Show Up Real is a show dedicated to putting more cash in the hands of Women of Color.

Hosted by multiple six-figure business coach Catalina Del Carmen, she shares strategies that keep your business simple, your mindset focused, your bank account big, and your impact even bigger. Listen to the weekly episodes on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or your favorite podcast app. 



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Catalina Del Carmen is a wife, mom, first-generation Guatemalteca, and multiple six-figure business coach. She keeps it real week after week, sharing the mindset, marketing, and sales strategies that keep your coaching business simple while still massively profitable and impactful.

281. 10 Pieces of Content in 3 Days

In this episode, you’ll get an intro to what it feel like when you post 10 pieces of content in three days as part of my Cringe Challenge.

Throughout the episode, I share the mindset shifts that happen when you take action with content during the challenge and why everyone needs to join.

Want in? Join the Cringe Challenge here!

This is the no-fluff challenge, the “f**k Canva slowing me down” challenge. This is the scrappy but impactful challenge.

You will challenge yourself to post more pieces of authentic content in 3 days than some of you do in a month.

I want these three days to be the biggest middle finger to all the marketing rules that are slowing you down.

This challenge is all about embracing the ~cringe~ that happens after publishing something real, something honest, something imperfect.

For 3 days, I dare you to play, to have a little fun, and let the fucking perfection go.


Show Up Real, my Content Marketing Group Program, opens for enrollment on Wednesday, November 13, 2024. Get on the waitlist to get the most up to date info:

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What is up y’all welcome back to Show Up Real Podcast. I hope you are having a good day today’s election day and there’s a lot of emotions and internal drama happening for a lot of people. So if you are listening listening to this the day it comes out or I don’t know what tomorrow will bring but regardless of what tomorrow brings.

I hope you give yourself some space to feel, to be human, to have emotions. And you know, we’re going to make it work regardless what happens. Okay. All right. I am excited for today’s episode. Couple things. Here’s why. One, I’m inviting you to participate in Cringe Challenge, but two, I want to talk about what happens when you post.

and put 10 pieces of content out in three days. This is the challenge. Challenge is starting November 13th. That’s next week. If you’re listening to this, the week this comes, this episode comes out. And Cringe Challenge is a signature challenge we do inside Show Up, Real, my content and community building program. And

This challenge is the challenge to get you into action. This challenge was really created because I had, at the time I created it, this was years ago, there were so many of my clients really having a hard time showing up in content because they were micromanaging everything, every little detail in their head.

And what would happen is they were so focused on getting it right that it wasn’t getting it out. And what I’ve learned over and over and over again is any time you are in a mindset where you’re overthinking, you’re not sure, like, should I post this or should I post that or maybe I should do this or maybe I should do that, if that is lasting more than a couple days, that is a mindset problem and you need to get through it quickly.

especially if you are running a business and you want to grow your business and you are wanting to create more content to create more community, create more clients, right? You got to be able to get out of those, I don’t want to post kind of little phases. And you have to be able to find the joy and the fun and just the gift of creating and being creative and also serving your people.

So this challenge was created because this is the number one challenge to do when you are in your head about your content. It’s as simple as that. But what I find too is so much beauty happens when you challenge yourself to do something you’ve never done before or to do something that sounds so unattainable or sounds just so cringy.

The reason it’s called a Cringe Challenge is because it is cringy. It is cringy. It’s going to feel cringe. And if you don’t know what the word cringe is, it’s really just that feeling. Cringe is that feeling you get when you say a joke and then no one laughs. And you’re like, my God, this is so embarrassing. It’s like this mix of like embarrassment and cringe. Let’s see, cringe is like embarrassment and a little with like a little flavor of, maybe it’s just embarrassment, I don’t know. For me, it’s a little silly almost, but it’s like this YOLO, like you only live once embarrassment, I don’t know. But I call it Cringe Challenge because the truth is when you are posting 10 pieces of content in three days, it’s going to feel a little ick, it’s going to feel a little cringe.

And that’s what I challenge you to do inside of this challenge, okay? So one, I wanna invite you, you could use the link below to sign up, but if you are thinking to yourself, 10 pieces of content in three days, you have to be kidding me, hell to the no. If that is you, I wanna, I want you to listen. I wanna tell you what happens. I wanna tell you.

What happens when you put out 10 pieces of content in three days? Okay? That’s what today’s episode is gonna be like, or what I’m gonna share with you. I wanna share with you the actual lessons you’ll learn and why it is so, so important for you to dive into this challenge and take action. And I also wanna mention one thing. This is not just for people who are new to content. This is not for people who are not consistent. If you are consistent with your content, if you are running a whole business, but you have not changed your marketing strategy, you have not tried new things, you’ve just been doing the same thing over and over and over and over again, and you know it’s time to change, but you are feeling so awkward in making any changes to your content. This is how we also use Cringe Challenge.

Cringe Challenge is not just a challenge for folks who are brand new to content. It is a challenge for anybody who wants to try something new and wants to give themselves a challenge to do that. Okay. All right. So let’s get into what happens when you post 10 pieces of content in three single days.

I’m kind of going to spitball these. wrote a whole bunch down. All right. So here’s what’s going to happen. Number one, you are going to stop caring about what people think. Here’s the thing. When you are posting three to four posts, three to four pieces of content in one single day, you can not care what people think. You have to start looking at it differently. And when you do it, when you take action, what’s going to happen is your brain, so you’re going to have an idea, right? You’re going to have something to say to your audience. You’re going to, and I’ll guide you like inside Cringe Challenge, you’re actually going to get a prompt to your email.

I’m not going to tell you what to post, but I’ll give you prompts that you can choose from so that you can take action on whichever ones feel right to you. And it just makes the process easier for you, right? Like if you’re going to post this many times, like let me help. Let me walk you through it. And here’s the thing. You’re going to take action. You’re going to read this prompt. You’re going to want to share some type of wisdom that you have or teach something or something to your audience, to your family and friends on Facebook, on Instagram, on TikTok, whatever, right? And what’s going to happen is your brain is going to tell you, this isn’t right. You should definitely not share this. Or people are not going to find this relevant. Or they don’t care about this topic, and they’re not going to like it. All of that is going to be gone. Or I know for me, when I post new things, my brain is like, people are going to think you’re not organized. Or they’re going to think that you have to like, do something new because something’s wrong in your business. This is so dramatic. Our brain is going to come up with a whole bunch of thoughts. My brain always tells me my clients are going to think x, y, So that’s what my brain tells me. But the reality is when you participate in Cringe Challenge, when you put out 10 pieces of content in three days, you will not have time to care about people. What you will be thinking about and what your brain will be centered around is

Helping people and you won’t be focused on helping people who don’t want help. You will be focused on helping people who want your help That’s the point here. That’s why we’re creating content this challenge is about you going out there and just taking off this layer of I have to be this one I have to do it that way I have to be perfect and it needs to have a hook and it needs to be go viral and it needs to Be relevant and it needs no this is about you showing up unapologetically sharing what you know, leaving, like just being in service and helping the people who want to receive it. And everyone else can go on with their life. So you will absolutely care less about what people think after these three days. It’ll be amazing.

Number two, you will give yourself more permission. You will give yourself permission to be a human, to be a learner, and to publicly learn how to do something. Here’s the deal. When you participate in Cringe Challenge, one thing I’m going to prompt you to do, and this is one thing you’ll do, is you’ll create a goal. You’ll create your Cringe Challenge goal. And this is going to look different for everyone, right?

So some people, they might want to go live every day for those three days, another person might want to start like a little series, maybe have like a certain topic that they’re talking about for those three days, whatever. It’s gonna look different for everyone. But the reality is, the thing I love about Cringe Challenge is in those three days, you have to force yourself to give yourself permission to be a human who is imperfect, who doesn’t have all their ducks in a row and is just here to serve people. Because one thing I’ve learned over and over and over again in my business is the best way to create clients is to go back into serving people.

Too many people are so focused on how they look and looking cool and looking aesthetically right and making sure this goes well and la la la la. And what it does is it takes away all of the permission for you to just share your effing ideas.

Share your wisdom and I want you to share your wisdom I want you to go out there and really help people and to do that you need to give yourself permission to be Imperfect and that is what will happen when you take action inside of this challenge, okay number three The third thing that happens during Cringe Challenge in these three days is that you are gonna understand the game better and by the game, I mean the content game, the business game, the marketing game. You will be taking action so quickly. You will be managing your mindset so quickly. You will have full awareness of what your mindset is doing because, one, I will be kind of challenging you to do that. And you’ll be journaling, too. You don’t just get a content prompt, you also get a journaling prompt. So you’re going to be so aware of what’s happening in your brain that you are going to start taking action. You are going to start sharing your wisdom. And when you do, people will notice. Your audience will notice. They will feel the shift with you. And when they do, you will start really understanding what people gravitate to.

That’s why Cringe Challenge is so important. Inside my group program, Show Up Real, you actually have access to doing Cringe Challenge anytime you want, and it’s two weeks instead of three days, and it’s 40 posts in two weeks. I’m actually in the middle of Cringe Challenge right now because I am launching and I was a little in my head and I’m like, no, no, no, no, no, no. We need to Cringe Challenge this shit because I don’t have time to be in my head about my content. I need to go out there and help my people. I need to go out there and really serve my clients. So the way I want you to think about Cringe Challenge is like when you are in your head, you just know where to go. You always have a, like you always have a solution for when you’re not posting content.

That’s how I think about Cringe Challenge. And when you take action in this way, what’s going to happen is that you will become a better marketer. You will start learning exactly what works, exactly what doesn’t, what people gravitate towards, what people don’t, right? You will get better because you’ll be creating more in a shorter period of time.

Think of this as like a little boot camp, right? Like you’re putting, you are taking so much action, right? Instead of consuming and consuming and consuming, you will be creating, creating and creating. And when you are creating your whole entire, like the visibility of your business, of your content, right? It just changes because you see the bigger picture. You see how much the little things don’t matter. And then you also see, how the little things do matter, like which little things do matter and which little things don’t. This challenge is about shaking you up so you can shake off that perfectionism and just learn the lessons you need to learn to get moving and to get marketing. You’re going to understand the game better. You’re going to understand content better. You’re going to understand copywriting better.

You’ll do that because you’ll be taking action faster. And you’ll also learn, and I don’t think I wrote this down, but you’ll also learn how to trust yourself. That’s really the next one. You’re going to learn how to trust your own brain. You’re going to learn how to trust your own brain. And if that alone, when you start really trusting your brain to take risks, to try new things,

to play around, right? When you give yourself that permission, you are un-effing touchable. There is nothing you can’t do. The reason I am so obsessed with Cringe Challenge is because this is a challenge where you’re really challenging your authenticity and you’re challenging to trust yourself at such a deeper level and just allow yourself to go through the gunk to get to really great content. I think the folks who really struggle with Cringe Challenge or they like wanna join but they don’t join is because they feel like it’s too unintentional and sloppy and messy and like it’s just not like, it’s not who they wanna like be.

But my response to that is like, okay, cool, then don’t, so you’re telling me this, you actually practice authenticity, you actually being put on the spot to play and to be creative and to be a little sloppy and to be a little imperfect. That is how you get to great content. You don’t get to great content by doing everything perfect and pretty unless you have the discipline to do that, which if you do, then you probably wouldn’t be here listening to this.

But if you want to get to really great content and go viral and grow this audience to 100K and more, then I’m sorry to break it to you, but the only way to get to great is to be good is to be good. And I want you to trust yourself to do that. All right, so let’s do another one. When you post 10 pieces of content in three days, what you are also going to learn about yourself is you are going to start to understand your content style. The more you take action in content, the more content you are creating, the more you will understand your edge, the more you will understand what makes you you, the more you will understand why people gravitate towards you, the more you will understand your ideal clients and your audience and your community. It’s really a beautiful thing.

When you give yourself permission to take action and try new things and say what you got to say and share that wisdom and serve your people, you understand your why. Authenticity is so important to this mix. You understand exactly what people like about you. Like for me, because I’ve been creating content for so long now and I’m so good at giving myself permission, right, to just post whatever I would like, is because of that, I know exactly why people love me. I know exactly what people love about me. I know exactly what they want to hear. I know exactly the types of things that I could post to get more followers or to secure a sale, right? Like I have been doing this for so long now. It’s like in my head, it’s very clear. I actually did an example once.

I remember during a past launch of Show Up Real, I posted a baby photo of my son. And that was like the whole post and then in the caption I put here is why baby photos do better right and then I talked about why baby photos get more engagement or things like baby photos and I talked about why it gets more engagement and then I remember when I put that out and I posted that I was like this shit better getting engagement because I was like this is not going to prove a point if it doesn’t get engagement and what did it do it got engagement likes, it got all these comments, it did exactly what I thought it would do, right?

When you post 10 pieces of content in three days, when you post 30 pieces of content in two weeks, it’s actually 30 posts in two weeks inside Show Up Real program, when you do that, you will understand your style. You’ll start to really understand what makes you unique and what makes you special and why people gravitate towards you. But the thing is so many people are so trying to do things perfectly with like a perfect script and a perfect topic and the perfect thing to say. are so with the perfect hook and the perfect all these things. And they’re so focused on that, that they are so, they come off so fake. I’m gonna just say it. They come off so fake. Because it is fake. It’s not you. And I think so many people think they’re not cool enough or they don’t sound this enough.

And it’s like the reality is people want you to be you, especially when you are selling a service-based business, right? Like if you are a coach or you have any type of service and you are the front of the brand, if that is you, you have to practice showing up real. That is how you build trust. That is how people pay you. The only reason I get, I’ve gotten clients my entire career in business from Instagram, from my podcast, right? From my email list. The only reason that is, is because I show up very real. People know what to expect. They know, they know me and they know me because I’m willing to share who I am.

All right, I have two more and then we’re gonna get out of here. Okay, the next thing that happens when you post 10 pieces of content in three days is you’ll have more to say. You will have so much more to say. You will have so much to say that you’re gonna wanna be posting 10 times a day. I’m not even kidding you. When I’m doing Cringe Challenge, sometimes I get into these modes where I think the most I’ve ever posted in one day was like seven pieces of content in one day.

And I know it sounds silly, but I was doing Cringe Challenge, like a year ago and I just got so in the mix. Like I was just like, let’s serve people, let’s go. And when I got into that energy, I mean, when you have that kind of trust in yourself, you are just like, I have so much to give the world. I want to give all this wisdom away for free. And your creativity just boosts. That is what I want for all of you.

That is why I want you to join. This challenge is free, by the way, three days and 10 posts. It is completely free. I’m going to walk you through it. And it’s going to just change the way you think about content. So I know it’s a lot. I know it’s a big deal. I know it sounds intimidating. But I promise you, I have seen every type of personality kill it in this challenge. I’ve seen every type of person with different types of content do post all kinds of different ways. And what I want for you is just to get through the ick so that you could get comfortable posting, trying new things on social media, trying new strategies, creating a new series, creating, you know, trying a different format, whatever it is for you that you want to try out, use these three days to do it. And then the last piece, which I think is the most important, is when you create 10 pieces of content in three days and it’s all about service and it’s all about giving.

Your content becomes less about you. It becomes less about your business, and it becomes more about people. It becomes more about community. It becomes more than just doing it right. It becomes this energy of like, I’m on a mission to help people, and I don’t really care if I’m talking in circles. I don’t really care if I have to, if I stutter a little bit.

I’m going to do it because I’m on a mission. And let me tell you something, when you are in that energy, that is money fucking making energy. That is what will fuel your next milestone. What will fuel an increase in your sales. What will fuel your first 10K. It will fuel your next launch. When you allow yourself to take some risks and get a little bit messy, get your hands a little messy and be willing to show up and serve people in the way you want to serve people. Because what happens is, you just make it less about you. What happens is, it becomes more about you giving the value and them getting the result and actually taking action from it, than it is about you and getting more clients.

And anybody who’s had clients knows that when you are the most unattached, when you are just like, extremely unattached to getting results, to getting clients, that’s when all the clients pour in. That is when they pour in because it’s just energetically contagious. Like people just want to be in your energy. So this is what I propose to you. This is what I challenge you. Right now, if you are listening to this and you’re like, my f-ing goodness, I don’t know if I could do this, I want to tell you you can.

I want you to, one, sign up for Cringe Challenge. We get started November 13th. That’s next week from when I’m sharing this episode. And it’s going to be so, so good. We are launching Show Up Real, my group program, with this challenge. So you’ll learn more about that in the coming couple days on the podcast or next week. And I just really invite you to join. I know this is an audacious goal, but I also know how powerful it is. And I want you to join us for this experience. All right, y’all. I will see you on the other side. If you have any questions, feel free to DM me on Instagram @catdelcarmen. And I think that’s it for right now. I’ll see you later. Talk to you later. Bye.

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