Show Up Real is a show dedicated to putting more cash in the hands of Women of Color.

Hosted by multiple six-figure business coach Catalina Del Carmen, she shares strategies that keep your business simple, your mindset focused, your bank account big, and your impact even bigger. Listen to the weekly episodes on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or your favorite podcast app. 



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Catalina Del Carmen is a wife, mom, first-generation Guatemalteca, and multiple six-figure business coach. She keeps it real week after week, sharing the mindset, marketing, and sales strategies that keep your coaching business simple while still massively profitable and impactful.

278. Webinar Replay: The Quality Shift: Elevate Your Marketing, Mindset, & Coaching Process to Scale Your Business

This episode is a replay of the free webinar, The Quality Shift: Elevate Your Marketing, Mindset, & Coaching Process to Scale Your Business, which was held on October 14, 2024.

Learn how to think about scaling your business, how to manage your mindset for quality instead of quantity, and create your own unique concepts & methodologies to scale your programs inside of your business and in your marketing.

Show Up & Lead Mastermind is now open for enrollment! Apply now at

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[00:00:00] Okay, so for those of you who don’t know me, we’re going to have a small group here today. I didn’t have a ton of signups because this was like a second, um, webinar, but it is going to be a little bit different from the last. So if you were here, um, I did make some changes. So my name is Catalina Del Carmen. I am a business coach and a marketing coach for women of color. Um, today I want to talk about the quality shift. It’s just I, I created the quality shift. But the reason I wanted to talk about quality is because when I’ve looked back at the decisions I’ve made in my business, as I grew my revenue, um, so much had to do with improving the quality of my mindset and quality of my marketing quality of what was happening inside of my programs and my business.

[00:01:00] And, um, I wanted to really share that perspective in, in, in a unique way. I think when people think of quality, they think of doing things fancy and more, and that’s not always the case. So let’s talk about it, um, really quickly. My name is Catalina. I already told you I’m a mother of two. This is my little one, um, Rome. And then this is my other little one, PJ. I have a wonderful husband too. Who I’ve been able to grow this business since I became a mom. I decided to kind of pivot that way after I had a baby. I started with a podcast. So Follow That Fear podcast was my first podcast. I also worked in retail for a very long, long, long time. Um, I worked in restaurants. I worked in tech and my last job before I got into coaching was actually selling learning and development, which is pretty silly. Um, I was selling learning and [00:02:00] development. So I was in sales, but I was selling coach, basically selling coaching, selling training. Um, uh, like I mentioned, I, I started my, I started serving tables at a really young age. Then it got into retail. Then I grew a career in tech, became a full time mom when COVID happened. And then a full time entrepreneur. In terms of my business, a lot of people think it started in like 2020 or 2021 if you know anything about my story. But the reality is that it started way before, probably in 2016 ish. I started a fashion blog and that was my introduction to content. And I started playing around with content and creating content at that time. So I had a couple years of just playing around online, but it wasn’t until 2020 or 2019 when I started my podcast and really committed to growing my podcast and marketing it. And that turned into me creating some courses and [00:03:00] group programs. And at the end of 2020, I was so burnt out that I really debated whether this was for me, like entrepreneurship in general. But in 2021, I decided to stop selling all of my other programs. I decided to double down on one on one services, one on one coaching specifically. And doing that helped me really get good at a couple of things. One helping my clients create results and to helping myself become a very, very good coach. One thing I did very well at that time was I expanded my capacity. I was not scared to, I will, I won’t say I wasn’t scared. I will say I told myself it was like between me and God, I was like, okay, if you give me the clients, I’m going to say yes to them. And that was my attitude. And I just got really good at marketing. Because I was so committed to serving my people that year, um, I created my first multiple [00:04:00] six figure year selling one single offer. And, um, then went on 2022 to scale that one on one program into a mastermind, into a group. While I had my second baby boy. So 2022 was definitely like a slower year, but the thing about scaling, the way I think about scaling is scaling is not just growing your revenue. Scale is growing the attachment of your time and your revenue, right? So from 2021 to 2022, I probably made, I think, maybe like 50 to 60, 000 less in 2022. But I, I mean, the amount I worked with so little, I did not have a lot of hours in front of people. Whereas 2021, I, I was having 20 plus clients in, um, many seasons during that time, and I was really staying fully booked with one on one. And then in [00:05:00] 2023, I, um, really got good at launching. Launching is a skill that we’ll talk about a little bit later, but launching is a skill that you have to learn and practice how to sell in a lot in a marketing campaign, right? A launch is just a marketing campaign. So although I had sales skills from this year, I was selling a different offer and every offer you sell, you want, you have to learn how to sell that offer. So I spent a lot of 2023 and 2024, um, scaling my programs and getting good at launching, getting good at creating processes, investing in mob in my business slowly, but surely fixing things, helping my clients get results, et cetera, et cetera. And then in 2024, um, uh, this year I’ve been able to, I’ve really been focused to grow both of my offers. I hit 300 K earlier this year.

[00:06:00] And, um, and by the end of the year, I would have done probably five launches, maybe even six, although I don’t recommend it. Um, but I was able to take six weeks off this year because I wanted to, because I wanted to have a good summer with my kids. So. That’s a little bit about that. Um, but at the end of the day, I really started my business because I was raised by a single Guatemalan mom in the San Francisco Bay area. She’s a big, big reason that I am focused on really building wealth for me and my family. And my way to do that is through building my business along with other wealth building, um, resources and tools that you should, that I also recommend. So here’s what today’s going to look like. We’re going to talk about scaling your mindset. We’re going to talk about scaling your business. We’re going to talk about my simple scaling process, and then we’ll get into Show Up & Lead Mastermind. Um, and I’ll give you info about that. And then we could do Q&A later.

I’m super happy coaching or answering any questions at the end of this. Just know that I’m going to be, um, I’ll signal to you when I start talking about my offer. Okay. So here, let’s start with what a lot of what you guys might want, but what most folks at this like 30k to 100k even range who maybe have plateaued. This is what I find that they want, this desire. They want to grow business to seven figures. They want to build wealth. They want to have an impact on the community that they care about. Okay, so that’s one thing they want. They also, they want, uh, you might want to build a business that’s growing in revenue year after year. You want your audience asking you about your offers all the time, wanting to know when doors open, wanting to know if you have availability. You want your revenue to feel predictable. You want to know you want to be known in the industry [00:08:00] as a leader and for, for the expertise you have, and you want to help people scale, or you want help. I’m sorry. You want help in scaling your business so that you don’t have to be bringing in, like, think of every dollar that you’re bringing in. And then some of you might want to be to scale from one on one services to some type of group offers. And if you have a group offer, you want to be able to scale that into more revenue. And here’s the challenge that I find with lots of, with all the clients that I’ve worked with in the past. It’s either some of these. So number one, sales calls. So I find that either there are folks that are not 100 percent confident in converting sales calls into paying clients, or they don’t get enough sales calls and they want more sales calls from the marketing they’re putting out there. So you’re not either getting [00:09:00] enough leads or you’re not actually closing the sales calls that you get. You feel like you have no control over your revenue, never knowing how much you’re going to sell and make each month. You feel like you’ve maybe plateaued in your revenue. And feel stuck at 30k, 50k, 100k, even 150k plus. And you know your marketing needs help, but feeling very overwhelmed by how much you have to create to grow it. Your client results are so so, maybe, and you’re not excited to sell your offers. Your launches feel like, like a last minute afterthought or a giant project that, like, you have to get correct and right. That’s what I find with my clients. It’s like, it’s one or the other. Now, here’s what I find most folks will do about it. Um, and these are things that I have all done. [00:10:00] So I say it

from pure experience. Um, and there’s also, I want to be clear here. There’s not shame in any of this. This is building a business. This is growing. This is learning. So I want to be clear about that. So here’s what I’ve either done about it. clients have done about it or clients that come to me, this is what they’re doing about it. You might be creating the same marketing over and over again that, you know, is not working any more for you, but you keep doing it. Um, you push out random offers, paid offers, paid workshops, paid, um, uh, just. Any kind of ways to make money because you want, you, you need to pay the pills. Um, you don’t audit your business results very much. And, uh, so you never really know what’s working. I think this is a big, this is a big one. And this is something that I’m always working on myself too, is actually understanding what is working in my business [00:11:00] and what is not. But what I find is that people are not doing that. like at all. Another reason is you might raise your prices or lower your prices unintentionally fully based off your competitors or what someone else is doing online. I’ve seen this a lot of like just making random price decisions because you saw someone do it or someone made a recommendation or you saw a piece of content and you’re like, I’m going to run with it. Um, you might be doing these last minute launches or doing random open carts to get some money in. Um, I know a lot of folks, and again, no shame around this. There’s no shame around any of this, but where I’m, I’ll take you on this like journey of what I want you to be thinking about as you grow your business. Hold on. Let me let some people in. Okay. So, um, let me see you’re doing last minute [00:12:00] launching open cards, create random offers to make a couple thousand here and there you spend time. Some people are very focused on spending time inside of their business, making things very pretty, making things very perfect. It’s very focused on things that. aren’t marketing that aren’t going to put, um, actually move the needle. This is what I find that they do about it. Okay. And here’s what it creates when you go through this cycle. And let me just go back. Cause a couple of people just joined when you go through this cycle, right. Of the challenge being like, I’m either not getting sales calls or I’m not getting leads. It’s one of those. You feel like you have no control of your business. Your, your, your revenue is plateaued. Your marketing feels like it needs help, but it just feels overwhelming and you feel like you’ve already tried everything. Your client results are so so and you’re not excited about your offer or you’re launching randomly, right? So it creates a lot [00:13:00] of this. This is what it creates when you go through that cycle. You, what I find is you completely burn out. You are working yourself to the bone. Because one thing I know about at least my clients, the work, they’ll do the work, right? Like we’re really good at working really hard. A lot of us had immigrant parents. We know what hard work actually like looks like and we’re willing to do it. Um, but it’s a different game when it comes to business building. And not that you won’t work hard, of course you’ll work hard, but burning out and working yourself to the bone. This is what happens when you do those things, right? Um, without real breaks and staying attached to your phone, even when you’re with friends and family, what I find it creates is run to updating your resume and looking for jobs. Not that there’s any shame in this, but I want you to see what it actually creates, right? Avoid marketing. Some people [00:14:00] because the emotional toll of building a business feels so big, they, the, the challenge for them is. Um, hold on. Sorry. I was just making sure someone wasn’t trying to get in. Um, the challenge for them is that they don’t market because they’re so emotionally in their business that their marketing slows down because you’re not proud of the work that your business is bringing into the world, or you’re not proud of your offers, or you’re not proud of. Or you failed, right? So some folks will avoid marketing completely for that reason. You might start taking on new projects. You might start thinking like every time that I’ve had any type of failure in my business, the first place my brain goes to is like, I should do this with my podcaster. I should do a live event or like I should do like, not that there are bad ideas, right? Like I should do a retreat. It’s not that they’re bad ideas. What it is though, is our brain doesn’t want to focus on what we really have to dig for. [00:15:00] Okay. So what all, what this also creates is you might just completely stop your self care routines. That’s what I find. You either stop your self care routines and you’re just overwhelmed with work or thinking about work so much, or some people double down on their self care and do like triple or quadruple the amount to avoid the work they actually have to do in their business. This is what I find. It’s like, everyone’s a little bit different and you’re either like avoiding the self care routine or you’re just like, I’m going to journal all day. And it’s like, okay, there’s like also a medium there, right? Um, some people will, like you may have great, so what it creates is you may have great branding and everything looks pretty inside and outside of your offer, but no one is buying in or, or either they’re not getting results or no, you’re not getting new clients and it’s only renewals or something like that. And then you also might start feeling like you [00:16:00] have no idea what you’re. Like what you’re even doing and what you’re even selling and who you’re even selling to. And like, what, what am I doing again? Because you’re so stuck in doing these things. You’re marketing over and over and over. You’re putting random offers out. You’re not auditing your business. You’re lowering, lowering or raising your prices unintentionally, just based off something that happened. Right. Um, you’re doing last minute launches or things like that, right? So this is the energy it creates, and this is just not sustainable. It is so not sustainable. And we know this, right? We know this, but it’s true. It’s just not sustainable. And what it does is it keeps you doing the same thing over and over. It keeps you wildly burnt out, growing a very bad relationship with money and with business. It keeps you from trying new things in your [00:17:00] business, and it keeps you from auditing your launches or marketing or campaigns or whatever. It keeps you focused on working with brands or speaking gigs versus building the business you actually want to build. Not that there’s any problem. I want you to work with brands and speaking gigs as well, but only if you want to, right? It keeps you running to your next dollar instead of being intentional about what you are doing on the day to day. This is quantity thinking. Like I think of all this stuff is like more, more, more, more, more, more, more. This is quantity. I just need to do more. I just need to do more posts. I just need to market more. I need to send more emails. I need to sign more clients and it’s just very focused on quantity. And what it does is it creates these cycles of deep self doubt, deep, deep, deep self doubt, overwhelm, and like lots of [00:18:00] attachment to your business. Lots of attachment to your business, which what I mean by that is like, when something happens in your business, you tie it to you and your own worth and creates this cycle. And here’s what I’ve learned. And what I continue learning, I should also say over and over and over again, a scaling business. Like if, if you really want to scale, if we really want to scale a scaling business needs intentionality, it needs intentionality. It needs you to be willing to test and learn things. It needs you to keep things moving, and it needs a vision. It needs a direction. It needs to know where we’re going. That’s what a scaling business need. And a scaling CEO. [00:19:00] Needs productive rest. Now, all, all rest is productive. Go listen to my productive rest podcast if you have thoughts about that. All rest is productive, but it does need you to take good care of yourself. A scaling CEO, they need joy outside of their business. They need detachment. From their business and planning ahead of time. Look, I love working, right? I forget. There’s like this, like Kim Kardashian, like real or something from the last season where she’s like, I don’t do drugs. I just like to work. I’m one of those people. Like, I love to work. I really do love to work, but I also am very bad. at resting productively and taking good care of myself. So I know that as a person who loves to work, I need to be onto myself. I need to be onto myself when I know that I’m avoiding [00:20:00] the work or I’m avoiding the inner work in terms of what a scaling CEO needs. Here’s what I find is the actual problem. So we talked about like the problem, like the challenges, right? We talked about the solutions that I see a lot of my clients see. We talked about what happens when you do that. And here’s what I

find is like the real problem. When I’m being very real with my clients, when I’m being very real with myself, right, in my own self coaching, this is what I see is the problem that comes up a lot. You’re attached to your business failures and business results. Oops, I think there’s someone with, okay, I think it went away. Let me just make sure. Yeah, you’re attached. Oopsie daisy. You’re attached to your business problems, your business failures, your energy and mood is directly tied to what happens in your business. You are [00:21:00] not practicing enough self care and compassion, trying to be everything to everyone in your business and your life. And I think specifically for me and my clients, it’s not even just business. Like so many of my clients. They’re not just trying to scale their business. They’re trying to be a super fucking mom and a super daughter and a super this and a super friend. And what happens when you do that is you’re crossing your own boundaries. You don’t, you might not even have good boundaries that you hold, um, that you hold to because you’re always thinking that you need to be somebody for something. You’re not planning your revenue ahead of time. And instead you’re thinking about your business month to month chasing your revenue, instead of planning for it, you are more focused on getting new clients than you are on how your current clients are actually doing and creating resources and, um, and, and. actual helpful coaching for [00:22:00] them. You might be like the, what I find the real problem is we aren’t elevating our offers, right? So there was many times where we’re not focused on elevating our offers program, sales process marketing, because business feels too big to handle. Right. I have to calm myself down from this all the time because my brain could just go one thing to another and I need this, then this needs to be happened. This needs to happen. It’s like, whoa, you keep taking action on strategies that aren’t working because they are what you’re most comfortable with. What I find is like when we are in a stressed. like burnout cycle, or when we’re not being like very intentional about our business decisions, you stay in a cycle of doing the same thing that might not work. And some things you want to do the same, just to be clear, some things you [00:23:00] want to keep doing, but you want to, again, it’s all about intentionality. Um, lastly, your mindset is so much of a mess that you can’t even market in your business. I mentioned this earlier, but like sometimes I’m sure everybody here who has a business has gone through it, where you’re so much in your head that you just want to avoid marketing at all. And then getting back to marketing feels like a huge mountain because we take those like breaks. when I want you to be able to take a break any fucking time you want. Excuse my language. So here’s the solution I want to talk through today. This is the simple scaling process. This is the process we go through in Show Up & Lead Mastermind. And it’s very, very straightforward. I will say the, in the program, we, we split it up in two ways. There’s the philosophies and then there’s a process.

The process is very heavy on strategy, but there’s also the philosophies, which I will talk [00:24:00] through a little bit throughout all of this, but here’s the real solution. Y’all and some of you who’ve worked with me who are here, like, you might have heard this before, but the real solution is this. One, we have to, if you really want to scale, like if you really, really, really want to grow your business, you have to get great at selling one thing very, very well. Not because it’s the rule and you just have to do it because I say it’s the best rule or whatever. No, I’ve, trust me, I’m a, I love business. I’m a big fan. I can’t hear anything all good now. Okay. Just making sure you guys can hear, um, I have studied business. I’m a business major. I’ve read so many books on growing businesses and, uh, it’s pretty consistent across the board. If you want to get great at selling and scaling, you need to you have to [00:25:00] get very good at selling one thing very, very well. And what happens is when you’re not selling one thing very, very well, you switch to selling a whole bunch of random things, which is understandable, right? You got to bring money in, but your skills aren’t growing. So number one is you have to learn how to sell one thing really, really well. And I will say this too, if you have been selling one thing really, really well, and you were, you’re still struggling, then you might have to change what you’re selling and then learn how to sell that really, really well. But you’re not going to skip this step. You’re just not. You have to learn that step. Okay. And, and, and I will say too, regardless of whether you’re selling millions or, or a couple thousand, you have to do that over and over and over again. Regardless of offer, one of the best, um, kind of one liners that my one of my mentors gave me one day is she says every single offer you have is its own [00:26:00] business. Every offer you have is its own business. So if you have 3 offers that you’re selling, it feels like a lot. It’s because that’s 3 fucking businesses. Of course, it’s a lot. Of course, it’s a lot. Right. And I have to have this conversation with myself all the time because sometimes my brain wants me to scale faster. So then I’ll take these like different chances and do these, take these actions in my businesses, in my business that’s less intentional. And what I find is I reap the consequences later. I reap the consequences later.

So number one, you have to get great at selling one thing. I always recommend that be one on one coaching or one on one services. First get fully booked, get things moving in your, your main offer. And then as your demand grows, then we could talk about like scaling. That’s [00:27:00] always what I recommend first.

Number two is you have to keep your business very, very simple. We do this and I’m going to go through this. as well, but you have to keep your business simple throughout this process. And this is why intentionality and like the, the quality shift is so important, right? Like focusing on the quality, because once you start selling and things start moving, your brain is going to tell you, you need more help. You need this, your systems need this. Your, your curriculum needs that you’re like, you think you need all these things when the reality is no, no, no, no, no. We. You still got to focus on keeping things very simple and making sure that your clients are getting the best, best, best results. Cause that’s, what’s going to help you grow. Number three, creating a unique signature process or your intellectual property. Whether you have it or whether you need to create it, whatever that looks like, one of the things, I cannot stress this enough, one of the things that helped me be [00:28:00] able to scale into group really quite simply is because one, I did number one, and two, um, I I semi did number three.

Number four, one of the first things I did after getting fully, fully booked is I started doubling down on the value that I was giving my current clients. I kept my eye on, let me help my people create more and better results faster. Because one thing that, A lot of people forget about when it comes to, um, when it comes to scaling your business is it’s wonderful and great if you can help your one on one clients get results, right? That’s wonderful. But how do you help a group get results, right? How do you help, let’s say, five people get results without one on one time with you or with little to none one on one time with you? How do you get 50 people? To get results without you having to actually coach each of them. How do you get 100? How do you get 235? [00:29:00] Right? One of my mentors has 2000 people in her program, right? 2000 people in her program, right? 2000. So it’s like you really do have to have a very, very intentional process. Your intellectual property needs to be shining through so that your clients can get results without you having to be the person who’s walking them to it. But that happens by intentionally practicing your unique process. So if you’re here, you might’ve heard me talk about your intellectual property. And the reason I’m, it’s a part of this process is because regardless where you are in your, your level in your business, you have to keep teaching your clients. You have to keep educating them. You have to be practicing your unique concepts, your methodologies, right? And it takes a lot of [00:30:00] confidence to do that because a lot of the, our, our, our concepts or methodologies, when we first come up with them, they don’t feel very fucking genius to us. They just feel like, well, it’s kind of matter of fact, like duh. But we have to become people who are just unapologetically sharing what we believe the industry needs and what we believe is the right way to do whatever, you know, whatever we do in our niche. And the reason creating a signature process is so important for that is because you want to get the ball rolling on your signature process and really test it out with your clients. A. S. A. P. because your clients will tell you what concepts really land right now. I remember last year. I love last year. Yeah. Last year. I launched my foundational offer, which is called Show Up Real. It’s a content and community building program. And I help people. Create their first, um, online [00:31:00] community and then, uh, grow their, you know, grow clients from there. But what I’ve found is when I put, when I created the content, when I created the curriculum, I should say, and I started putting things out there just now, this is like, I don’t know. I updated it a couple months ago, but now my clients are repeating my concepts back to me. They’re like, oh, I love this concept. Or I love the prompts that I love this, right? They’re telling me what’s really working. So I, as I elevate, as I work on, um, evolving that curriculum probably next year. I’m going to know exactly what concepts to double down on because they’re already working. Because I decided to double down on my IP and creating something that’s. It’s unique and me and, and, you know, and my clients will tell me if it actually works enough.

Number four is elevating your marketing. I think this [00:32:00] is a huge one. You cannot scale your business if you don’t, um, evolve your marketing. And I think the, the main ways that my clients are doing it inside Show Up & Lead Mastermind is one, they’re creating a repurposing content strategy so that they don’t have to be behind every single post. This is big though. I would not be able to grow my revenue. Or, or even just scale my programs, I wouldn’t have been able to do that if I did not create a repurposing strategy this week, just this week’s today’s. Doors close on Friday to Show Up & Lead Mastermind. And just this week, there’s going to be probably somewhere around 30 posts, emails, et cetera, maybe not 30, maybe more like 15 or 20 now, um, that go out without me having to do it. I’m still going to be marketing. I’m [00:33:00] still going to be creating things, but I’m not doing every single piece. So elevating your marketing is really, really important from a repurposing standpoint. Also from a marketing message standpoint, I think the biggest differentiator of how I sold when I was selling one on one coaching to how I sell now is I, in one on one coaching, um, you, because you are actually the person who’s going to speak to the client, and this is for services, too, because you’re actually the person who’s going to speak to each client, you can communicate anything you need in any way you want to that client, right? Like, you could just tell them their individual problem. The solution you, you think is best for them, et cetera, et cetera. But when you’re doing it at scale, when you’re, when you’re not seeing these people and you actually don’t know all the ins and outs about their growth, right? Or what they desire. You have to be able to sell your offers with a [00:34:00] message that is understandable to the consumer, to the buyer, right? So they, you’re, you’re no longer selling just a service. You’re selling, um, almost like a product. It’s like sell, like for example, if you buy like a night cream, right? You’re going to look at the bottle and you’re not going to know if it’s a night cream, if it doesn’t say night cream, right? You’re not going to know if it helps with rosacea, if it doesn’t say it helps with rosacea. So your marketing does have to shift as you scale because you’re no longer, eventually, um, you won’t be selling one on one and you won’t be in front of everything, right? You won’t be in front of every single person and be able to give them specific feedback. You’re going to have to sell your offer, um, explaining your, explaining the offer a little bit more, explaining a little bit about what, like, what, who it’s for and what it’s best for and like, who you actually help and who gets results and like all these things.

[00:35:00] So it’s important to refine your marketing message as well. And then lastly, launch a scalable offer now. This isn’t like a step by step process I think people can be a mix of all of these but the last one is really selling an offer that you can scale. Meaning it’s an offer that can grow without you having to be the person behind all of the services or coaching. So I’ve seen this happen in quite a few different ways, but it could be a membership. It could be a group program. It could be something where you can get more people in than you could in one on one services. Okay, so the way I want you to think about it is your scalable offer is the offer that maybe you’ll have 2000 people in one day. Now, that might feel a lot for some of you, but I just want you to explore what that could look like. Now, if it feels heavy or things like that, we can talk about that, and that’s what I mainly coach [00:36:00] on, right? But what is going to be the offer that you don’t have to physically be behind? 24 7 for the rest of your business. Eventually I want, you know, you’re not going to want to be like in the business. You might want more businesses, right? You might want to have it a little bit more passive, who knows, but regardless creating a scalable offer is a part of that. Okay. Let’s keep going. That was a lot. Okay. So I gave a lot of context when I explained the process, but I’m going to give a little bit more and, um, uh, I’m, yeah, I’m going to give a little bit more and then I’m going to show you some examples of clients that have like tried different strategies and approaches inside Show Up and Lead Mastermind. So number one is mastering selling one offer, mastering selling one offer. I’m going to get out of this [00:37:00] real fast and I want to actually. If you want to pin my little image, I’m going to get on the whiteboard real fast. I want to show you what. I, how I teach mastering one single offer. So I typically teach this in like getting fully booked, but when you’re mastering one single offer, what you’re doing is you’re ha you’re practicing your beliefs. So from a mindset point of view, you have to have belief in you, your offer, and your audience. I find that especially women of color who are very like, heart centered and care about their community. I find that they have a really hard time. Um, creating belief that there are actually people out there that are their ideal clients who can afford their offer, who can afford their services or who [00:38:00] actually are in their. Like you have to practice the belief that like you are the person to, to, to provide this. You are the person to do that. Your offer is where people get results.

And then number three, there are people. your ideal people out there who need this offer, who are looking for you. You have to be able to really believe that, that like my offer, regardless of the price, regardless of all these things, people want it and they will pay for it. Okay. So in terms of mastering selling, this is a whole like mini process. Okay. So you have to have belief in those offers. Number two, is you have to actually hold on. Let me

you have to keep back end simple. I see this all the time with my clients. They get [00:39:00] busy. They get five clients at once. They get booked to 15 clients and then they want to slow down. They want to invest. They want to hire a VA. They want to hire someone to do their systems. They want to hire. A photographer, like, and no, no diss to any of these, right? But what I’m saying is like, you got to keep things really simple at this stage, really simple. Okay. And then your main focus, the way you master sales is you have to stay focused on revenue generating activities. This is so important and what revenue generating activities is it’s sales and marketing and client results. Like, that’s that has to be the focus to master this. Um, you have to stay focused on revenue generating activities and then lastly. You [00:40:00] have to understand how you’re getting results. And then you create your results recipe. You want to create a recipe where you’re like, okay, I know exactly where my mindset needs to be. I know exactly what kind of marketing I need to be doing to, to, to, like, to sell my offer. I, what I want for all of you is for it to be a place you can land so that revenue can feel predictable. Okay, so this needs to become a process. And let me tell you, you’re going to have to repeat this with your scalable offer too. It’s not like it ends here, but step one is getting really good at selling your offer now. Um, yeah, so that’s number one. Okay. Let me show you really quickly. How, why did I do this? Let me see. I think you could see it now. Okay. Let me share some examples of [00:41:00] how my clients have done this. So this is Camila. She’s a brand photographer. She came into my program last year and I think her revenue was like only 15k. If you want to hear her story, she, I have a podcast episode with her on Show Up Real podcast, but. Camila is a brand photographer and videographer. We worked with each other last year and she was selling, I think, three different offers at that time when we met. And I really challenged her to sell one single offer, um, at that time. I, I challenged her to sell one single offer and really get behind the offer and simplify everything. Like, don’t try to complicate things right now. Just get to a hundred K, get to 200 K, get to whatever goal you see fit right there. Get to it very simply. So she kept things really simple in the behind the scenes. She fixed her, her systems, but just a little bit here, a little bit there. She wasn’t trying to do like these [00:42:00] giant tasks in the middle of her growth. Let’s get money and let’s get revenue. And that was the energy. So she managed her mind really well. She focused on generating revenue generating activities. She went to work marketing your business. There were so many ups and downs. I remember in that process. Um, and I remember she’s during our podcast. She specifically said, like, 1 thing that helped her so much was just trusting the process and seeing it through. She ended up making, I think, like 120 K in less than a year. From when she, uh, from when I had that sales call with her and she ended up joining Show Up and Lead Mastermind. So she is an example of like, once upon a time I had to work one on one with clients for them to get these results, right? Like I had to be the person who like walked them through every step. Now I’ve created a program that could create those results without me having to do it. That’s the way I want you to think about scaling too. It’s not just about time and I’m [00:43:00] sorry. Can I want to make sure everyone can hear me. Um, no, not 15 K a month. She had 15 K, um, 15, 000 like total in her business. She was new to business. Um, so she’s someone who really honed in on like, I’m going to trust the process and just get very good at this and bring the results. I want to bring in. This is, um, someone who has also been in Show Up and Lead Mastermind. She’s an anti oppression coach. She sells one on one coaching. Okay. So the way she did business, um, was that she would, she decided inside Show Up and Lead Mastermind that she wanted to launch, like use launch strategies, use launch marketing strategies, but she wanted to use it for one on one services. If you, um, Mira has a client testimonial on my website, but if you read her story, she is someone who really struggled [00:44:00] with marketing because she just felt this pull that sales and marketing was could be like, it was just borderline, very, very unethical. And I remember her calling it predatory. She’s like, I don’t want to get predatory with my marketing and et cetera, et cetera. And I really had to coach her inside of Show Up and Lead Mastermind. To see that you marketing your services, you actually going out there and selling the fuck out of your offer is actually the best service you can do for your people. And this is why it’s so important to think of your audience in such a high way. Think of your community. In a very high level, when you believe your community is smart, when you believe they make good decisions, they know what’s best for them. They are hungry for growth and change. When you believe those things, you’re not tripping about what, whether they think your, your marketing is this or that [00:45:00] you’re just like, I’m here to serve people. Take it or leave it. I’m here to serve people. If you want change, I could help you personally, right? She ended up doing a launch and I want to say she secured 90, 000, um, six months ahead of time. Like the way she had her business model was that she would fill it up and then they would get started like four months later or four to six months later. So she ended up making 90, 000 in, um, in contracts. six months ahead of time. It was really incredible to see her launch. And I believe she mainly did it all through email. Everybody in the program markets a little bit different, but, um, she’s an example of really mastering selling and getting very good at selling that one offer. So let’s talk about simplifying your business and what that looks like. So when I say Simplify your business. What I mean is you [00:46:00] want to keep your couple things and I actually simplify your business and balance your business art together. One, you want to start planning ahead of time, planning ahead. This is very big. And this is, you know, Something I very much avoided at the beginning of my, um, journey, you have to start planning ahead of time. If you want to scale your business, if you don’t plan ahead of time, what happens is you reap the consequences of last minute work, last minute strategy, last minute decisions, which typically Because you’re over, like overworked, overwhelmed, overthinking, the decisions aren’t even high quality decisions because you’re so fucking tired because you didn’t plan ahead of time. So practicing planning ahead of time and actually implementing that is so, so, so important. So you practice planning ahead of time. You create an actual, actually this strategy is so, yeah, [00:47:00] actually, yeah. You create a simple content strategy. strategy. You keep the back end simple. So like SOPs and things, you keep those simple. I just did a training for my mastermind clients on SOPs, but, um, you keep the back end simple. You keep the content strategy, strategy, simple. You start planning ahead of time and you start implementing long implementing projects. But you’re doing this intentionally. You’re not doing all the projects at once. This is really, really, really important that you’re doing, you’re putting one foot in front of the other, not rushing to things like one of the biggest, I mean, I’ve made a lot of investments in my business, but I will say like the times where I was throwing money at problems that I didn’t want to handle were typically like the [00:48:00] worst investments. Because I was trying to have someone else fix my problem when the reality is I needed to be the visionary of that, maybe consulting, maybe coaching, but other, like I was hiring people just to like, just solve my problems when sure that can work in some way, shape or form, but you have to be very clear of what the problem is. Right? Like you have to be very clear of what the problem is and you want to do it intentionally. And what I find is when you’re, when you get busy, when you start getting more clients, you’re, you’re literally getting busier. So you want to solve problems, but you don’t have the time and energy to. So what you do is you throw money at them. But the reality is that what I find is that you just got to be intentional about what you’re throwing money at. And that’s why we plan ahead of time. And that’s why we look at. Like inside the mastermind, you do a three year plan. You have quarterly one on one plans with me. Um, you’ll do an annual [00:49:00] plan, right? Like you’re planning your business. You’re planning your marketing strategies. Um, also from a content strategy point of view, you want to have a system that’s repeatable in your content. Um, Um, we’ll talk about repurposing and stuff, um, in a, in a second, but you want to have a little bit of a system behind it. Your SOPs, you want to have very simple SOPs and maybe hire, like this might be a place when you hire someone to help you. But also even when it comes to hiring, you want to be intentional about who you hired. I kept on, um, a, an assistant with me for so, so long because she was like the first person to help me grow my business inside. Like she was my first VA. And, um, last year I, I let go of her, but I should have let go of her like a year prior to that. And it was because I just [00:50:00] wasn’t looking at my business problems the way I needed to. If I was very clear and if I was planning ahead of time, I would know she’s not going to fit it because of her schedule, because of her whatever. Um, and then lastly, implementing projects. I mean, when we talk about scaling, you’re actually, you’re growing your capacity, right? You’re growing your capacity to take on more projects. Once upon a time, I thought having a webinar was a big deal, right? Like, I thought that was a big deal. Now I’m doing two in one month because my business needs me to do it. Right. And I am not stressing over it. I’m not like, like, I’m not making all like every little thing means something about me. I’m really not thinking about me because I’ve practiced detaching myself. What I’m thinking about, like if you, if you guys were with me right before I started this call, I said a little prayer. I talked to God and I was like, Lord Jesus, please make this not about me. Let me serve

the people and let [00:51:00] me talk about the program in a way that actually. Shares what happens inside, but like, I don’t, this isn’t for me, right? This is for my business. This is for my clients. This is for my future clients. So being able to take on a whole launch, five launches in a year, being able to put on live events this, um, this earlier this year, I took a whole bunch of my mastermind clients to a beautiful suite at the Bellagio in Las Vegas. And that, like at that time. That felt, it actually didn’t feel that big because I had done one in LA, but like I’m able to take on more, even as a mother of two, even as a wife, even with a full life, I’m able to do these things because I’ve practiced taking on more and growing my capacity. Okay, um, I’ll run through these because I don’t want to spend. I know we’re already [00:52:00] getting close to an hour, but this is Sophie. She was actually one of my first clients that worked with me one on one, but she also grew her, um, inside Show Up and Lead Mastermind. She was in the first round. She also extended her one on one into a group program. That was called money. She’s based in Panama, so everything was in Spanish, but she is a person who really simplified her systems before going all into her program. I remember really challenging her to, like, fix these problems, or I remember she hired two people at once. And I really was challenging her not to, but she did, which is fine, but she ended up. Again, learning that lesson and when she got into the mastermind, she was like, okay, this time I’m going to launch very intentionally, very low lift. I’m going to make this simple for myself and not try to make this like the fanciest thing in the world. And she did. She had, um, I’m trying to remember. I think she did two launches within the [00:53:00] mastermind at that time was a six month project. And I want to say she brought in something like 60, 000 just from the programs alone. And then this is Soledad. So Soledad is in the mastermind right now. She is someone who I really, really challenged to simplify her like this stuff. And when I brought up planning ahead of time to sort of that, it was a very big deal. She was like, no, I am not a plan ahead of time kind of person implementing something by the strategy feels very intimidating to me, et cetera, et cetera. Um, she’s someone when I actually went on maternity leave during my, the first round of Show Up and Lead Mastermind. And when I got back, she had launched a brand new program, which I was like, look. Y’all everybody in my program, they are the CEOs of their business. You can always do whatever you want to do in your own business. But when I got back, I remember telling her, I’m like, okay, if you’re going to do this, then let’s do it. Right. And I remember we, [00:54:00] and she ended up, she, she made a huge investment in like her systems and doing all these things. And, um, she also, I forget, I want to say her con like she, she wanted to do like a hundred pieces of content. Like she was just, she she’s a big. Like her goals are always this big. Um, and I’m always trying to reel her back down. So she is a person who one launch at a time, she has been able to grow, learn her lesson and then grow her launch. So her first launch of Wealth Para Todos, I want to say was like 15 to 20, 000, but um, and I want to say her second was like 25, 000, but the real work comes here when it comes for, for this scenario for Soledad. Her first two launches of her program, she ended up, um, basically ghosting her launch because it felt that overwhelming. It felt that overwhelming. And I was [00:55:00] really, really challenging her to simplify and to create a content strategy that was doable with what she had. And I think it was her third launch where I really challenged her. Like, don’t make the launch. Don’t make this launch all about the money, make it about how you make the money. Right. Because here’s the thing. If you’re a woman of color and you’re trying to grow your business, we all know the recipe of. Of building a million dollar business. If we wanted, we would just work around the fucking clock. That is what a lot of men do, right? It’s a lot of what capitalism is set up for you to do. Just work around the clock and you’ll be fine. But a lot of us have other things in our lives. We can’t work around the clock. And if we did want to work around the clock, we would have to find actual support to take over for us. Right? So with her, right. She really wanted to create the results she wanted to create and do it in a way that felt right for her and her family and what’s important to her. And she did then, I want to say her last launch was like, [00:56:00] over 50, 000 of this, uh, of her program for her programs. The name of the program as well. So she is an example of that. Um, I’m going to breeze through these. I didn’t realize how long I was taking.

So third one is to create your unique coaching process, your unique coaching process. I spoke a little bit about it, but it’s really you being able to one start with a simple process that your clients go through. Um, that your clients go through, let me stop this real fast a simple process that your clients go through to. To create results at scale, so what that looks like. And this is how I explain it to my clients. It’s like. There’s the student coach and then there’s the teacher coach. [00:57:00] Right the student, and this is related to scaling because the student is focused. On doing it right, looking good, looking smart, right? They are, um, accommodate by calendar, share others, leaders theory. When, when we think about the teacher and who you become at this stage, you’re really focused on like, focused on helping clients. [00:58:00] Get results faster, right? Or better. They are sharing new ideas. Even if it’s not fully thought out, even if they’re working on it, they’re not worried about like, oh, is this going to look good? It’s not going to look good. They’re like, no, we’re sharing this with the world because my clients need it. Right. They protect their time. They’re not like, they have boundaries with clients, right? Like, they have boundaries with clients and they’re not. So focus on protecting their time, and that’s where you really evolve from student to teacher and creating your unique coaching process is such an important piece of that. When your clients know that every time they I mean, this is great for renewals to write because, um, I’ve had clients rejoin Show Up and Lead Mastermind so many [00:59:00] times. And so much of that had to do with like, okay, what’s Cat going to come up with next? They know that I’m always challenging my mind to create more solutions for them. And I have the time to do that because I protect my time because I simplify everything because I’m not trying to. Make everything the best all the time. No, I’m focused on what’s gonna help me grow. Right. And sometimes I lose focus and then I fuck up and then I learn that lesson again. Right? Like I’m also human. But the goal is like, can we be intentional? Can we be intentional? Okay. Alright. I am gonna come back here. So Naomi is a perfect example of this. Naomi is a, um, one of my clients who she’s a food and hormone health coach, but I challenged her to come up with a unique coaching process. Um, I think it was early last year, maybe even 2021, but I remember her. [01:00:00] Have or 2022. Um, I remember her having this process. That was like 15 steps. And I’m like, you need to simplify this. This needs to be five steps or four steps or whatever steps, but we need to simplify this. And I really challenged her to do that so that she could articulate what happens in her program. So that So that her marketing becomes better. And what happened is she started creating more webinars. She started teaching more clients. She started actually exercising her ideas and now she’s launching her first group program. And it’s all designed around her unique coaching process. And it, her program alone is so unique because it’s hers. Like it is so her program and it feels very fresh and new and different because she’s been able to practice her intellectual property, practice teaching, practice the concepts. She’s seen what kind of, um, strategies have worked best for her clients. I’m going to skip just because, uh, [01:01:00] of time. Lastly, elevate your marketing. And, and then elevate your marketing and get your scalable offer. I mentioned this earlier, but elevating your marketing is really about you automating your marketing. That’s number one with repurposing strategies. Number two, expanding your marketing. So you will have to continue growing your business. As you scale your revenue, so you want to be able to touch on different types of leads that are already within your

audience. So inside Show Up and Lead Mastermind, we do that with like the mark with you create your marketing ecosystem. Some people decide to grow a podcast. Some people decide to get on a different. I’m social media platform. It’s different for everyone, but inside Show Up and Lead Mastermind. And when you’re scaling, I should say specifically, you want to be thinking a little bit of a head of like, okay, this is why you plan ahead of time because in the future, you want to see it like, okay, I’m not [01:02:00] going to start my podcast right now. I’m going to start my podcast in Q3. I’m going to be intentional about it, right? Instead of just jumping into it. Um, and then your scale, so, and then lastly, you’re going to focus on your marketing message. And I have a framework that’s called the product framework, which I do this, um, to help you identify like, what is your offer? What do you actually help people with? Who are you helping? And you want that to be your messaging when you’re selling your scalable offers. And then lastly. And then I just, this, this is one of my clients. Um, she was a part of Show Up & Lead Mastermind multiple times. And I, the reason I added her is because she is someone who really elevated the way she market marketed, marketed, and she, she put on this incredible, um, this incredible journaling challenge. I think it was, and it, something that she really wanted to do. [01:03:00] And she, I think she got like 50 people into this challenge, but the beautiful part wasn’t the just the 50 people. It was that this, this group was wildly engaged in this challenge. Like she would give us updates every day during the challenge. And. Here’s the thing, like, if you’re going to scale your program, you’re going to have to test new things, and one of the things you’re going to have to do is test out different marketing methods, test out different marketing events. Maybe some people will do a webinar. Some people will do a challenge. Some people will do an event. Like, it’s going to look different for everyone, but you’re going to have to flex that muscle, and she’s just such a good example of that. And then lastly, your scalable offer. I mentioned this, um, as well, but we’re, we have a whole, um, section. We have a whole module that’s going to be dedicated to this to help you create your, a group program from your one on ones.

But this is one of my clients. Her name’s Clau. She, um, I worked with her in the first round, I think, of Show Up & Lead Mastermind. And she, she was an influencer. So she had a big, she is an influencer. She had a big following, but she was using a software to build her community. And she really wanted to scale her. She wanted to create something that was hers. And she designed a group program and she basically got a ton, she had like, I want to say over a thousand clients in, I forget the software, it’s a certain software where you like build community, but she took them out of that into her own program and was able to sell out two launches back to back because of that change, because she created her own site. Scalable offer. Now she has full control of her offer. She has full communication to her clients inside of that community and she’s really developed a program that is just, I mean, amazing.

Lastly, this is Janita. She is someone who actually, her scalable offer became [01:05:00] her consulting gigs. This is where like, I don’t want you to feel stuck and like, it has to look this way or has to look this way. Janita’s approach to her scalable offer was booking these consulting gigs. Um, with corporations and with, um, like enterprise businesses, I mean, she, I want to say within Show Up & Lead Mastermind. She was a part of the last. two rounds, um, last year and inside the program, she, um, signed a 50, 000 contract. She signed eight. I think one of them was like an 80, 000 contract or something like that. Um, pretty phenomenal, but what inside the program, she came in with a different strategy. And as she kept building in the program, um, we realize together that, like, she has a lot of these companies coming to her from this point of view. Why don’t we just capitalize on that? Why don’t we just work on that and stop focusing on this stuff that’s not bringing up revenue and focus on this instead? This is why we plan [01:06:00] ahead of time. This is why we’re intentional. Okay, so here’s the thing. Raising, how do we raise the value of our work? We raise the value of our thinking. thinking of our marketing and of our body of work, our intellectual property, our coaching process. We have to raise the way we think and, and focus on developing quality thinking that is detached. That is that where you’re giving yourself everything you need to grow while also not making your business results about you. No more bare minimum. Or more as a strategy because building an audience and creating an offer and selling that offer is step one, but leading a business and community is another, it is another. Um, I’m going to talk about Show Up and Lead really quickly. And then if you want to raise, if you want to comment to get co just write coaching or question in the, in the chat box, if you have any, or if you want to talk through anything [01:07:00] specifically, I know there’s just a couple of us here. Um, but let’s talk about it. If you want to talk about it. But really quick, I’m going to go through this.

So Show Up & Lead Mastermind is a 12 month program. It’s 12 months very intentionally. Um, the reason I decided to make it 12 months is because I wanted you to have full growth within the program and also be able to like, make decisions very intentionally and not from a perspective of like, I got to make my money back. Like, I got to make my money back in these six months or these three months. No, I want you to have time to like, see the strategy through see the work through and see the results of it. So this program is really designed for folks who have created. At least 30, 000 in revenue and want to grow it. But it’s so much more than the revenue itself. It’s about the growth. It’s about the vision. It’s about [01:08:00] really becoming a CEO up here and doing it in a way that isn’t chasing all the time. Like isn’t chasing, chasing, chasing up all the time. And really developing a deep, like a deeper self trust with you and your business and your life. Right. I talked earlier. Um, about, uh, what people do, like, what, what people do when they run into these challenges and some people run to update their resume run to update, um, run to a new content strategy or stop marketing. Right? Like, they do all these things. And I want to, I want to say in this program, like. I just want you to be intentional about your decisions. Right. Because there, I have a friend of mine who she is a single mom and running a business. And it’s like her and I have had many conversations about like, um, her getting a job. And like, if she needed to get a job, then she would go do that. And I remember thinking like, I, I don’t think anyone should ever feel [01:09:00] bad for getting a job to, if to grow their business. When I was growing my business, I was so ready. Like, I remember I had a plan. plan. I was like, if I need cash, this is what I’m going to do. Like, I’m gonna, my business is not going anywhere. I will handle the money stuff if I need to. And I only bring that up because it’s not about ridiculing what you should be doing, what you shouldn’t be doing, and that it’s bad to think this way or bad to think that way. That’s not what it’s about. What it’s about, like, if you really want to scale and commit. fully to growing your business and seeing what it turns into. What you need is a plan. You’ve got to be intentional. You have to have a vision, like an actual vision of where you’re going. And you need to be able to emotionally handle what comes with running a business because business is emotional. So if you, are like, if your emotions just go everywhere, when you, when something happens in business, then you need to handle that. [01:10:00] You need to learn how to handle that, right? That’s, that’s a hundred percent a part of the process of scaling your business. So this is a group that I want us to be focused on growing our businesses, but also doing it in a way that is true to us with intentionality, with a plan while keeping things simple. Right. Um, there are kind of three, there are many areas you’ll focus on, but like, what’s really important to me is that everybody has a coaching process. Everybody is marketing and getting to a place where they’re marketing an advanced level and really having this pro athlete mindset. I always think of the mindset of Serena Williams, of Simone Biles. I love Steph Curry’s story in the Warriors. Um, I think about these These, these people, these athletes, they have to see the long term vision. Um, they have to be able to keep their eye on the prize of what they want. And that’s really the [01:11:00] attitude you need to have to grow and scale your business is you have to be willing to look at the long term and be willing to go through the growth to get there. Now, this is how it’s broken up in terms of the curriculum.

There’s the Show Up and Lead philosophies, which I really didn’t talk about too much here. But these are the philosophies from a mindset point of view that you have to have to scale. You have to have to scale what I’ve learned. You have to have. And then also the process, the process. And I talked a lot about this. And then also there are bonus trainings. We have a whole course on launching webinar, simple systems, et cetera. Um, and then this is what you get 12 months to weekly coaching. We have a monthly client results calls, which these calls are strictly about creating your own concepts, creating solutions for clients. I find that like, if you want to grow your business, you have to improve the quality of your programs and the [01:12:00] client results. And that’s why this is a monthly call is. Focused on client results and helping our clients because when we can help our clients really well, um, and, and do the critical thinking for them when we do that, they get better results. And then in turn, we get better results. You have quarterly one on one planning calls with me. You have video feedback on all business assets, marketing plans, sales pages, content, marketing message, et cetera, webinar slides, whatever the case is, um, a community Slack communication hub where you could chat, get coaching all on Slack, monthly revenue tracking. You will track your revenue monthly within the group and then curriculum and portal, which I already shared with you. And then there is a pay in full and a resign bonus. Thank you for joining us. Three months of coaching, um, on Voxer and for our VIP day. Um, this program is for people who are [01:13:00] actively looking to grow their business. This isn’t, I don’t know where everyone’s at, but this is for folks who are. actively focused on growing their business and want to do it in a very, very intentional way. All right, y’all. That was a lot. Um, if you have any questions, um, let me know, does the mastermind come with a guarantee, a guarantee of what, um, I imagine results. And in that case, absolutely not. Cause I can’t guarantee what everyone does in the program. Um, it. We have a couple rules I will say in the beginning of the program that I share, um, in the onboarding like, um, of the program and there are 2 rules. There are no, there are more than two rules, but there’s two main rules that like I love talking about because they’re so important. Hold on. [01:14:00] Number one is you are the owner. And number two is trust your coach plus process. Actually, the first one is more like trust yourself. Here’s the thing. I’ve been, I’ve been in a lot in coaching programs. I’ve paid a lot of money to, I mean, I’ve been in rooms where I was the lowest and everyone was making like million dollars plus. Um, but what I find is, especially in Show Up & Lead Mastermind is you have to have. Two, there’s like a trifecta of people you have to trust when you’re scaling your business inside Show Up & Lead Mastermind. Number one is you have to [01:15:00] take full ownership of your results. I mean, you have to, you have to, because if you don’t take full ownership of your results, you also won’t take full ownership of your wins. And that’s a very, very important. So when I say trust yourself and then trust your coach in the process, I have seen like my process I’ve taught it. I’ve worked with tons of people. Yeah. No worries, Ruby. I’ve worked with tons of people and I’ve helped them through the process that I teach. But here’s the thing. I can’t guarantee everyone does the process I teach. So actually scaling your business is going to take you trusting yourself and your brain deeply. And it’s also going to trust inside my program. It’s also going to trust you trusting me as your coach. And trusting my process, but it doesn’t mean that my process is the end all be all. What means is the growth [01:16:00] is going to come somewhere from this. It’s going to be like a mix of this. And you as the owner of your business is the person who knows your, like your audience more than anybody, the owner that knows your program and product more than anybody, you need to be able to decipher what is for you and, and also trust me into the investment that you bought into, right? And that’s the attitude I always have. And like, I’ve, one of the best pieces of advice I got when I invested 25, 000 into a mastermind. Was one of my good one now, good friends at that time. She was like a new friend, but, um, I got some really tough coaching that I didn’t like, and she came up to me and she’s like, I don’t know why you’re crying, but you better get what you came for. So my attitude, [01:17:00] anytime I invest is I get what I came for. That’s my responsibility. And my coach’s responsibility is to provide the service, right? That, that I, that I bought into, and then also to help me figure it out. And that’s why, I mean, this goes back to intellectual property. That is why we have those monthly content, um, those monthly client results calls, because it is so important that we as the coach, as the business owner are able Critically thinking and having time to critically think so we could elevate our programs, scale our business. Like really find time to slow down and think about our clients. And that’s why we do that. So I hope that answers your question. Um, all right, y’all I’m gonna let you go. Since there’s just two of you, I will let you go. If I am, if you want to be a part of this program, if you want to [01:18:00] scale your business, book a sales call with me, there should be an email in your inbox right now that says book a sales call. If not, you could DM me on Instagram and I will see you later. Okay. Bye.

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