Free Webinar

three steps to SCALING
any coaching program at any price

ethically, authentically, &
in service to your community

Learn how I went from selling multiple offers, burning out, and feeling overwhelmed by growing my business -- to creating over $700k in less than four years with a small audience, while growing my family. During this webinar, I will be sharing the simplest way to increase your program sales, clean up the back-end of your business, and launch marketing campaigns using repurposed content.

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Happening September 23rd at 1:00pm PST / 4:00pm EST

I believe selling is the best service we can do as WOC Coaches. 

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Here's why:

Because the people we serve in our businesses, the communities we serve...

they are desperate for healing, growth, and change. 

And we have solutions, unique perspectives, and real life our people relate to.

This is why I'm going to teach you how to scale your online business in this webinar.

How to embody being more of yourself in business so that you and your message stands out to the right people in the crowed coaching content space.
How to embody being more of yourself in business so that you and your message stands out to the right people in the crowed coaching content space.
How to use your unique coaching process & thought leadership to scale client results and transition from 1:1 coaching to group coaching. 
How I instantly turn on my creativity and shift your content marketing to a more authentic version of your brand, regardless of whether I'm selling four-figure group programs or five-figure masterminds.
Learn how to sell out your 1:1 coaching offer with high-integrity messaging that articulates the transformation you sell without promising the world.

Here’s what you’ll learn at this webinar: