Show Up Real is a show dedicated to putting more cash in the hands of Women of Color.

Hosted by multiple six-figure business coach Catalina Del Carmen, she shares strategies that keep your business simple, your mindset focused, your bank account big, and your impact even bigger. Listen to the weekly episodes on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or your favorite podcast app. 



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Meet the host

Catalina Del Carmen is a wife, mom, first-generation Guatemalteca, and multiple six-figure business coach. She keeps it real week after week, sharing the mindset, marketing, and sales strategies that keep your coaching business simple while still massively profitable and impactful.

276. Stopping the Burnout Cycle

Today I’m talking all about burnout. Burnout affects you, your marketing, and your selling.

I explain why we burn out, and share some tools you can use to get out of the burnout cycle.

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[00:00:00] What is up y’all? Applications for Show Up & Lead Mastermind are open now. I designed this mastermind for women of color in business to scale their coaching offers online to a hundred K multiple six figures and beyond. Our approach to scaling your business is focused on three core areas. One is your signature coaching process. Two is advanced coaching. Selling and three is an unbothered mindset. Let me explain. You’ll be able to develop a signature coaching process and learn how to market with it so that your work doesn’t blend in with other programs. It is so important that when you are scaling, you create a body of work that is yours and really is your true intellectual property. Number two, selling. Scaling your programs means more content. In less time, creating a sales process that makes it easy for your [00:01:00] clients to understand what it’s like to work with you inside your programs and buy into it easily. Three, unbothered mindset. The number one issue I find for women of color struggling to scale their business is that they have a big deep attachment to perfectionism, people pleasing. And to be completely honest, when you are scaling your business, you have to practice detaching yourself from your business to be able to grow it. So inside Show Up & Lead Mastermind. We teach you how to detach yourself from your business clients and online haters. Because if you’re going to build a legacy of a business, you have to create strong boundaries and an unbothered mindset.

Here’s what you get inside of Show Up & Lead Mastermind: This program is 12 months long of weekly coaching calls and quarterly planning calls. So you always know what your priority projects are for the [00:02:00] quarter. You also get community inside of Slack to collab with really top tier women of color, coaches and business owners. You get video feedback and reviews on your launch plans, curriculum, marketing materials. We will give you the feedback you need. You’ll also get the curriculum inside of the portal, which is filled with strategies to help you get fully booked in one on one coaching, launch your group offers, innovate your income stream and mindset exercises to keep your business moving, which is most important. You also get a private podcast. We have virtual events and challenges. And we are kicking off this new round of Show Up & Lead Mastermind with a live virtual event in October. The investment for this program is 10,000 and there are payment plans available. This program is designed for coaches and service providers who have a record of [00:03:00] consistent sales and want to grow their revenue to multiple six figures all the way to seven figures without burning out and being upset. If this is you and you know, this program could help you get to the next level, I want to invite you to join. My name is Catalina Del Carmen and I’m a wife, mother of two, daughter of immigrants and rule breaking business coach for women of color coaches, creatives, and service professionals. I spent years trying to figure out the online business game, creating fashion blogs, YouTube channels, Instagram pages, email lists. All of the things with little or nothing to show for it. Now I run a growing multiple six figure coaching business, keeping things radically simple so I could spend more time with my babies than my business inside my programs. Show up real and show up and lead mass. [00:04:00] I teach my clients how to build an online community using authentic revenue generating content that doesn’t require them to be everywhere. Whether it’s your first four figures in business or six figures in my mastermind, less is more when you are committed to growing your impact and revenue at the same time. In this show, I tell the whole mother effing truth about what it takes to build and scale an online business. I don’t gatekeep. I don’t tell you half the truth. I keep it real, and I will challenge you to do it as well. Welcome to show up real podcast. Hello, hello, hello. Welcome back to show Up. I was going to say show up and lead master. Welcome back to show up real. I hope you’re having a wonderful, wonderful day week. I am. I mean, I’m recording this ahead of time, but I [00:05:00] think I’ll be doing well. It’ll be the beginning of Show Up & Lead Mastermind launch. And I, I’m sure I will talk to some people on sales calls, although the doors will only be open for a couple of days when this comes out. But regardless, let’s all cross our fingers that I’m doing. Um, no, I’m excited. I’m so excited to be opening the doors to show up and lead again. This is a program that is so near and dear to my heart. I love the women in this program. They are choosing growth in the biggest way and they are doing the work and growing their business, scaling their programs. Um, I have a client who is launching her first group program and already has people, uh, On her wait list and that’s moving and she’s not even launching until November.

I have another client who’s prepping for her program launch and [00:06:00] her last program, um, her last launch for this program was such a success and she’s just such in the right head space. And I’m just so excited for her. And then we have, I have. Oh, I have multiple clients doing a whole bunch of things, but I’m thinking of one specific client who she, um, had a huge, she had a great year last year or not last year, but with the last 12 months I should say, and she’s making changes to her offers and really going through like just taking a lot of risk, going through the growth and really practicing trusting herself, really practicing, um, um, Compassion. And that’s such a big part of the program too. Especially if you listen to last, the last episode, we talk, well, I talked all a lot about that, so make sure you listen to that one. But this, this, these, these women are just amazing. They’re just amazing. So anyways. [00:07:00] If you haven’t applied and you’ve been thinking about it, book a sales call with me right now. Use the link below. I can’t wait to talk to you. Um, let’s get into this episode though. I want to talk about burnout and I want to talk about stopping the burnout cycle. A lot of people who work with me are, Hard, hard, hard workers like many of us, and a lot of them come to me very burnt out usually because their business is very complicated and they have a lot of different offers and they’re kind of making money in like a zillion different ways and they can’t really understand why their program. Isn’t selling the way it should and inside Show Up & Lead Mastermind. We, we help you simplify that. We help you simplify your offers. Um, we help you get very focused on learning how to sell your program. I [00:08:00] think that is like the basis of growing your revenue is learning how to sell the the program you own a hundred percent of you own a hundred percent of. So I want to talk about how to get out of the burnout cycle if you’re just so, so used to it. And I’m going to be talking about why we burn out. And then I’m going to be giving you some tools on how to not burn out and what to do so you don’t burn out.

So I am going to get right into it. Let’s first start with why we burn out. So there are four different. There’s a lot of reasons, but I came up with like the four most common that I see.

Number one is we don’t have a clear vision. Number two is we don’t believe we’re worthy of what we’re selling, working on, et cetera. We don’t feel like we have control and we don’t know how or when to slow down.[00:09:00]

So number one, let’s start with number one, not having a clear vision, not having a clear vision will keep you. in overthinking. It will keep you in self doubt. It will keep you just going back and forth and back and forth on what, what should I do here? And what should I do there? And like, when you don’t have a clear vision, it is so easy to play victim, like it to your own circumstances. It is so easy for you to blame everything else in your life when the reality is you. Like you don’t have a vision of where you’re going and you have to, like, learn how to do that. Like you have to learn how to actually create a plan and, and a vision. It doesn’t have to be the perfect vision. I think this also happens when you just put a lot of pressure on yourself to be, I think perfectionism comes through. It comes along here too, [00:10:00] but we get burnt out when we don’t know where we’re going.

That’s one reason we don’t know where we’re going. And this is when we are thinking, we’re thinking more than we are delivering. And what I mean delivering is like actually delivering to your clients. Like when you’re going back and forth in your head, just thinking and thinking and thinking and thinking, and should I do that? Or should I change my messaging here? Or should I do talk about this? Or should I do what, do I really need to fix that in this little, like you are just going in circles, thinking, thinking, thinking, but there isn’t a lot to show for it. There’s not a ton to show for it besides like some marketing for some people. For some people, it’s not marketing. If you, if you struggle with marketing, then it’s like you’re doing a lot of thinking and you’re working behind the scenes, but you’re not marketing and you know, you need to. So if you’re not delivering, like you need to get [00:11:00] it out of your head and onto some paper onto a doc that you share with your clients, you have to have a vision, create the plan. Okay. Here’s what I’m going to focus on in the next three months. And then learn to stick with that vision, but we’ll talk about the how after. So why we burn out number one is we don’t have a clear vision.

Number two is you don’t believe you’re worthy or we don’t believe we’re worthy. And this is really where it comes. Like what I think of when I think about burning out in this way is you’re just consuming more than you’re creating. And you just think like everyone else has the answer. I just need to listen to this podcast and I just need to look at this and watch this and look at my, these notes again. And like, you’re just doing a lot of consuming, but you’re not doing the creating. And the creating is where you, the burnout kind of [00:12:00] dwindles because when you’re creating, you’re giving and you’re serving. And even if you’re working just as hard, it doesn’t feel as hard because you’re more grounded. So why we burn out is, is sometimes when we don’t feel worthy, like we feel like we need more information or we need the perfect this or the perfect that, or this needs to be right before I do X. It’s because we’re just consuming, consuming, and it’s also thinking, right? We’re just like going in circles in our head instead of we’re focused on the output. On the output of what you’re doing and really focusing on, like, quieting the ego, quieting the ego. I, I recently was so in my head and I texted my friend, Erica Cruz, I love her and [00:13:00] she She, she said this to me, she’s like, oh, you’re feeling this way ’cause you don’t feel worthy. And I was like, that is so true. And it hit me just perfectly. And I was like, yes, this is why. And when I, when I kind of realized that, I was like, okay, I really am focusing so much on myself. I’m focusing so much on my problems, and it’s just so egotistical. And I needed to be like, okay, all right, ego. I love you. I need you sometimes, but right now, uh, and I had to like, look at the results I’ve gotten my clients. I had to look at the results that created my business. I had to look at my life and all the areas I’m proud of and really like remind myself, like, of course I’m worthy. I’m here. I created all this. But so much starts with like, just slowing down the consumption. [00:14:00]

There are many phases in my business where I just like decided not, like I’m not listening to any podcasts. I’m not like consuming anything. I’m just listening to music and I’m creating. I have phases of that. Okay. Another reason why we burn out is we feel like things are out of control or they’re not in our control. I see this especially when we’re worried about money, when, um, our business finances or cashflow is low, when you’re using your reserves. When you need sales. So I see it with being worried about money. I see it being worried about circumstances. Like I felt a lot of this when I was pregnant. I felt like all of it was out of my control. What was I going to do? I also see this like worried about future problems, especially for people who are implementing a plan and they’re like [00:15:00] going hard. You can easily burn out just thinking about like trying to cover your ass for future problems, even though they’re not problems yet. That’s why we burn out when we don’t feel like we’re in control when we don’t feel like we’re in control. And that’s where we have to shift our mind to really reminding ourselves like, no, we’re absolutely in control. We’re absolutely in control. Okay, I’m pregnant and I can’t control that. But what can I control? I can control how I work in my business. Okay. Shit. Money is getting very, very effing tight. What is in my control? Well, I can make a special offer. I can fucking get a job down the street. I can look for, I mean, there’s just, if you, I could move. I mean, there’s just so many options. Like if you want to look at that, but one is like. know [00:16:00] that burnout comes when you just really feel out of control. Like you’re not in control. And then the last one I talked about or I have here is that you, like why we feel burnt out is you don’t know how or when to slow down. And this is when I see people very, very attached to their work and their identity is like too deeply tied to their output. So much so that they like, they could really grind and grind like these are the hustlers, right? I’m kind of like this. Um, these are the hustlers who like, you like the hustle, right? You like the hustle, you like the grind, but also like I used to be a person who just didn’t know when to fucking stop. And I have my moments of that too. And I have to like remind myself that like, it’s not, not only is it not healthy, it’s also just not productive in the type of business I want [00:17:00] to build in the mom. I want to be in the wife. I want to be right for the other identities in my life. I have to learn how to slow down more and more and more and more. And I’ve just gotten better at that as I’ve grown my business. And I know that as I grow my business, even more, as I grow my revenue, even more, as I take on more clients, I’m only going to get better at it. One thing I’ve done just in the last, just this year, I’d say in the last four months is, um, I started coloring and it helps me be present and I started realizing, cause the first time I started to color, I started to get anxious and I wanted to go faster. And I was like, why is this taking so long? And I was like, whoa, that’s a problem cat. Like, this is not good. If you can’t even just chill and enjoy yourself. So because of that, I’ve been practicing. And I’ll pull it out. And I have it. I have it with me in my purse right now. I keep my, I keep my [00:18:00] coloring book and my markers with me and if I’m feeling anxious or if I want to be present, I could just pull it out and do it like I’m actively getting better at that. Cause I know it helps me stay in the present. Okay. So those are some reasons on why we burn out. Let’s talk about how to not burn out. Okay. How to not burn out and how it affects you and your selling and your marketing. Okay. So How to not burn out. Number one is productive rest.

Productive rest is a concept that I created in like 2021. And the reason I called it that is because I found that a lot of my clients had such a hard time resting. And. they, they just had a, such a hard time giving themselves like enough room, like compassion and love and [00:19:00] care to let them rest, let themselves rest. So I called it productive rest cause I was like, okay, well I’m just going to like fuck with you. Like, let’s just mess with it. What is it called when you like, um, when you, oh my God, I’m forgetting the name. When you like call it something, so it makes you think it’s, it’s like you do it with like kids who are lying. I forget, I forget what it’s called. Someone out there knows DM me. If you know what it is, DM me and be like, I heard your podcast. This is the word you were looking for. But I call it productive rest because productive You have to start thinking as your rest as a productivity tool, of course, you are always earned rest. You, you’re a human, you’re, you work like you deserve rest always, always, always. Okay. But when your brain, when that, when your brain is not accepting that.[00:20:00] Then I want you to really see like, no, rest is absolutely a productivity tool. It keeps the most important asset in this business going. That’s me. That’s you. It’s so important. It’s so important.

So you have to learn how to rest. You have to start thinking about it as productive. And, um, that is how you, and when you’re resting, right, when you, when you let yourself rest, And I also want to mention here, this is not just resting, like laying on the couch. Productive rest is like actually resting your mind, actually like going to a park and like putting a blanket on the ground and laying on it and looking at the effing trees and like being present in the moment. Now you don’t have to do that, but I’m [00:21:00] just saying, honestly, sometimes watching TV could be rest, but like, it’s not the best rest, right? What is the best rest? Cuddling with our family, going to the movies. We’re going to dinner with a friend, getting your mind off of your business. That’s number one.

Number two is planning ahead of time. If you don’t want to burn out, have a plan. Look at your money, look at your circumstance, look at the travel you’re going to take inside show up and lead mastermind. We do a three year plan that might be intimidating for some of you, but I learned this from one of my mentors and she taught me like. There’s like a book about it or something, but we do a three year plan. And the reason is I want you to have a longterm vision for your business. I want you to [00:22:00] know what skills you need to develop to get to the year three and the revenue of year three. I want you to be able to see it. When you plan ahead of time, You don’t have to focus so much on like the hard work you have to do of today because you’re like, Oh no, no, no, that’s a, that’s a, that’s a 2025 goal. I don’t need to work on that right now. That’s not my priority right now. You’ll also do quarterly planning with me inside Show Up & Lead Mastermind where we’ll look at like, okay, what areas of your business need your attention at that moment. Cause that’s really what you need to look at when you’re scaling your programs. It’s like, what do your clients need? What do you need? Like what needs, do you need policies, boundaries? Like what do you need curriculum, right? Like you want to know what your business needs to scale. So planning ahead of [00:23:00] time, it will help you not burn out. The next one is middle finger energy. Middle finger energy. This is something that I just came up with. And I started thinking about here’s what middle finger energy is. Middle finger energy is this identity. Like I look at it as like an identity or a piece of your, a piece of your identity where you are owning. All of you, like you are just owning your self, your work, your, like, it is where you just really embrace who you are authentically. And you become, well, the reason I call it middle finger energy, because it really is this energy that is like, I don’t care when nobody says, like literally I don’t care what anybody says.[00:24:00] about anything I do. I have my own back. I like who I am. I like my values. I own my mistakes. I own my flaws. I own my strengths. I’m never afraid to being called out because if I’m called out, I’ll just talk about it. Like I’ll just be real with everyone. If I am If I make a full, like, if I make a mistake, if I cancel something that I originally planned, excuse my voice, if I cancel something I originally planned, I, I’m not afraid to just own up to everything that is the currently me. It is so powerful when you have middle finger energy. It is so powerful because you don’t give a fuck what anybody thinks. I don’t care if it’s your husband, your kids, your clients, [00:25:00] your mom. I mean, one thing that really gets me going is this energy of like, no, no, no, no, I don’t have to prove shit to nobody. I like me. I’m always comfortable with who I am. I know I’m a work in progress. I know I’m not perfect and I’m also okay with not being perfect. I’m okay with the current version of me. I don’t need to be anybody for anybody. When you have that kind of self assurance, it reminds you know what it reminds me of? I, the reason I called him middle finger energy, cause it reminded me of Cardi B at the come up. Now, some of, some of you might listen to this and be like, what? Like if you’re not familiar with Cardi B and like, hip hop, like rap, especially amongst women, you might not get this. Um, but middle finger energy, what I think of is Cardi B [00:26:00] when she was coming up and Bodak, Bodak Yellow, her first like hit that Blew up and she started making, you know, more music and collabing with more people. And she was just coming up so quickly and so many people were hating on her specifically Nicki Minaj because Nicki Minaj is an artist, right? Like Nicki Minaj is like, The, she’s an artist when it comes to hip hop. Like she is a real hip hop artist and she is someone who it’s, if you know her music, she just, she it’s, her music is so intentional. She’s an artist. I don’t know how to explain it outside of that. Like she is a pure musician, like artist, right? That’s who Nicki Minaj was and Nicki Minaj was hating on Cardi B so much because Cardi B came in and was just like, Look, I’m, I’m not an artist, but I’m good at this. [00:27:00] Okay. And clearly it’s working. So Cardi B, like she has a lot of people helping her write her music. Um, there are, I believe she has full songs that she just didn’t write. Um, she, you know, a lot of people kind of labeled her as like this artist, this music artist that like was created right for, for hits. Why I loved this energy for her is because she always just showed up so real. She had middle finger energy. She’s like, I don’t care what anybody thinks of me. Okay. You don’t like that. I don’t do things this way or the right way or whatever. Cool. I’m not trying to be liked by you. It is this like just [00:28:00] embodying who you are when you do that and you’re not afraid to slow down and you’re not afraid to say what you really want to say in your marketing. It, I promise you, it helps you not burn out. It helps remind you over and over and over again that you don’t got shit to prove to nobody, no body. Okay. That was enough of that. And then the last one is how, um, is managing your mind. Managing your mind. If you really want to get out of burnout so you can go out there and sell and market and serve and follow the plan you created, which you’ll create inside Show Up & Lead Mastermind, but really double down on trusting yourself, double down on trusting the process, double down on [00:29:00] on just getting creative in your business and really taking Tackling that vision you have for it and then also making sure that you’re resting and protecting your time and protecting your energy. When you are doing that, there’s not a lot that can shake you and you’ll know when you’re burning out and you’ll do something about it. So the last one is managing your mind, having full awareness of what’s happening in your brain and what your brain is telling you. Like if you don’t want to burn out, I want you to take a daily, daily action in brain dumping your thoughts and really getting a good idea of what your brain is telling you. And then deliberately practicing to believe the thoughts that you want to believe, telling yourself, telling your brain, okay, I know [00:30:00] brain, you might want to be telling me that, that post that got three likes. is crap, but I don’t, it’s, I don’t believe, okay, great. Sure. There, there could be truth to that, but I’m going to look at the other truth. And the other truth says not enough people saw it. So let me share it on my stories. Not enough people saw it. So let me share it on my threads or let me put this reel on Tik TOK that didn’t do well, or let me redo it and explain further and talk about it in my stories. Okay. But to do that, you have to actually know what’s happening in your brain. I want you to be having a conversation in your brain all day, and the main thing you’re doing is calming yourself down, telling yourself everything’s all right, and that you are in control, and that you are very, very, very worthy, and that you’re free to create. You’re free to put out work that’s imperfect. You’re free to deliver to your clients imperfectly that it’s safe to do that. It’s [00:31:00] safe to slow down. I want you to be focused on telling your brain that, but not just slapping that onto negative thinking. I want you to also understand what your brain is telling you. And I want you to take note of the negative thoughts that are keeping you from selling and marketing. And I want you to learn how to tackle them. And that’s exactly what you’ll do inside Show Up & Lead Mastermind. You’ll become wildly more aware of what’s happening in your brain, and you’ll know why you’re not selling, and you’ll know why your marketing isn’t working, because it leads straight to your freaking brain and how you’re talking to yourself, a hundred percent.

All right, y’all. I hope this is helpful. I hope this helps you stop burning out and Show Up & Lead Mastermind is open for enrollment right now. Book a sales call with me. I don’t [00:32:00] want you to play this burnout game anymore. Taking on the same exact business as you. Tasks and projects every year crossing your fingers that they’ll get better little by little. Come inside, Show Up & Lead Mastermind, learn how to really master your mind, learn how to embody middle finger energy and really become known in your industry, known for your unique ideas, known for your intellectual property, known for your client results. Make it happen. Book a sales call with me if this all sounds good to you. And if you know, you need this on your way to your next goal. All right, y’all, I will see you later. Send you a big hug. Feel free to DM me on Instagram. If you have any questions about the mastermind. All right, I’ll talk to you later. Bye.

Applications for Show Up & Lead Mastermind are open now head to to apply or DM me on Instagram @catdelcarmen with any questions. I cannot wait to see you inside.

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