like, what are you doing? Cat? You need childcare for the next fricking, like literally next week. What are you going to do? And I remember I was just like procrastinating and I was just like in this huge cycle of self doubt. And I, I remember asking myself in that moment, I was like, okay, what If I wanted to take action, right, like if, if Cat who takes full action on this, what is she feeling like, what is she feeling when she’s taking full action?

Like, what is the emotion she is like embodying? And I, I, I remember I identified it and I was like, Oh, if I was like doing all the right things, I would be feeling like very, very focused and determined. Yeah. Like I would be like extremely determined and I would just, and then I identify the action. So I’m like, okay, what actions would I be taking?

And I’m like, oh, well I would be sent, like I would be posting something on like all the mom channels within my local area telling them I’m looking for a part time nanny. I would be going on a care. com and just sending a message to a whole bunch of people and like I knew what I needed to do, but I wasn’t doing it.

So I asked myself like, okay. If I was doing all these things, what would I be feeling? What would get me into action? And it was really being like determined and focused. And then I asked myself, okay, Cat, what gets me determined and focused? Like, what do I know about myself that gets me determined and focused?

And I think at that time I like put music on like my favorite music that like makes me feel like a bad ass. I put it on, I put it loud and I just started dancing. And then I was like, okay, let’s get to fucking work. And I did what I wanted to do,

plan, like stick with the plan that you had. Okay. Last one, how to create six figures or multiple six figures with self doubt because you will feel it. And it’s not this like bad, horrible thing. It’s a normal thing. that you will learn how to manage inside show up and lead mastermind. Okay. So last one is shift your focus to serving clients.

This is like the easiest way to get out of your head. The easiest way to get out of your head is to give, to give, to help, to serve, giving, serving. That is such a grounding experience. And I think anytime I’ve been in my head in my business, it’s always because I’m focusing on my business too much. And focusing on your clients, I want you to shift your focus on serving client.

That is what I want you to do. Start conversations. Online, get coaching and teaching. Okay. Get coaching, get teaching, go out there and help your people help your people. That’s what I want you to focus on. So what that looks like in action is put a training on your calendar and invite all your clients.

And just immediately, it could be like in two days, like, Hey, I decided to do this training. Come. I hope you’re there. And if nobody shows up, just record it anyway as a training and then send it to everyone. I just want you to get serving and teaching, teach something from your intellectual property inside show up and lead mastermind.

You’re going to create, if you don’t already. And if you do, then I’ll. Teach you kind of how to use it in your marketing and within your program to create more client results. Teach some, teach a step of your unique coaching process. Teach something from your intellectual property. Look at past trainings and ask yourself, like, how could I, what could I explain a little deeper here?

Start new conversations online. Look at past conversations that you’ve had. Steer your brain in the direction of serving, serving. Giving, helping is the easiest way, I think, to grounding us and just remembering how important our work is and how people do need our help and that our businesses are extremely valuable and that there is demand for them, that there is demand for our offers.

So this is the work that you will do inside show up and lead mastermind. You will learn how to calm the self doubt instead of being upset at it. You will learn to be quick to give yourself compassion. You will look at your own data of your business from a regulated place. You’ll have a plan in place and when things feel crazy, you’ll stick with the plan and you’ll give yourself lots of TLC as you stick with that plan.

The best part is your clients will be served more because when you are in your head, you’ll focus on them. Now I’m not, I’m not saying like burn yourself out and like give them the world. The reality is like, I want you to get yourself in a space of serving and giving and really groundedness. And that’s how you create six figures, multiple six figures with or without Self doubt.

All right. I hope this was so, so helpful for you. If you are listening to this and you are like, this is exactly the kind of coaching I need. Book a sales call with me now. Let’s talk and see if show up and lead mastermind is good for you, will help you in your business Yeah, come. Let’s just talk. I can’t wait to, and for those of you who are listening to this and you’re like, no, I’m in, um, I can’t wait to meet you.

I can’t wait to talk to you. I can’t wait to welcome you back. And I think that’s it for right now. All right, y’all. I will see you later. Big, big, big hug. Bye. Applications for Show Up and Lead Mastermind are open now. Head to to apply or DM me on Instagram at @catdelcarmen with any questions.

I cannot wait to see you inside.

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