Show Up Real is a show dedicated to putting more cash in the hands of Women of Color.

Hosted by multiple six-figure business coach Catalina Del Carmen, she shares strategies that keep your business simple, your mindset focused, your bank account big, and your impact even bigger. Listen to the weekly episodes on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or your favorite podcast app. 



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Catalina Del Carmen is a wife, mom, first-generation Guatemalteca, and multiple six-figure business coach. She keeps it real week after week, sharing the mindset, marketing, and sales strategies that keep your coaching business simple while still massively profitable and impactful.

288. 4 Types of Stories that Sell

Today, I am sharing the four types of stories that create instant connection and lots of conversation. Listen in, take notes, and let me know if you have any questions on Instagram @catdelcarmen. 

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What is up y’all? Welcome back to the Show Up Real podcast. I am so happy you’re here today. I am going to be sharing four types of stories that you should absolutely be sharing in your content and copy. But before I get into it, I want to just talk about what is happening in the LA area right now. It is January of 2025 and for the last week, there have been wildfires that have destroyed communities and have just wildly spread through different areas in Los Angeles County. And it has just been so, so, so sad to witness. I’m from Northern California. I live in LA now, so being so close to it, it’s been very… it’s just so sad. It’s just so, so sad. Look, I’m from the Bay Area and I, I personally haven’t experienced, thank God, any, you know, losing my house or anything like that to a fire. But I do know people who have in Northern California fires, and I just know how devastating it could be. And just watching the news and watching, just like seeing the stories of people who, who not only have lost their house, some, some actually saved their house. Watching the first responders, just so, so, so much devastating news and people losing their lives. It’s really sad. It’s really, really sad. And if you are a person who is from this area, or you’re watching it and just like disbelief, it is crazy. It is really, really, really, really just sad. And I down in the show notes, I’m going to leave some places if you would like to donate or if you would like to learn resources, I’m going to be copying and pasting a ton in the show notes below. But I just wanted to bring it up because it’s been very much top of mind for me and yeah, so I have been the last week I’ve been incredibly overwhelmed with like just mom life, and although I have been able to drop off some stuff to a local gym that I used to go to who was doing donations, and I got to drop off a little bit, not even close to what I wanted. I had a lot of family in town. It was just a busy week. So I am cooking up some ideas on how to help specifically moms. I’m just thinking a lot about moms with kids, especially little ones. So I’m trying to think of like different ways to, to, to support moms during this time specifically. And especially, especially for the long run, I think when I, when we talk about people who’ve lost their house. There’s so much. I mean, it’s really been beautiful to watch Los Angeles County just come together, but also there’s so much more that is going to be needed for people outside of just this time, like this is going to be years, right? And I’m thinking of ways that I want to specifically organize and just create resources specifically for moms. So I’ll be telling you more about that later, but I just wanted to bring that up because it’s in my heart. And if you have been affected at all, and you have a GoFundMe page. I would really appreciate it if you sent it to my Instagram @catdelcarmen so that I could reshare it with my community. Or if you know somebody, I really want to just share as much as possible in terms of, you know, getting the GoFundMe pages out there, and at least do my part with sharing with my community and I’ll also leave resources below, in the show notes so that you can, if you feel called to donate or if you feel called to volunteer or anything like that, I’ll leave some resources below. Okay, let’s get started with the episode. So I am, I’ve been thinking so much about storytelling and so much about how It has helped me grow my business. It’s helped me write copy. It’s helped me connect with my audience. And I’m hosting a workshop all about storytelling at the end of the month. And I’ve been thinking so much about it. So this, the next episodes for the rest of the month will be very focused on storytelling. And, I wanted to share four types of stories, four types of stories that I believe every coach, content creator, creative business owner should be sharing in their content if they want to grow online. I’ll see you next time. Bye. That’s what I’m going to be sharing with you today. And all of these really came from my content. Like I reread a ton of my personal content and I started to really group things together on like, okay, what works and what doesn’t and what have I done or what have I taught that really, really went well for a lot of people and a lot of my clients and storytelling has definitely helped me. It’s a hundred percent been one of them, but on today’s episode, I wanted to talk about four specific types of stories that you should absolutely be sharing in your content on a regular basis, whatever that looks like for you. Let’s get started on that. All right. So I’m going to start with a number one celebration stories. This is something that not enough people do. Now, what I call a celebration story is a celebration story is when you accomplish something or you have something to celebrate and you share it with your community. Now, this could feel like a brag. It could feel like you’re sharing your privilege and it could just feel very uncomfortable. I’ve done it many times and I had to learn how to get comfortable with it, but here’s the thing. If you are selling, especially for coaches, especially for service providers, it is so, so important that people who are selling or who are, who I should say, business owners who want to create a connection with their audience, a connection with their, their community, you have to be willing. to share the amazing stuff that you are doing or have done. It is important for people to not only get to know you in that fashion, but also to know that you are an expert at what you do. You’re continuing your own goals and education or whatever it is when it comes to your niche. I want you to get comfortable sharing your wins. Telling people about the amazing things happening in your life, in your business. It doesn’t even always have to be related to your business or your niche either, because at the end of the day, growth is growth. So especially for coaches here, growth is growth. So one thing I’m constantly doing is I’m looking at the growth that’s happening in my life I am sharing it from a perspective that would make sense for my clients. So for you, when I’m talking specifically about celebration stories, what I mean is like, where in your life are you super focused on your growth and how can you share and celebrate your wins more? How can you do that? How can you get comfortable with that? Now for each of these, It’s topics or each of these types of contents and types of stories, I should say, that I’m sharing today. I also want to read you an actual post or an actual, um, yeah, an actual post, actual piece of content that I wrote from my 200 K content book. So 200 K, 200 K content book is a resource within my program. Show up real. It’s 161 pages and it is every single piece of content that I put out in 2021, which was my first year, my first multiple six figure year. And I put it all together in one just so my clients could read it and really experience it. content from a, that’s away from like my, their actual phone and just read the copy and read what I was actually doing to create that type of revenue. So I want to read you an example of a celebration story. And I want to be clear, your celebration story could be a client. It could be something like if you are a health coach, it could be It could be you celebrating your business. If you are a business coach, it could be you celebrating your health. Like there’s so, you know, it doesn’t have to align specifically with like your niche. It more is about people getting to know you and people getting to know that you are a leader. That you are a leader, okay? So when you feel excited and, and celebratory, when there’s something to celebrate in your life, I really, really challenge you to talk about it and to share it with your community because that’s how a community feels like a community. So let me read you this post. This is from February 8th, 2021. And this is me sharing my celebration, right? Sharing my celebration. very authentically and doing it while also selling while also inviting people in. Okay. So February 8th, 2021, I wrote, and this was, I believe this was like with a photo I wrote. Oh my God, I’m fully booked, dot, dot, dot again. I can’t take any more clients in February and this was February 8th. Y’all. Truth is every single effort you make in your business has purpose. There’s no, there is no right way. No right coach. There is only you against your own, your own freaking mind. No coach, program, or course will get you the results you want. You will. The scary investment that you so badly want to make. is little about the mentor and a lot about trusting yourself, trusting yourself to do the work, trusting yourself to stretch yourself, put yourself out there, talk about things you care about, quiet your ego, show up as your real self. It’s the effort, it’s trusting yourself, it’s the hard work, thought work, belief work, risks, betting on yourself, working through the self doubt, trusting the process. All of this will get you to where you want to be in no particular order. My stomach hurts. My heart is beating. I’m on the verge of tears right now. Y’all. are seeing my motherfucking dreams come true and I have never been more grateful. Coaching is my dream work. The people I work with are dream clients. If I had a clarity call last week, if I, if we had a clarity call last week, I can squeeze you in this month. I’m officially booking for March starting this week. If you are sick, of waiting and being ready to really step into your power and build your digital business slash coaching business. DM me or apply for one on one coaching using the link in my bio. That’s the post. Okay. And I also want to mention here, I really didn’t have a niche at this point. I was like working with people who wanted to start a YouTube account. I had clients, I had some people who wanted to get like a one on one client. Someone else wanted to do a course like, y’all, I didn’t have a niche. Like I didn’t have a, a perfect result that I was helping people get. It was very general. I was like, step into your power and build a, this type of business. It’s like, It doesn’t have to be perfect if the conviction is there. Now that was an example of a celebration story. I mean, like you could feel it, right? Like, well, while even me reading it back, I’m like, Oh my God, like I’m so excited for this person. It’s clear that they are excited. It’s clear that they are in the growth. That is what I mean for you when you’re doing a celebration story. I want you to just talk to people and learn to get comfortable bragging. It doesn’t have to like actually be a brag, right? I wanted to feel real and I want you to give a, like you could even just like if you’re uncomfortable sharing a celebration or sharing something that you’ve done, did that you’re super proud of. If you’re uncomfortable with that, I, I even want you to like just tell people that, like I think telling a celebration story from the point of view of like, I just signed three clients in a row as a life coach and I’ve never done that before in one single month. I’m. ecstatic. I’m scared. I’m nervous. And I even feel weird telling you, but I want to celebrate myself and I want to bring you in it. I made that up right now, but like what I’m saying is learn how to share your celebration stories. Okay. All right. Number two is in the moment realizations. Okay. In the moment realizations. So I think A lot of people think that storytelling has to be this, like, big, complex, like, there has to be an up and a down, and like, there has to be this, like, um, this, this, I always think of, like, the sandwich. Example of like how to write a paragraph like there has to be this like process which there is a process if if you want to use it but like I’d rather you get the process right like I could teach you a process and use it but don’t let it be the thing that slows you down and stops you or puts you in a box. Let it be the thing that inspires you. Let it be the thing that inspires you. Okay, so when I say in the moment, realizations, one type of story that I’ve told so much throughout all my content that has worked so well for me in growing and growing my business is sharing in the moment real life realizations. So I take moments in my life where I. have an aha moment or I have a realization that like something just came to me in my head based off of what’s happening in my current life and it’s a realization. I will share that. I will share that realization of growth in a story in my content and I’ll relate it back to what I do and how I help people because growth is growth. Growth is growth. So I don’t want you to think that you always have to be digging for stories and like what happened here and what is this client and like I remember this. No, like you have stories all the time every day. It’s You have a story when your frickin pocket, like your, your jean little belt, belt hole. What is it called? When you have jeans on and you have the belt loop, right? When the belt loop goes around the knob and then you keep walking and then you get stuck and then you get frickin pissed, right? That’s a story. That’s a story. That’s like a piece of a story. And I want you to just to be willing to look at your life and just imagine all these little realizations you have, all these little frustrations you have, all these little aha moments. They are something to tell your people. There’s something in there to tell your people. And why it’s so important to tell your people is because when you are telling stories, it’s That are real, that are, are very much you. People could feel it. They feel connected to you. They feel like they know you. They feel like they could trust you. So in the moment realization is really like an in the moment realization. It is something that happens in your life in the moment when you realize something like any, any time of the week. If you have a moment where you’re like, huh. Interesting. That is the moment I want you to pick up your phone and start writing and ask yourself, how does this relate to my people? Now I’m going to read you another post. This is from March 13th, 2021. I’m going to read this to you from the content book, um, from my program, show up real. And this one is an in the moment realization. This is an example of an in the moment realization and then how I brought it back to my clients. and my offers. Okay. All right. I’ll read it to you right now. This Thursday, I was laying on the couch with PJ. I had just woke up from, he had just woke up from his nap and I noticed how grown he looked. I started to tear up because one, I’m a cry baby and two, his baby phase is really coming to an end. These are the days I’m grateful for the business I created and continue to grow two days a week. I get to have this boy full time. We go to parks, we go to home goods, we snack, have lazy days, take walks, naps, also tantrums, of course. But I get to be there, watch him grow. And I get to grow my coaching business at the same freaking time. I get to have the best of both worlds because I’ve made a couple decisions. One, I respect the pace of my business. Gone are the days I try to force my business to scale. The minute I stopped rushing for the numbers, the minute I trusted this process and created smaller goals that were more accessible is the same minute my business shifted to five figure months. Two, I have one offer. That’s right. One. There is only one way to work with me. This is a strategic, this is strategic for the life, for my life and business. I keep my offer simple and I have fun playing. I have fun plus play with marketing and lead generation. But my offer is simple. This allows me to have a simple business, keep my messages super simple. My marketing messaging, I should say my messaging super simple and it makes a difference. business easier so I can spend more time doing what the things I love being with my family. Three, I got help. I knew this wasn’t going to be possible if I didn’t get help with PJ. We started our nanny share the beginning of December. It’s so, it’s no coincidence my business, uh, is growing at a fast pace. I prepared myself and trusted the process. It’s not easy. I put in the work every day, but it is simple. If you have been going back and forth about working with a coach and you know I’m the right person to help you transform your mindset around selling, marketing, and putting yourself out there, let’s chat and see if we’re the right fit for each other. I’ve got one more spot in April. If you’re ready to build toward a life that has the best of both worlds, apply using the link in bio or DM. You see how I took a moment with my son and brought it back to business, giving actual value, actually telling people what’s been the most helpful for me in my business, how I’ve actually gotten time to work in my business, why having a simple offer is so, so like why it makes sense for me and my life. I’m giving the value, right? I’m giving the value, but I’m using a story. I’m using my in the moment realization that my baby is growing, right? That was the realization. Oh my God, my baby’s growing. And then that turns into, Oh my God, I’m so thankful I get to be here. I’m so thankful I get to see him. I use that realization as a story. Okay. Number three is the lesson learned sharing stories with a lesson learned. Okay. So this one’s pretty, I mean it seems self explanatory, um, to me, but I really, really want to encourage you. That when you are learning, it doesn’t even have to be that like you are learning lessons like in the moment. But when you have these moments where you’re like, Oh, that was a good lesson or this, like, when you ask, and I think what’s important here is asking yourself good questions. When you ask yourself questions like what has helped me become so good at this? Or what has helped me get this result? When you ask yourself those questions, it’s so much easier. It’s so much easier for you to come up with the lessons that have been the most helpful to you. The most helpful to you. So when I talk about your, you know, storytelling through your lessons learned, I would highly recommend using the lessons that you are literally learning, right? like the lessons that you learn as you go.

So when you learn a lesson, I always want you to be talking to your audience about it. It does not matter if it’s related to your niche. You can always talk about growth. You, people want to know, right, what, how people are growing. They want to hear the struggle. They want to hear the wins. They want to know the full picture, right? So I want you to really start asking yourself, what are the lessons? And you probably have dozens, you’ll probably have tons and it doesn’t need to be profound. It doesn’t need to be profound, but I do want you to ask yourself those questions. Thanks. All right, so I’m going to read you a lesson learned. I hope this is the right one. Hold on. I’m going to read you a lesson learned and how I incorporate my story in it. All right. This was March 26, 2021. Sometimes it’s not that you’re doing something wrong. It’s that you want it all to happen quicker. Quick money, quick results, quick transformation, quick success. And trust that this Was me almost all of last year after launching my first offer in May, I made 900. I was so excited, but also so disappointed. So the next three months I didn’t sell or market or promote my offer. I just posted my podcast episodes. These months almost got the best of me. I wanted to give up, but after investing in a coach and other programs, I knew I had to really start pushing myself. So I spent the rest of the year sprinting through growth. In September and October, I conceptualized, built, recorded, and launched my first digital course program in one month and a half as a full time mom to a toddler. My goal was 5, 000 launch. I hit 1, 300. I charged 200 a pop and felt like a failure. In November, I launched my group program, a group program. I didn’t prep a launch. I just started talking about the program. I imagined seeing if anyone was interested. Everything was imperfect about it. After two weeks of launching, I had eight consultation calls and only one person signed up. It felt. Like a failure again, but before I closed enrollment, I took another leap and followed up with all seven remaining people. This was a stretch for me because I really didn’t want to be pushy. I did it anyway because I believed in this program. Four people signed up in one day. Another person signed up a couple days later after closing enrollment. I often say that growing your business takes time. It did for me and it takes a lot of people time. But if you really want to accelerate, accelerate your growth, it’s very possible. That being said, it will require a lot of time. And a lot of failure. It will require you showing up when you’re feeling embarrassed and ashamed of your own results, regardless of your direction. I want you to know one thing for sure. What you want is possible. It’s inevitable when you put in the work. And if you want mentorship throughout that growth, I would be so honored to work with you. Apply for my one on one coaching program using the link in bio or DM me any questions. So I took this lesson learned of some, sometimes it’s not about doing something wrong. It’s that you. We, like, it’s that you want it all at once. You want it all to happen quicker. So I had this, like, I asked myself, what was the lesson? Well, the lesson was I was trying to get everything so quick, quick, quick, quick, quick, quick. So then I burnt out and made less money. I burnt out and made less money. And then what was the underlying, like, real lesson is, okay, failure is, I mean, even when I read this. Specific piece of copy like I don’t know now that I’m reading now that I’m thinking about it like I’m kind of hopping around between what I’m talking about because I start off saying like, Oh, you just want it quicker, right? Like sometimes it’s not about not that you’re doing something wrong. It’s that you want it all quick, quick money, quick results, quick transformation, quick success, and trust this was me for almost a year. And then I go into my story, right? But the real lesson at the bottom is regardless of your direction, I want you to know for sure what is possible is what you want is possible. It’s inevitable, but you have to be willing to fail as much as possible. Right? So like, I’m not even sticking to like a whole thing, right? I’m not sticking to a specific topic. Like this could have been written a little bit better, but the story is the sticky part. Like you, you can’t read the, like, you can’t read the first couple sentences of this, this, um, this post without wanting to read the rest because I say, so for the next month, you know, after launching my first program, I made 900. Like people want to know like, Oh my God, 900. That’s it. Or, or how did she do that regardless, but I’m telling the story of the lesson. So I want you to take this example and I want you to ask yourself better questions. I want you to ask yourself, how, what are the lessons I learned when it comes to the transformation you help people get. And I think a really good thing to ask yourself is when you are coaching people, when you are coaching your clients and they tell you something, right? They tell you some belief that they have. And you’re trying to explain it back to them that like, Oh, no, no, no, this is the lesson where I learned this, you know, whatever they’re telling you, I want you to go write about it. Like, how do you know that to be true? Tell us that story because these are the stories that are sticky, get yourself. And when you’re writing, like I want you to write and tell the truth, right? About how you were feeling about the ups and the downs. Tell the truth. People feel connected to the truth. They can smell it from a mile away. That is how you write authentic sales copy. That is how you tell stories with selling. Okay. And then the last type of content, I’m actually not going to read this one because, um, I’m probably going to do a whole podcast episode on it, but is your origin story and your origin stories really like typically there’s, there’s a couple that you can have, but typically, They are those biggest, the bigger moments in your transformation. So like whatever type of transformation you sell, what are the moments that really, really change the game for you? Those are your origin story. And those are the stories I want you to be repeating on a weekly basis. A weekly basis in your Instagram stories or in your post. I want you to be talking about those origin stories from all different directions from a zillion different ways. Those are the stories that people are going to know you for. Those are the stories that people connect to and that they feel like they get to know you in because they feel like that’s them that, and I just told you one, right? Like this story that I just shared was one of my origin stories. Right. That, that 2020 when I was working myself to the bone, I’ve told this story like a hundred times. Every business owner should have their, should have origin stories at least two, probably three. But these are the stories that are going to make your audience feel connected to you that are going to make you like the leader of someone who has done the impossible. So I’ll talk more about that in the last, um, in the next episodes this month, but I hope you took away something from this episode and I hope you tell your stories. I hope you go out there and tell a story. I don’t even hope you do it. I’m telling you to do it. I’m telling you to do it. Go tell your stories and don’t tell your stories from a place of like, I’m trying to get a client. Tell your stories from a place of like, yo, listen to me, like, hear me out. This is what it’s going to take to do the thing. This is what it’s going to take to do the thing. Tell them the realization. Tell them the in the moment realization. Tell them the lesson learned. Tell them the celebration. Tell them what you did and why you’re proud of yourself and what it feels like. And how it’s possible for them go out there and tell them all right y’all. I will be sharing soon about the Storytelling storytelling workshop. I’m putting in at the end of the month. So keep your ears on I was going to say keep your ears peeled, keep your ears open. I will be sharing more. And if you do not follow me on Instagram yet, or are on my email list, make sure that you get on them because those are the two places who will typically find out first. And then I bring it here. So, all right, y’all, I sang you a big hug. I sang you big love. Send your prayers to folks in LA County right now who lost their house. I mean, there’s a lot of other places in this world who need your prayers too, but for, I think, cause I’m just so close to it. I just, I feel so much of it. Okay. I send you a big hug. I love you.

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