Show Up Real is a show dedicated to putting more cash in the hands of Women of Color.

Hosted by multiple six-figure business coach Catalina Del Carmen, she shares strategies that keep your business simple, your mindset focused, your bank account big, and your impact even bigger. Listen to the weekly episodes on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or your favorite podcast app. 



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Meet the host

Catalina Del Carmen is a wife, mom, first-generation Guatemalteca, and multiple six-figure business coach. She keeps it real week after week, sharing the mindset, marketing, and sales strategies that keep your coaching business simple while still massively profitable and impactful.

220. Webinar Replay: How to Create They-Are-Reading-My-Mind Content [ Show Up Real is open for Enrollment ]

In today’s episode, I am sharing a replay of my webinar: How to Create They-Are-Reading-My-Mind Content. You will learn three types of content creating personas, what content doesn’t work, why it doesn’t work, and what to do instead.

Show Up Real is open for enrollment!

Show Up Real is a 12 month content marketing group program — everything in this program is designed to help you up level or jumpstart your content as a coach or service provider. Inside Show Up Real, you will identify exactly what your authentic movement is and you’ll learn exactly what platforms to focus on and which to give less energy too. We will help you FOCUS and start serving and selling your little booty off!

We mix marketing and mindset because we know that you typically have amazing ideas — but what slows down the content process is everything in between the idea and the publishing. So I created a program that disrupts that cycle.

What’s the investment? $2,500 paid in full or 5 payments of $500.

Here’s what you get inside your 12-month access to Show Up Real Group Program —

  • The Show Up Real Curriculum (pre-recorded + live trainings for 3 months in this launch only)
  • Weekly Group Coaching Calls (on marketing and mindset)
  • Monthly Content Planning Workshop (every single month!!)
  • Challenges, Workshops, Guest Coaches, and more
  • Access to my course, Podcast Marketing Lab

DM Cat on Instagram with any questions.

Join Show Up Real here.

Watch Cat’s FREE training: How to Sell Out 4-Figure Offers.

For more on Cat Del Carmen, follow her on Instagram @CatDelCarmen and visit


EP 220. Webinar Replay: How to Create They-Are-Reading-My-Mind Content [ Show Up Real is open for Enrollment ]

What is up y’all? If you are listening to this the day it comes out, that means Show Up Real is open for enrollment. Show Up Real is my 12 month content marketing program designed to help you level up or jumpstart your content as a coach or service. provider inside Show Up Real. You will identify exactly what your authentic movement is.

You’ll learn exactly what platforms to focus on, which to get less energy to. And I will help you just focus so you can start serving and start selling to the community you care. This program is a mix of marketing and mindset because I know that most of you have amazing ideas, but what’s slowing you down is the process of churning it out and putting it out there.

So in this program, I’m going to help you disrupt that cycle. If you want in, join now. The investment for this program is $2,500 USD or five payments of $500 USD. For more information, click here. You can also DM me any questions on Instagram.

My Instagram handle is @CatDelCarmen. I can’t wait to see you inside.

My name is Catalina Del Carmen and I’m on a mission to put more cash in the hands of women of color. I’m a wife, mom, amiga, prima, and I happen to run a multiple six figure coaching business. On this show, I share sales and marketing strategies that keep your business simple, your mindset focused, your [00:02:00] bank account big, and your impact even bigger. So if you are on a mission to create generational change and you want to make a lot of money doing it, welcome to the Latinas Booked Out Podcast.

What is up y’all? Welcome back to Latinas Booked Out Podcast. I hope you are doing well y’all Show Up Real is open for enrollment. If you have not joined this program and you have been. about it. I want to make sure that you watch the replay of my webinar that happened last week. I have gotten the best reviews about it.

So, if you are on the fence or you’re not sure, make sure to watch the replay. You could find it by [00:03:00] signing up below. And y’all, I had an incredible launch so far. My mind has been a little blown, but I’m so excited to serve you guys at a different level.

I’m so excited to get things started. I mean, this program is just starting. Our first, first, first coaching call is today when this episode comes out. And I’m just wildly humbled by the amount of people that joined this program, and I’m really, really ready to serve, deeply serve this group of people. I want to see everyone just practicing authenticity throughout their content, impacting their communities, growing their communities, leading their communities.

I am wildly, wildly excited. [00:04:00] So if you have any questions. About Show Up Real, make sure to go to my website,, and you’ll see a button when you go to my website. You’re also welcome to send me any questions in my DMS on Instagram. So if you find me, Cat Del Carmen, feel free to ask me any questions about joining Show Up Real.

For those of you who don’t know, Show Up Real is a community building program for people who want to create authentic, compelling, thought provoking content that not only creates clients but creates conversation and engagement. This program is really what I wish I would have had when I was in the very early stages of my business.

And I also feel like this program is something that is so wildly me. Like it is, it represents my, one of my biggest [00:05:00] values, which is authenticity and being real. So I, there’s just a special connection I have with this amazing program. So if you have any questions, make sure to let me know. Besides that, how y’all doing?

Today’s episode is going to be a replay of the webinar I had last week. I got incredible feedback about it, and I wanted to make sure that you also had access to it. So, if you weren’t able to make last week’s webinar, even if you were able to make last week’s webinar, and you have been thinking about different ways you can show up, thinking about content differently, Re listening on the podcast will only help take away those biggest aha moments from the webinar.

So I still recommend you listen. So that’s what I’m sharing today is the replay, how to create, [00:06:00] they are reading my mind. content, okay, and build community. I talk about the three personas who create content. I share why your content isn’t working, why it might not be working, what, how simple it could be to create content.

If you want to know how to create content that gets your audience saying and DMing you, how are you reading my mind right now? Listen to this episode. All right, y’all. I will see you on the other side for those interested in joining Show Up Real. I personally invite you to come into this community to join our community so you can show up in your content more authentically and really just in a way that serves your people at their highest level and helps you sign your first four-figure clients.

All right, y’all. I will see you on the other side. So we’re going to talk about how to create, how are [00:07:00] they reading my mind content that builds community. Let me tell you really quickly about why I decided on this. So I started my business in 2020, but before that I started a podcast that was at that time it was called Follow That Fear.

And I had tried so many content forms. I was a person who didn’t know exactly what I wanted to do, but I wanted to create something. I was on YouTube. You can look up my YouTube, actually. That was the beginning of my personal development journey. Um, I was on YouTube under Cat Del Carmen. I had a fashion blog.

And I was very inconsistent for a long time until I created my podcast. When I created my podcast, that, I, I learned how to market it really, really well. And it grew to 10K downloads in six months. And then 20K downloads the first year. And that was truly because I built a community. Like, that [00:08:00] was the time in my life that I was really building a community of people who wanted to explore how fear played a role in their life.

After that podcast really transitioned me into coaching. And it transitioned me into coaching. The community I care about so much, which is women of color, BIPOC folks, really marginalized folks. And I now have this beautiful business that I’ve created. And the process that I’m teaching you in terms of content and my marketing strategies that I just teach generally, my whole name of the game when it comes to creating content is simplification.

When I decided to simplify my marketing process. I immediately made more money. Like it was almost immediate and it was something that I wish I would have known before. So we’re going to talk about making money and having more, like bringing in [00:09:00] more clients. And then we’re also going to talk about building community and what that can look like for you.

So here’s what today is going to look like. We’re going to talk about the, we’re going to do the training, which I’m going to talk about community and content building. And that’s the majority of today. I’m also going to introduce you to my new program, Show Up Real. If you only came for the training, that is a thousand percent okay with me.

So at around that time, if you want to log off. Okay. Okay. So that is what today is going to look like. Let’s get started. All right. So this might be you. So I was thinking a lot about Kind of what it feels like I was thinking about like the different scenarios the different people the different clients I’ve had who have struggled with their content in some way shape or form and they’ve been trying to like crack the code They’re like, why does content feel easy for everyone else?[00:10:00] 

But for me, it feels hard Okay. So you might be a coach or a service provider, or you might be someone who maybe has like a product business or wants to create a business, um, or create some kind of community online. All of you are welcome here. Okay. So I am thinking a lot about the types of coaches and.

That I’ve worked with in my business. And I kind of created this like archetype of three people. Now I typically the test when people are like perfect Polly and I don’t know if you’ve seen those training, but I did it. I did it, but I changed the name. I couldn’t use Polly. So I kind of came up three archetypes and this is who I’m thinking.

I’m going to think either some of you are, I definitely identify with these or you, I definitely not identify with all of them. So first there’s strategic Selma. [00:11:00] And she is a person who understands marketing in a very general sense. She kind of gets the content game. They, Are very comfortable creating content.

That isn’t the problem. The comfort level is like, no, I’ll create content. I’ll go live. Like I’ll do whatever I’m down to do that, but they’re not very consistent. Usually they have some circumstances that slow them down. They’re like, I don’t have time. I have kids. I’m a stay at home mom. I am a student.

I’m getting my MBA. I’m like, there’s a circumstance. That’s in the way. Okay. There’s something that makes it feel hard to do what they want to do, but they have a general sense of like, I get marketing. Okay. And they also, what did I write down here? Um, yeah, they find it difficult to post, but, and I will say this person typically is like marketing a little bit everywhere.

They’re like a little bit everywhere. [00:12:00] Then there’s perfect. Pamela or Perfect Pamela. Perfect Pamela. She loves her Canva. She is on Canva. Canva ing, Canva iting up. I don’t know if that’s a word. It’s actually not a word. Um, she loves Canva. She actually has content. If you look at her page right now, it might be pretty.

Like it could, it’s probably like aesthetically pretty or close to, right? Like this person, they’re giving value to, here’s the thing, not only does it look pretty, it’s helpful information. So in their mind, they’re like, I don’t get it. Like this is helpful and it’s pretty. Why isn’t this working? Um, and they might be like very like friendly and like doing all the things you’re supposed to do on social media.

And then. There is best coach Baya [00:13:00] now, Baya. She’s a great coach. She loves her craft. She has certifications. She has probably multiple certifications. Like they really do love what they do. And every time they’re in front of a client, they’re like, Oh, I love this work. I want more clients. Why is this so hard?

They maybe don’t love marketing. They don’t love marketing. Every time they go on, it feels very awkward and like they get some type of stage fright and it just doesn’t feel very good. They have a lot of knowledge to share. They’re very smart. They have experience. They get the coaching world. So how I was saying strategic Selma, she’s like, Oh, I get how marketing works.

They are like, she gets coaching. She gets her [00:14:00] service that she does. Like she’s a pro, right? They’re a pro at what they do. They’re probably, they might not be very techie and he also might have a really back and forth relationship with social media. I didn’t add it. And if I could add a fourth, I thought about this after if I could add a fourth, it would be the person who is in it for the impact that it’s going to make in their community.

And. They hate that social media has to be a part of that because social media is so this and it’s so that and it’s like they hate social media, but they know they have to do it for their job. So if you identify with this, you’re in the right place with any of this. Okay. So this might be you

and you might be able to, to, you might be able to relate to this too. So why you could relate, this might be some of the reasons because you [00:15:00] are probably bombarded with strategies online and on social media, like you are bombarded, right? Everybody is telling you to do something. You have to have great branding.

Time for a rebrand. Everything should match on your page. You’re a professional. You should have a very, like, all your colors should go. You should be on TikTok. Why aren’t you on TikTok? TikTok’s gonna be the place to go viral. You gotta go be on TikTok. I mean, that’s crazy. You’ve got to post three times a day if you really want it.

If you really want it, you post three times a day, five times a day. Gary Vee posts like a hundred times a day. I love Gary Vee, by the way, so I’m not hating. I’m just saying this is why we’re here, right? Like, because this is the truth. Um, also you have to recreate the trend. This is a, this is a trendy sound.

You should do a reel on that, right? Um, there’s all of these rules on like what [00:16:00] creates great content. There’s all of these rules. That’s kind of why Bella, Pamela, and Selma. I don’t know why I stuck with all the L’s, um, are in that place. Here’s maybe where you want to be. Okay, so you might have, you might desire to have more consistent sales calls.

You want to build something great. You want to build something great. You know that you have it in you and you’re like, why is this so hard? You want to spread a message. You want a bigger community. You want more followers, right? You want more fault. You might want more followers. Maybe you want a top rated podcast.

I remember when I started my podcast, I’m like, I want to have a top rated podcast or a true impact on your community. For me, when I started my business. [00:17:00] It was very, very focused on like, I want to help my community when I first started my podcast, it really stemmed from this conversation I had with my, um, I was at the, at the, it was lunchtime.

I was at my cousin’s house. My uncle’s house cousin’s house and I was sitting at a table with my mom. I was sitting at a table with my two cousins and my mom was bragging about how I got a raise because I like asked for it. This is when I was at my nine to five and she was bragging about me, which doesn’t always happen.

But, and I remember my cousins were like, telling me how badass I am and like they were saying it in a way that made me feel like really like oh my god that’s such a big deal and in my head I was like well you guys can do it too you know everyone can do this like it’s just like you just got to do a little this a little bit of that like this is where I learned it that And what I realized was that all of the strategies I used to, that I [00:18:00] was using in growing my business, all of the podcasts I was listening to that were helping me develop as a person, they were all created and ran by either white men or white women, which isn’t a problem.

But for my cousin, they’re not going to listen to them. That’s just a hundred. I listen to them. I’m grateful for them. But my cousins are not these cousins specifically like with in this story. I’m like, they’re just not gonna, they’re gonna be like, well, I’m cool. I’m like, how do we get to these people?

Like, this is the community I want to support and elevate because I see badassery. See their badassery, it’s them to see it. So I wanted to build a community and I wanted to turn it into a business at some point and like figure out what that was. So here are some things you might have tried, [00:19:00] okay? You might have tried maybe email templates, maybe social media templates, maybe Canva templates, typing up some information, some value, putting it out on social media.

You might have tried posting like viral trends. So like when something goes viral, you’re like, let me hop in on that or maybe thought about doing that. You might have a lot of focus on repurposing. You’re like, every time you post one thing, you’re like, I got to repurpose. I got to make sure this gets to LinkedIn.

I got to make sure this gets to tick tock. I got to make sure it gets ABC. You probably maybe have some how to courses about social media or email templates or something like that. I know a lot of folks like to slap a new certification every time they don’t feel good about themselves in their goodness.

They’re like, if I had more information, that would be key. And I say that with love. [00:20:00] And also there’s a lot of strategies and I mean, when I came up in, when I started growing my social media, a lot of what they were telling people to do is DM people, like random people that you think could be your ideal client, DM them and like try to, what did I write down here, conversation starters.

You might get those in your DMs like, Hey, I love what you do your business going or like, Hey, I love what you do. Have you ever thought about monetizing? Like, or, or sometimes it’s like, hi, how are you? And I’m like, I can smell it from a mile away. I don’t know about you guys. Literally, they could send me hi.

I know if it’s a hi from my community or even like a friend of my community versus who’s probing and like here for business. And here’s what the difference is. The difference is the [00:21:00] connection. Because when you are building a community, You’re building folks who relate to your content, if you’re creating it, you’re creating a community of people who care about what you care about, and they’re typically going to come at you from a very authentic place, and you will feel that authenticity.

You’ll feel it. It’s why we could tell very clearly when someone’s being super fake. The same thing. The same thing. So these are just some of the things people have tried. You might have tried. So here’s why it doesn’t work. Okay. So when it comes to the, when it comes to like social media templates. One thing is the algorithm, right?

Like everyone hates the algorithm. By the way, can I just say something about the algorithm? Anytime someone has seen your post, anytime someone has liked your stuff, anytime you’ve gotten a DM saying like, I really [00:22:00] appreciate that, can we thank the algorithm actually? Aren’t like, do you know what is the other option besides social media?

Like back in 19, I don’t know, 80, like the other option was knocking on doors. The other option was like you putting in the footwork. So when we think about the algorithm, I wanna think about both sides. Okay? So one thing is algorithm. It doesn’t love certain pieces of content, so that’s why sometimes it doesn’t work.

Potential clients care less about pretty. The truth is some people care about pretty, but you know what they care about more, the value that you give them. Is this person helping me get to the next level? I’m sure you’ve experienced this where you’re just scrolling and then you see something. It doesn’t have to be the prettiest thing, but it gets your [00:23:00] attention and then it makes you think.

You’re like, huh, I never thought about that. Or you read something and you’re like, that’s so interesting. I’ve never heard it said that way. That is, how are they reading my mind content? That is that captivating content. And that can only come from you and your brain. Let’s talk more though. So what else, what else have you might’ve, uh, why also does that not work?

Like the things we just talked about, it’s also when you’re trying to be. Everywhere. So one thing a lot of people do is they’re like, I am, they’ll come to me and they’ll be like, I’m on LinkedIn, I have YouTube and podcasts, and I do them at the same time. And then I have Instagram and everything. I post on Instagram, I put on LinkedIn, and then I have, I want to start a blog.

And, um, I’m trying to think, oh, and uh, I’m on TikTok here and there.[00:24:00] 

The reason that’s not working for you is because. Your energy is divided in so many areas and it dilutes the actual value, it dilutes the value, the way I talk about it inside Show Up Real. And just in my coaching in general is like, when you are, when your brain is split up in so many ways, it’s like having energy, energy leak, energy leaks is a concept I learned from, uh, Simone soul like back in the day.

And she’s a coach and. She would talk about it like, like dripping out of a car, like the little oil dripping. It’s like, that’s, it’s imagine having a whole bunch for every platform you’re on. Instead of just putting your energy and mastering one, like, all right. So the strategy, so why it [00:25:00] also might not work is the strategy alone doesn’t.

Work. If strategy is all you needed to build a business and make your next 10k, your next 20k, whatever. If strategy did it alone, then we would all not be here. We would just be in Italy. Drinking champagne and living our best life. At least I would. Um, some of you guys do that on the regular, but, um, uh, but strategy isn’t the only piece there’s more to strategy and that’s what we’re going to uncover today.

Okay. So more education

sometimes is what happens is we seek more information when we’re struggling with something. So instead of trying to make something better. I’m going to listen to four podcast episodes about converting clients [00:26:00] instead of like actually looking at your marketing and implementing the strategy that you actually know.

And then lastly is why so much of those efforts don’t work is the intention is self centered.

It’s self centered. If you’re on Instagram, you’re like, what do I have to say? What do I have to say? I gotta get a, like I have to get another client. I need to post. I need to post like multiple times. Like that energy is literally like, that’s not money making energy. It’s not moneymaking energy when you are like, the reason so much of these efforts don’t work is it’s such a self-centered, centered interests.

I talk, there’s a section I talk about, I forget what video. I think it’s, um, I think it’s a, so one section of Show Up Real, there [00:27:00] is this video in the mindset kind of section, and it’s all about creating your gratitude practice. And the point of the gratitude practice is for you to stay out of self centeredness.

And one thing I talk about in there is even billionaires, problematic billionaires, even like some of the biggest companies that have questionable ethics, even they do a really good job at thinking about their clients deeply. And one example I share in there is Amazon and the three day delivery. Does anyone remember when three day delivery became a standard?

It was outrageous. I remember seeing that thinking three days. They’re very keen. That’s outrageous. But someone in that company was like, how do we really fucking [00:28:00] delight people? And you have to, to be able to think that way, you have to sit in their shoes. You have to imagine yourself in their shoes. You have to imagine yourself within their struggle.

You have to have deep empathy, which is just crazy to me. Right. But it’s true.

Great content is self centered. It’s not about you. And this is why so many efforts don’t work. So, here’s a process. This is a very, this is like, I handpicked this from the process we do inside the program, but this is a process that I want you to practice right after this call. Right after this call, I want you to take action and I just want you, if you have a solid 15 minutes, I want you to practice this.

So, when you’re creating reading my mind content. When you’re creating that, [00:29:00] this is what I, this is kind of the process. I want you to tell yourself. Okay. So step one, take a moment, recollect, reconnect, and you’re going to put your ego aside, put your ego aside. I want you to look in the mirror, have a conversation with yourself and say, okay, I’m going to do a cat size right after this call, feeling good.

What is my ego? One, actually, why don’t you write that down? Not right now, but you could, if you want, but one is identify what your ego wants. Before you post. So actually, let’s do step one. Think of an idea. Then when you have the idea, I want you to put your ego aside. So if your ego is like, Hey, this would look really nice in a Canva post.

And I’m, by the way, I’m not against Canva. Look at my page. Like I’m not against Canva, but you have to use it very intentionally. I’ve done the work. That’s why I’m on Canva all the time now. Like that Canva, we just breeze right through it. And I have a team that [00:30:00] supports me so like my business is just at a different place, but I’m not against Canva, but if it’s a problem, I’m against it.

Like if it is slowing down your process, like if, if, if, let me tell you something, your future clients, they will choose two pieces of content more than one pretty piece of content. Every single time, every single time. So when I say ego aside, you have an idea, you’re about to put it out. I want you to one, acknowledge your ego, realize what it wants, and put it aside.

Number two, I want you to optimize the marketing channel. What I mean by that is choose one channel,

one channel. This is a part of the bigger marketing strategy inside my program. In my program, we’re going to help you create a unique strategy. Not everyone’s strategy is going to look the same because some people have a podcast, some people have this, some people have that, right? You’re going to create your [00:31:00] own strategy.

And one thing I’m going to challenge everyone to do only focus on certain marketing channels that work for you or that have worked for you or if you’re new words of content feel easier and then we eliminate. Everything else. I want you to double down on what is working and completely eliminate those, those energy leaks of like, well, I post on LinkedIn a couple of times a month, or I’m supposed to be on TikTok and I know it’s like, it’s taking up space in your brain and that space, that little space it takes.

Your future clients need you to think harder about their problems with that space in your brain,[00:32:00] 

not figuring out how to get more exposure. Yes, marketing is important. This is why we’re all here. But what I’m telling you is it’s a thousand times more effective. It’s effective when you double down on a couple, either one platform, how I teach is one platform at a time,

one platform at a time. So optimize where you’re gonna, I should say optimize and eliminate here. Number three is give authentic value and invitation. So now that’s general, right? So authentic value is like, okay, what does that mean? It means whatever idea you have in terms of content, and I’ll tell you my process, my literal process.

So let’s get. What is that going to help my people get a result? I have my first idea [00:33:00] and I run with it.

What doesn’t happen is a conversation of whether that’s good enough anymore. I should say, actually, that still happens. It just happens less than in the beginning of my business. When you are just being authentic and the authenticity is okay with you,

then you just give value. You’re like, this is going to have to do. And what I really want you to ask yourself is, is this piece of content going to help someone move further in their goals? Is this piece of content going to help people think differently about achieving the result or transformation? Is this going to, is this in service of them?

You can also, and there’s a lot of techniques on how to do this, but like another piece is telling your story [00:34:00] within that growth and comparing your own current growth to whatever you’re trying to help your people understand. But the authentic piece really is identifying, why did I like, why did I get started?

Why did I get started? And really getting behind the truth of what that is. And sometimes what happens is, most times I would say, people have an answer, but they tell themselves a very strong story that it’s not good enough. And that everyone else feels this way. And this is why everyone started. It’s not a big deal.

But what I want for you is to identify like, what is, and you can ask yourself this question is like, If I was more authentic in my content, what would that look like? Question mark answer. [00:35:00] By the way, this is really important. When I say, ask yourself this question, I don’t want you to just write down the question and then never get to answering.

The answering is the good part. The answering is where your value comes in. My approach to marketing is everybody like, first of all, all marketing strategies work. Everybody’s going to have a little bit of a different strategy. This is business. It’s not like a rival of good marketing. You’re going to be working on marketing for the rest of your business into multi multi million.

Just the truth. So if that’s the case, then let’s not make it about us and tell ourselves the story that we’re bad at business and let’s show up authentically and give what we can with the time that we have, let’s get the ego out of it [00:36:00] to save time, to save energy, to save back and forth, but optimize the channel so you don’t have to be everywhere.

And you can conserve that energy and give that energy to getting better content or more content. And then I want you to have an approach of you test, you learn, and you repeat. You test, you learn, and you repeat. In my mastermind, we have this cycle, I call it the self trust cycle. And basically the whole cycle is like, you make a decision, you implement the decision.

You evaluate the decision and you repeat and it’s like the circle that keeps on going and it’s the same with content you test, you learn, you learn and evaluate and then you repeat what works and you don’t repeat what doesn’t. But what happens is we get on a hamster wheel because we want and we [00:37:00] desire the result now.

Okay, so this is the process and I want to go a little bit more deeper into this. Here’s why it works. Here’s why this works. Why? It’s because you are eliminating the slowdown. The ego driven slowdown. You’re eliminating it. You’re calling it out. You’re seeing it in your own brain and you’re like, Oh, yeah, yeah, this is what Calvin’s talking about.

Nope. Don’t need to go to Canva. Nope. Don’t need to, like, edit this a hundred times and let it sit on my phone for two weeks. Two, you get to master a channel before moving on to an ex. It works because putting your energy into one place and becoming great at that is way more effective in terms of giving value than spreading your current energy across multiple, multiple, multiple platforms.

One decision that I made in my business [00:38:00] early on that was a very difficult decision is I have this podcast and the podcast was growing like pretty quickly at that time. And so many people, especially other podcasters were like, Oh, you got to get on YouTube. You already have a podcast. All you have to do is recording.

You have to post it. And it’s easy. It’s so easy, but it’s not fucking easy. It’s not easy actually, because now I have to learn how to edit like a whole new program. And then I have to like put a thumbnail on it and then I need to wait till it download. Like it’s, it’s a very long process. And when I was doing this myself, cause this is like.

The piece of the strategy that really changed my business was radically simplifying. So when I decided to put that on the back burner and just focus on where I was marketing, it helped every single time, every single time. Number three, why it works is [00:39:00] because when you show up authentically, your integrity is high.

You’re like, you know what? Fuck it. I showed up real. I did me. If they don’t like it, it’s fine. I, I’m like proud of myself. Like I did, I was real. I was a hundred with people. I’m trying to help people here. And when you are authentic, your integrity is high. You’re like more okay with not needing the instant gratification of a sales call or a light or a comment.

Sometimes some of my best stuff, it doesn’t get a lot of engagement. I’m like, man, a lot of people are missing out on this shit. This is good. This is very good, but I don’t make it a big thing because I know that effort went into there and it’s not in my program yet. But in November, we’re doing a full not a full day, but like a long repurposing [00:40:00] training.

So that’s going to be added to the program in November, but. Every time I do have one of those pieces of content, I’m like, Oh, that’s okay. Cause I’m going to reuse it. Going to see the life again. Another one. And then lastly, grow like when you, what was the last piece of this? When you test, when you learn, and when you repeat.

You grow your strategic brain

because you’re seeing it logically without, without getting in your head about like, does this work? Why does it work? No, no, no, no. Like you’re not, you don’t need the instant gratification when you test and when you learn and when you repeat and when you evaluate, you get to grow your own strategic brain.

Cause the [00:41:00] truth is the only person who’s going to run your business and grow your business and scale your business is you. I’m in a lot of coaching programs. Um, I’ve been a part of many masterminds. I’m in masterminds. I get the support I need, but nobody, nobody’s responsible for my business except me.

So I need to do the work of growing my strategic brain. This is why it works when you do it over and over and over. And here’s how it might feel. Here’s what the experience might be like. It will feel scatterbrained. Like, Ooh, is this, is this, right? Like I, I feel like I talked about this yesterday and then I’m now talking about this.

Like, is this how feel? Yes, that’s how a motherfucker feels, my language. But it’s true. It’s true. Excuse me. There’s little ones. Sorry, I should have gave you guys a warning. I cuss in front of my kids. Unfortunately, , but luckily they don’t [00:42:00] feel a little scatterbrained. Okay. Doesn’t have to be a problem.

Number two, it might feel like you’re breaking the rule. Like, whoa, whoa, whoa. But you’re supposed to be on TikTok. I’m pretty sure, pretty sure, like all of these people grew their business by going viral on TikTok. Pretty sure that’s how this is supposed to work. And look, there are people that grow on TikTok.

And if you want TikTok to be your main squeeze, then make it your main squeeze and go a hundred on it. That’s not a problem. That’s a good thing. But when you’re scattered, right, like where, when the marketing, when you’re not optimizing your marketing channel, that’s when you’re, you got the energy. So it might feel like you’re breaking the rules when you’re implementing that strategy.

It might feel cringy. We have a challenge within my mastermind and I’m actually going to do it with my show up in real group, my Show Up Real group as well. It’s called the cringe challenge and we literally [00:43:00] challenge ourselves to feel cringe about our content. So we throw out all the marketing rules and you could like just break up and play.

Just play. So feeling cringy is a part of the process. Also it might sometimes it feels too simple. Like I can’t just be this. Like there has to be more. This is a big one. You’re going to feel a lot of formal when I, so there was a time in 2021, January of 2021. Um, no, actually let me set it up October, 2020 to December, 2020.

I made about 12, 000 in my business. Okay. I made a very intentional shift in my business in December because I was burnt out. Okay. burnt out. I had a little one. I was like, I’ll [00:44:00] just go back to my nine to five. This shit is like, not for me. And at that time I decided I need to simplify. This isn’t working.

Like I need to make this easier for myself because it is a numbers game. More content is what is going to be better for your business. Like I want to be a hundred with you there. But if that’s the case, then can we. Make it wildly simple and effective and give value, right? And like, it’s kind of like, you got to figure out the recipe.

So I decided I did this myself. I’m not kidding. Like this is what I did. And I go through it in the program, but like you could even look if you go to 2021 January, my entire content shift. And I make it easier for myself and I create, I think there was like one, I used to do Twitter posts, lives, a caption and a picture and [00:45:00] stories.

And like, that’s what I did. And it happened that 2021 around January or February, um, Instagram reels came out and everybody was hopping on them. And I remember I was like, fuck, but I made this deal with myself. I’m supposed to simplify it. Everyone’s been viral. This is the time you do it right now. And my head, my marketing brain was just like, Oh, and then some of my best friends were tick tockers and had these followings.

They’re like, Oh my God, you’d be amazing on TikTok or you’d be amazing with real. You got to do real. It’s so easy. And I made the intentional decision. And I’m like, but what if I fucking double down, excuse me, all the customers are all the dope. If I really doubled down on what I know works, like, could it be this simple?

So I’d made a decision of that year. I’m just going to do a test year and I’m going to not worry about [00:46:00] money. I’m going to figure out the money. I was like, if I got to get a job, I’ll get a job. Like I’ll do what I have to do money wise, but I want to figure out this riddle and I really have a good feeling about this.

That year I brought in over 200k like cash, no ads, no nothing organic, 200. What was his name? Bad word. Um, and it blew my mind and it was the same kind of process. I was teaching my clients at that time. It was just one on one coaching. I was doing one on one coaching. That’s it. That’s the only offer. I didn’t sell a program.

I decided to scrap. All the programs that I created, I just focused, like, I was like, if I just focus on this, it has to grow. Maybe not now, maybe not next month, maybe not in six months, like this has to grow if I pour into it. And it did. It did. So this is what I mean by like, the FOMO, get ready to [00:47:00] feel it.

It’s normal. You might feel like you have too much to say, which isn’t a problem. And you also are going to have a rollercoaster of emotions. That’s okay. In the program, I also teach you how to handle those. Alright, but here is the skills you’ll learn. Here is what you’ll learn. You’ll learn how to trust yourself and your brain.

You’ll learn and grow that strategic brain I was talking about. You’re gonna start thinking strategically. When, when you do this you evaluate so much and you get better at it because typically what happens is you churn out more content because you’re simplifying Thank you. And you have a little, like a lot more freedom that you start seeing your content differently.

You also connect with more people. You’re in connection with your community. You’re building something that’s bigger and you don’t really see like. [00:48:00] I think what happens is like, if someone likes a piece of content, you don’t, sometimes what can happen is people look at that, like, let’s say they comment something really nice and authentic.

And they’re like, Oh my God, I want to work with you one day. And then you’re like, why don’t you book a call? Like, why don’t you book a call? Isn’t this a good piece of content? And it’s like, no, because it’s not self centered. You get out of that energy and now you’re just connecting with people. You’re just like, Oh, yeah, thanks.

I’m glad you liked it. This is a lot like you are more present when you’re experiencing your time on social media because you’re not like, you don’t have the scarcity of like, I have to be everywhere. And then lastly, it’s like you grow a resiliency. To unfollow, to no like, to no comment, like, that just becomes a part of the process, it doesn’t become a problem.

So you grow a resiliency and you don’t have to spin out about that stuff anymore because it’s like, you know what you’re doing here and [00:49:00] you don’t need the instant gratification of a like every time you post something because you post all the time, you’re always giving value. And here’s what happens.

One part of Show Up Real, it’s basically like this whole community building. Framework and 1 piece of it is content, which that’s what we’re talking about today. But the other piece of it is connection and like, how to connect through your content, how to connect on social media platforms. And then the other piece of it is invitation.

And all of them are important to building a community, especially a community of potential clients or client. So when you do this, you build the community, you create more clients because of it, and you have more conversations. And when I say conversations, like, I want you to think of when I’m creating content, I always ask my, like, especially in the beginning, does anyone follow?

[00:50:00] Aaron on demand. She is someone who I follow. She was, she was the first coach. I don’t even think she called herself a coach. She was the first person I ever invested money to. I think I talked to her for an hour for like 400. And at that time I was like 400 for one hour. Now literally I’ve invested 25, 000 in the mastermind.

But at that time I was like, that’s insane. But one thing that she told me that always stuck with me is she’s like, you want to create conversation

and all you have to do to do that is like, what kind of conversation do you want to talk? Do you want to have?


that’s what happened. That is what happened. So here’s what I want you to really take away when we [00:51:00] talk about your creating content, building community and really creating a movement. Let me talk about the movement piece really fast. They didn’t hone in on it too, too much. When you are, I want you to think of when you’re creating a movement, there’s one, your authenticity that we talked about a little bit, but like you have to show up 100 if you want to grow a community, like if you want to grow, because you have to think like when I was thinking about like, okay, what does a movement feel like?

Right? Like, what does it feel like? It feels like community building. Like, that’s what it feels like. Like you’re, you’re creating something out of nothing, but like, it’s not a nothing, but it’s out of like conversation and that’s out of caring about something. Right? Like it’s, it’s a community that cares about something.

And [00:52:00] it’s so important that you are able to tap into more and more, I would say practice authenticity every single day to do that. So here’s what I did in, in the beginning of my business that was helpful. A movement word, one word at that time, the word was fear my second year in business. That word was simplified.

Like it could change. It couldn’t, when I made those shifts, it really was like a big business shift. But for you, I want you to pick a word that is sent that you could center all your content around. And then I want you to invite people to talking about that word and giving them value to think about that differently.[00:53:00] 

Okay. I’m going to leave that at that. So there’s that. There’s the creating prompt. Like going to be the piece that really separates you and your content. And you have to be willing to practice using that word. You have to be willing to practice refining your messaging. You have to be willing to do that text and learn and repeat.

I don’t have all the answers. Nobody has all the answers. The best marketers in the world don’t have the answers. Only you have the answers because it’s your business. So I rather teach you how to go through that process quicker so we can figure out what your recipe is and you could double down on it and start growing.

This is a quote. I should have wrote name. This is a Gary Vee quote that, oh, God, I hate [00:54:00] the AI thing. If I do this, AI will just know and it’ll give me everyone a thumbs up at the corner. Um, this is a quote by Gary Vee that I remember years ago and it really shifted my thinking about marketing. Because it made me think of like, oh, I just have to care about them and care about how they’re struggling in that challenge.

Care like more about like what the experience is to desire and want the transformation that I sell. Like for me in business, it’s so easy for me to go to my clients and be like, well, you know, you just got to test. You just got to learn. And I promise you’ll grow and it’ll be hard and you’ll have emotions, but it’s going to be okay.

Like you’ll get there. I promise. But it’s like, for me, when I think about the things that are challenging to me, like I’m on a, like a [00:55:00] weight loss journey right now. And working out, I just shared this in my Instagram stories, I think last week, but I’m like, I’ve ran half marathons before right now, I freaking struggle to run a mile.

One mile. My frustration level is so high. Even when I’m working out. Like I’ll work out and I’m just like, I can’t believe this. Like I’m pissed. So I relate that to my own, like, and that’s kind of what I tap into when I’m trying to think of my ideal client and my person who I’m trying to help and having conversations around like, okay, what do I need to do to get myself out of that space?

And I try to tap into like my own growth to think of them. And it’s like, how do, what if people, So my client, if I feel this way about X and my clients feel [00:56:00] that way about what comes really much more easy to me and coming from it at that place and like, caring at that level. All right, y’all. That was the teaching.

I’m going to tell you about my program, Show Up Real. So if, if you want to hop off, you’re totally fine too. I am going to talk about my program. This is a brand new program. I’m so excited. So feel free to hop off if you want, but let’s talk. You want to learn more about Show Up Real. Okay. So here’s the deal.

Show Up Real is a program that I created really with the intention to help here, People understand that, like, you don’t have to have 10K followers to make 10, 000. Like, I used to think that once upon a time. I used to deeply, deeply believe that, like, Oh, I need to have 10K followers and then I can start my business.

Or then I can make more money. [00:57:00] And what I’ve learned is that’s just not true. I still don’t have 10K followers. And I’ve made multiple, multiple hundreds of thousands of dollars. So Show Up Real is a content marketing program to help you build community. It helps you extract your authenticity and refine your messaging so that it’s authentic.

It’s unique. It’s really a group program for people who want to work on their content and. This is why it’s a 12 month program. I don’t want you to think this is like overnight work. This is going to take time. Sometimes it doesn’t take time. Sometimes it’s like literally just a couple decisions. It really just depends on how willing you are to feel emotions and change and like, you know, pivot a little bit.

But this is what the program is about. So let me go through really quickly. What, um, is inside And then we’ll keep things rolling. So number one is the curriculum. The curriculum is [00:58:00] inside, obviously, the portal. Some of it is already, I pre recorded some videos, and then I’m pre recording more. Um, to be honest, I’m going to be adding so much to this in the next three months.

It’s, it’s really in like the early, early development of this, of the program. But here’s what you’re going to learn. One, the mindset tools. To help you get out of that self centeredness we talked about in the first module, you’re going to identify your gratitude practice. I am heavy on gratitude. Here’s why when you have a gratitude practice, it’s very interesting to me.

easy to care about other people. But if you are not practicing that gratitude, you will just, it’ll be hard because you’re going to work hard and you’re going to want the results immediately and you’re going to think it doesn’t work or you’re going to think you’re bad at business. But this is why we do the process.

This is why like I created this program is to really lay out from beginning to end. What do [00:59:00] I wish I had when I started. So in the first module, you’ll have your create your gratitude practice. I have a whole training on authenticity and how to practice it every day and how to extract that kind of like from yourself.

And then also the mindset tool that I use within my program. Which just, like, changed my life. So that’s kind of the first module. The second module is all about building community, and the way I think about it is in three different ways. Okay? Community building, and I mentioned this earlier, community building.

Involves content. It involves connection and it involves invitation. So what that means for me is we have like an array of videos that are going to be added to the content section. So just going to keep growing as I get more questions and as people need more answers. I’ll just. That’s for them. Um, so content, there is connection and connection is all about learning how to be social on social media.

Did [01:00:00] you know you have to be social on social media if you want to? And we talk about it from a playful place and really healing the relationship with social media. And then two, and the connections piece is, um, one training that we’re doing, I think it’s What month is it? It’s September. In October is stories that sell.

So it’s going to be like how to make connections through your content. Um, so that’s the connection piece, okay? We’ll also talk about DMing and things like that. And then lastly, there is the invitation piece, which Nobody wants to do, but like the call to action. So that’s where we break down call to actions.

We break down what an invitation looks like and what to like, remember to put in there, why it’s important, et cetera. Um, and then we have quite a bit. I also have some trainings that I have done in the past that I put in there. There’s 1 called on how to create [01:01:00] demand. For your services. There’s also one purely on my content strategy for one on one.

And it’s a, it’s a recorded session when I was selling one on one. So I put it in there because I, I think it’s so valuable to see the training from the person who was actually doing the work, right? Like now that’s a couple of years behind me, but when it’s fresh and in my brain, like when I taught it at that time.

That’s why I wanted to put it in there. Um, so anyway, and curriculum is something we’re going to add to as we go. Oh, lastly, in November, I think I mentioned this, we’re doing a repurposing, um, big training, which is going to be a couple hours long, where I break down everything repurposing. All right, so there’s curriculum, there’s weekly coaching.

Every week, there’s going to be coaching available on mindset and marketing. There’s monthly content planning. Every month, we’re going to meet for an hour and a half, and we’re going to work on creating some content. Um, I’ll be there to [01:02:00] lead, um, but those are going to be content planning workshops. I mean, planning, yeah, basically content planning workshop.

We’re going to have additional workshops regularly, guest speakers. I have some friends, I already want to be a guest speaker in the group, one, uh, one of them was my 1, 000 followers. And she, a lot of you probably, actually I should just, so her name is Karina F. Daves. I don’t know if any of you guys follow her.

But when I worked with her, I gave her this piece of advice in content and I remember her being so offended and she was really pissed at me for giving her that advice. And I told her, I really, what did I tell her? I think I was like, I need you to be a little bit more real. And it feels like you’re putting a little bit of a facade on and if you know her, if you go to her page, you will see she’s a very real person.

So she took that really, you know, I thought [01:03:00] time, but now we’re really good friends and she always. She’s so sweet and she always tags me when she’s talking about her content journey and like how I helped her like I helped her see that it could be simple and it could be engaging and all that she’s one of the guys I have tick tock.

I’m going to have just basically people experts in their field from different content channels. That’s what I plan to have as guests. And we’re also going to do challenges in there. So I talked about the cringe challenge. The cringe challenge is all about breaking all the marketing rules. Having some effing fun.

And shaking shit up. And what I, in that challenge, what it looks like is… I think one of the rules says if you want to post five times in one day, go at it. If you want to post five times at 10 p. m. at night, go at it. Like it’s about exercising the tool of self trust that like nothing’s going to break if you look around a little.

You also have access to an entire [01:04:00] course that I created called Podcast Marketing Lab. That course is specifically for podcasters who want to grow a community around their podcast. So you’ll, that course is in there and you’ll immediately have access. And the best part is. I will critique your content. Join Show Up Real here.

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