Show Up Real is a show dedicated to putting more cash in the hands of Women of Color.

Hosted by multiple six-figure business coach Catalina Del Carmen, she shares strategies that keep your business simple, your mindset focused, your bank account big, and your impact even bigger. Listen to the weekly episodes on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or your favorite podcast app. 



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Meet the host

Catalina Del Carmen is a wife, mom, first-generation Guatemalteca, and multiple six-figure business coach. She keeps it real week after week, sharing the mindset, marketing, and sales strategies that keep your coaching business simple while still massively profitable and impactful.

265. The Quality of Your Coaching

Today I’m talking about how you can improve the quality of your coaching so that you can improve your client results, and improve your sales and marketing.

I share 6 ways to improve the quality of your coaching, which will have a domino effect and improve all other areas of your business.

Show Up & Lead Mastermind opens for enrollment in September. Click here to join the waitlist to get the most up to date info.

My content marketing group program, Show Up Real, opens for enrollment soon. Click here to get on the waitlist to get the most up to date info.

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My name is Catalina Del Carmen, and I am a wife, mother of two, daughter of immigrants, and rule-breaking business coach for women of color, coaches, creatives, and service professionals. I spent years trying to figure out the online business game, creating fashion blogs, YouTube channels, Instagram pages, email lists, all of the things with little or nothing to show for it.

Now I run a growing multiple six-figure coaching business, keeping things radically simple so I could spend more time with my babies than my business. Inside my programs, Show Up Real and Show Up and Lead Massively, I teach my clients how to build an online community using authentic revenue-generating content that doesn’t require them to be everywhere.

Whether it’s your first four figures in business or six figures in my mastermind, less is more when you are committed to growing your impact and revenue at the same time. In this show, I tell the whole mother-effing truth about what it takes to build and scale an online business. I don’t gatekeep. I don’t tell you half the truth. I keep it real, and I will challenge you to do it as well. Welcome to Show Up Real Podcast.

Hello, hello, hello. Welcome back to Show Up Real Podcast. I hope you are doing so, so well. Y’all, I am moving and shaking. So, I have recently been doing a lot of house projects. I feel like I keep talking about this in circles, but I have been doing a lot of house projects, and honestly, it feels like I’m clearing my mind. It feels so good to my soul, and I’m just learning how important it is to take care of yourself. Like, I knew this obviously, but there were so many things that I had been procrastinating on in my life. And now that I’m taking action on it, it’s just improving the quality of my life so, so much.

So for those of you who procrastinate, who have been needing to do the things, whether it’s clearing your closet or cleaning your car, or for me, it’s a whole bunch of cleaning, but it could be like exercising on a regular basis or walking or going on a date with your partner or spending quality time with your children, like whatever it is that your heart needs.

Can you just give it to your heart? I’m learning this lesson so, so much. I feel like I’ve just had the best two weeks off of work, and this week this episode is coming out. I am back at work, and then I take the next week off. So a full three weeks. Anyways, I will talk about that later, but today I want to talk about the quality of your coaching.

The reason I want to talk about this, one of the reasons, actually, before we get started, I just want to start by saying, if you listen to this podcast and you’ve gotten some value from it, it would mean so, so much if you could leave a review on Apple Podcasts. Share with other readers and viewers and people thinking about listening to my show, kind of what you think and what you’ve taken away. It would mean so, so much to me. Okay. Just wanted to start with that before I get too deep into it.

Okay, so let’s talk about the quality of your coaching and why this matters and if this might be something that you should think about. One of the reasons that I’ve had success in my business is because of my experience coaching one-on-one. I have coached, I really should have brought up this number, but I want to say that I have coached somewhere around probably like, I don’t know, 50 people at this point, one-on-one. That means, and these are for long periods of time as well. So I just have a very good understanding of my clients, of my ideal client. I know them very well. I know their brain very well. I know the way they think.

And when I decided to really focus on one-on-one and just sell one-on-one, the reason I did it was to get better as a coach. One of the main reasons that I decided to like double down on one-on-one coaching back in 2021 was because I really wanted to grow my experience quicker. I wanted to become a very good coach. And I know that if I really wanted to do that and I really wanted to help people create results, I had to get experience and I had to value experience and I had to prioritize experience over a buck here and a buck there. I’m like, no, let me really just get good at this and kind of just humble myself to the process and just learn how I can give and serve at the level that I’m at.

So because of that, not only do I have the experience, but I also understand how to help them get results even when they don’t believe it themselves. I know this because I’ve done it over and over and over and over and over and over again. So I want to talk about how you can improve the quality of your coaching, how you can improve the quality of your coaching so that you not only improve your client results, but also improve your sales and marketing with it. Because the honest truth is when the quality of your coaching is high, the quality of your marketing is high. When the quality of your coaching is high, the quality of your marketing and sales is high.

Okay. I just want to be clear about that. So this is why I’m talking about the quality of your coaching. If you are a coach, you want to be great at your craft. A lot of people think they’re great coaches. I get this all the time. They’re like, ‘but I’m a great coach and I can’t get clients.’ Let me tell you something. If you are a great coach, you will learn how to market really well. Like if you really are a great coach, great, like the best marketers out there are the best coaches. That’s really what I believe, and here’s why. Because they are thinking about their clients. They’re speaking directly to them. They’re managing their mindset. They are telling them the good, the bad, and the hard to hear, right? That’s what great coaches are doing. And that’s also what happens in great marketing.

The reason I want to talk about this is because there are some really amazing coaches out there who are making some money and they’re wondering why they’re not signing more clients. And I find that some of y’all need to actually improve the quality of your coaching. And when you improve the quality of your coaching, it will have a domino effect in your marketing, in your client results. And when you have client results and you feel comfortable marketing and really coaching people in your marketing, your marketing elevates and people are drawn to you because you’re telling them what they do don’t want to hear in the best way. So let’s talk about that today.

I want to start with talking about who might need this. So like, how do you know that this is a problem or could be a problem for you? I want to start with talking about like some examples of people that I’ve seen clients that I’ve had that have had this problem. And then I’m going to start talking about, I’m going to share six ways to improve the quality of your coaching, which in turn will improve the quality of your programs, improve the quality of your marketing, etcetera, etcetera. Okay.

So let’s start with how do you know this is a problem? If you have multiple clients that have come to you saying that they’re not happy with their coaching in really your career, right? If someone has said that to you, I always want you to take it seriously, and I always want you to know why, okay? I always want you to know why. I want you to be very, very, very curious anytime a client is saying that they’re unhappy with their coaching, okay? Because what I find is that a lot of coaches will either feel a lot of shame about it, or they’ll get in defense mode and they’ll want to defend themselves.

And both are very valid. But the reality is you always want to be curious. You always Always want to be curious when a client comes to you not happy. So that’s like definitely if you have clients who come to you not being happy with your coaching or I want you to definitely get curious and really study kind of what’s happening there.

The second thing is your current or past clients who didn’t like properly get results, they don’t know why they didn’t get results. That’s a big one. If your client isn’t getting results, you should know why. You should know exactly why they aren’t getting results. And you probably should be telling them, very likely. I don’t see any scenario why you wouldn’t. But this is something I see a lot of. If your client isn’t getting result, I don’t want you to just passively be like, ‘well, they’re not doing the work.’ They’re not doing what they’re supposed No, I want you to know exactly why they’re not getting results, especially as their coach. That is what you were paid for is to understand this stuff. Okay? So that’s what I see. So if you have clients who have worked with you in the past and they don’t know why they didn’t get results, that’s a problem.

Another one is you’re scared to coach your clients because you don’t want to be rude or hurt their feelings. This is a big one, and I identify with this so much. In the beginning of my coaching career, I just wanted my clients to like me and I wanted to help them. Like, it was just that simple. But the reality is, the more one on one clients you have, the more experience you get in coaching, the more you realize that everyone’s different and everyone has different life circumstances. Everyone has different abilities and some people are just going to move different than others. And that doesn’t mean that what they want isn’t available to them. It just means they have to understand more things about themselves. They have to understand more about themselves than the other folks. And it is our job as the coach to really be willing to tell them the hard truths.

Because here’s the thing, everyone in their life who loves them is going to say things that make them feel good, right? That make them feel good. But you are their coach. Of course you want them to feel good, but you also want to be real with them. They are paying you to be real with them. And to look at things differently, to see the value of growth. So that’s what I find, is like some people are just scared to really coach their people.

Another one is you haven’t coached that many one on one clients. You just don’t have experience in one on one. So when you’re coaching in a group dynamic, it doesn’t have much depth because you don’t have that much experience and you really don’t understand their brain very well.

You just don’t know their brain very well because you haven’t actually explored that deeply. But here’s the thing, if you want to scale your business to multiple six figures, improving the quality of your coaching is a hundred percent required. It is required not only for one on one, but also for group programs. Your coaching will become your intellectual property and your intellectual property will create results when you are not physically there.

Once upon a time, I had to meet with a client one on one every single week to help them make six figures. That’s how it worked for me as a coach, but I got so good at understanding them, I put out so many different trainings, I tried to articulate so much in different ways. But now I have clients in my mastermind show up and lead masterminds who join and they hit six figures without one on one coaching.

So the reason the quality of your coaching is so important is because when you improve the quality of your coaching, that is when you can create valuable intellectual property that will help you scale your client results and your business. So you don’t have to be there physically to be coaching someone for them to get a result. They’re going to be getting a result. They’re going to be learning without you having to teach them one on one. I’ve learned this lesson the hard way so many times.

So I want to talk about six ways to improve the quality of your coaching. These are six, it’s actually seven, but I think two of them are kind of similar. So let’s say six, six ways to improve the quality of your coaching. These are things that my clients inside the Show Up and Lead mastermind do with their coaching. These are the things that they focus on and they really remind themselves of throughout scaling their business to improve the quality of their coaching.

Okay. So the number one thing is really understanding that you are a coach. You’re not a cheerleader. Of course you want to see your clients win. Of course you want them to feel inspired and good. But the reality is you’re a coach and the way I think about coaching is you’re like, I like to think about it like an athletic coach. Of course you want to inspire them. Of course you want to remind them of who they are. But you’re also there to tell them what everyone else won’t, right? Your family and your friends, they’re going to tell you the things to make you feel good. Your coach is there to help you really grow, to help you to tell you what’s ahead and to tell you what to prepare for and to tell you how to think and remind you of what you need to know.

So the first thing is be the coach. One lesson I learned from one of my mentors early, early on was, um, and this is Stacey Bayman. She used to say something called, you have to, or she used to say, you have to be willing to risk the relationship. You have to be willing to risk the relationship, meaning you have to be willing to risk the relationship between you and your client so that they can really create the results they came for.

So that they could really do the things and take the actions that are gonna help them create that result. So you have to be willing to be the coach to risk that relationship so that they can create that result. So they can create the result that you, they paid you to help them with. Okay, that’s number one.

Number two. This seems simple, but this is probably the number one thing that will elevate your coaching and improve the quality of your coaching. And that is to manage your own mind. Okay, that is to learn how to calm your anxiety. That is to learn how to regulate your nervous system.

When I had the best coaching, like this is a core coaching moment in my life, was when I was being coached by one of my coaches. And I said, ‘I really, really, really want to improve. Like I want this program to be really good. And I want to improve the quality of the program.’ And she’s like, ‘Well, if you really are serious about improving the quality of a program, the first thing you need to do is improve the quality of your thinking.’ And it blew my mind. It blew my mind. And when she said that, what she was really telling me is like, you have to stop going in circles, believing the same shit over and over and over again in your business, because it’s going to be exactly what keeps you in the same place. You have to become an expert at managing your mind. Alright, let’s move on to the next one.

Number three is if you want to improve the quality of your coaching, you have to study. You have to study your clients. You want to spend a lot of time thinking about them, a lot of time reading their coaching or listening to their coaching. You have to do the homework. You have to do the tedious work of really understanding your clients, understanding why the clients that aren’t getting results aren’t getting results, understanding why the clients that are getting results are getting results. It’s just as important to understand that. What are they doing? What’s working for them? What’s not working for them? What did you think that was going to work that really didn’t? Right? You have to study your people. You have to study your clients if you really want to improve the quality of your coaching and your programs and your marketing. One of the reasons my business has been able to grow and just sustain itself while I had a baby in the middle of it was because I really understand my clients. I understand their problems. I understand their difficulties. I understand their challenges. They’re not a surprise to me because I’ve seen it so much. I’ve understood the patterns that I see within clients. So studying your clients is required.

Number four is creating your signature process. I’m going to have a webinar coming soon. You’ll learn about it very, very soon for my upcoming launch of Show Up and Lead Mastermind. And it’s all about creating your signature process and intellectual property. I’m so excited to teach this. I love teaching this. But one thing that you’re going to have to do, or that one thing, if you do this, it will improve the quality of your coaching, is really creating a signature process that your client goes through from zero to result. Like, what is that process? I teach it inside my mastermind and when I do, I mean, I actually did talk about this in an episode a couple episodes before this one, but creating your signature process is just like, what are the steps that your clients need to take to create the result? That’s really it. Identifying that, solidifying that, and being confident in that.

Number five, that is articulating and marketing with your signature process. This is huge. A signature process or intellectual property is not great until you learn how to articulate it, how to market it, how to actually use it in your marketing and help people understand the concepts, the methodologies, and all of that. That is the point of the process. When you start articulating it, the more you go out there, even if you don’t have a full idea of what the concept actually looks like, or you don’t know exactly if you’re explaining it correctly, that doesn’t matter. What matters is that you are doing the work to articulate and market your programs, your offers, and weaving in your signature process and teaching those concepts over and over and over again in different ways. It instantly improves the way you think, the way you explain things, all of it.

Okay, and the last step, number six, is elevating the way you think about your ideal client. This is a huge one for my ideal clients. One of the reasons people have a hard time selling and one of the reasons my clients have a hard time going out there and selling their services is because they have shitty thoughts about their ideal client. They are telling themselves things like, ‘They’re not doing the work. They don’t really want it. They need to do this. My people can’t afford it. My people don’t spend money on this kind of thing.’ All of those are trash thoughts. They are trash thoughts and they do not belong in your brain when you are coaching someone. You have to learn how to change your thinking about them. That is your job as a coach. And when you get very good at looking at your ideal clients and telling yourself things like, ‘They are brilliant and they know what they’re doing. They’re hungry for growth and they love investing in themselves. They prioritize their growth,’ right? When you tell yourself those things, your entire business will change. Your marketing will change, your sales calls will change, your programs will change, your curriculum will change. It’ll be talking to a completely elevated person. Everything can change when you think about your ideal clients in a high level and in a high regard.

Alright, y’all. These are the six ways to improve the quality of your coaching. Look, the reason I wanted to talk about this is really because I’ve learned over and over that the difference between folks who are sitting at the 30, 40, 50K range versus the people who are growing their revenue, right? The difference is they’re willing to improve the quality of their coaching even if it is uncomfortable. They’re willing to talk about concepts in their marketing that aren’t fully thought out that they’re still kind of getting a hang of. They’re willing to do the tedious work of studying their clients and really identifying what beliefs about their clients aren’t helpful and changing that. They are 100 percent creating their signature process and all of this is helping them create more results in their business, create six figures from one single offer.

This is the work. Alright, y’all. If you are interested in Show Up and Lead Mastermind, if you want to get very, very good at sales, creating more client results, and really differentiating yourself with intellectual property, I want to invite you to my upcoming webinar. I don’t have all the information yet, so you can’t sign up yet. Just stay in the know. But what I would do is sign up below for the Show Up and Lead Mastermind waitlist. You will be the first to know when the webinar is available and it should be coming out in a couple of weeks. But I hope this was so helpful. If it was, please share it with someone who would find it helpful.

Alright. I will talk to you later. I send you a big hug. Talk to you later. Bye.

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