Show Up Real is a show dedicated to putting more cash in the hands of Women of Color.

Hosted by multiple six-figure business coach Catalina Del Carmen, she shares strategies that keep your business simple, your mindset focused, your bank account big, and your impact even bigger. Listen to the weekly episodes on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or your favorite podcast app. 



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Meet the host

Catalina Del Carmen is a wife, mom, first-generation Guatemalteca, and multiple six-figure business coach. She keeps it real week after week, sharing the mindset, marketing, and sales strategies that keep your coaching business simple while still massively profitable and impactful.

254. How to Use Call-to-Actions

In this episode, I share how to use call-to-actions. I explain exactly what a call-to-action is and the 3 very simple components of an effective call-to-action (CTA).

Hear examples of CTAs and learn how to create CTAs that feel authentic and real instead of awkward and weird.

Join My Upcoming Webinar: Increase Your Sales & Audience By 25% Using Profitable Content, happening Tuesday, June 4, 2024 at 5pm Pacific Time. Click here to sign up for free.

Follow @CatDelCarmen and @showuprealpodcast on Instagram and visit for more.


Y’all, doors are opening to Show Up Real on June 4th, and I want to make sure you have all the details you need before you join. If this is the year you want to grow your online community with content, listen up. Show Up Real is designed to help you create a mother effing movement, not just grow an online audience and create content. If you want to increase your sales and build an audience that actually wants what you are selling, it’s going to take more than wannabe perfect Canva aesthetic marketing. Truth is, great marketing is easier than perfect marketing, and you don’t need all the bells and whistles to create a movement online and get eyes on your business.

Doors to Show Up Real open June 4th, and there is going to be a special 48-hour bonus that you won’t want to miss out on. When you join Show Up Real from June 4th to June 6th, you will gain access to my 90-minute private training called Money Over Metrics. I’ll teach you how to think about social media metrics, which metrics matter, and which don’t. Plus, you will design your own metrics map to help you analyze your content without judgment and the need to show up perfectly. If this is the year you are serious about growing your community and your business, join Show Up Real. Mark your calendars—there will be this 48-hour bonus, and I don’t want you to miss out.

Lastly, if you haven’t signed up for my training that I’m hosting on June 4th, I’m going to teach you how to grow your online community and grow your sales with content. I’ll share my four-step process to creating revenue-generating content that is real, that is you, that is unique, and that stands out and won’t keep you shadow banned. You can sign up here.

My name is Catalina Del Carmen, and I am a wife, mother of two, daughter of immigrants, and a rule-breaking business coach for women of color coaches, creatives, and service professionals. I spent years trying to figure out the online business game—creating fashion blogs, YouTube channels, Instagram pages, email lists—all the things with little or nothing to show for it. Now I run a growing multiple six-figure coaching business, keeping things radically simple so I can spend more time with my babies than my business. Inside my programs, Show Up Real and Show Up and Lead Mastermind, I teach my clients how to build an online community using authentic, revenue-generating content that doesn’t require them to be everywhere. Whether it’s your first four figures in business or six figures in my mastermind, less is more when you are committed to growing your impact and revenue at the same time. In this show, I tell the whole mother effing truth about what it takes to build and scale an online business. I don’t gatekeep. I don’t tell you half the truth. I keep it real and I will challenge you to do it as well. Welcome to Show Up Real Podcast.

What is up y’all? Welcome back to Show Up Real Podcast. My name is Catalina del Carmen. Welcome back to the show. Are you guys getting used to Show Up Real? I have not, but that’s okay. 

We are talking about call-to-actions today. Everyone’s favorite part about selling. No, I’m just kidding. Everyone hates doing call-to-actions. Here’s the deal. The reason I wanted to talk about call-to-actions is because a lot of people don’t like them. They feel like it’s super salesy. They feel like they need to perfect this art of call-to-action at the end of their copy or at the end of their caption on social media. And that’s just not the case. I have a different perspective for you for call-to-actions to feel very authentic and real and just, you know, not awkward and weird. So that’s what we’re talking about today. I teach this inside Show Up Real, so get in there if you haven’t. Doors are opening soon, and you are not going to want to miss out. This program is just getting better and better and better. We’ve added content reviews on demand. We’ve added social media audits. We have a cringe challenge, which if you haven’t listened to that episode, make sure you do where I talk about embracing cringe and how to utilize the cringe challenge inside the program. We also have monthly content planning calls, so you’re going to always have a plan for your content. And there’s just so much in this program and you’re going to just learn how to be authentic and also strategic, sprinkled with strategic, but really the point of the program is I want you to be able to show up real in your business as a human. When you’re marketing in your business, I don’t want you to think you have to act further along or to act more professional or to be someone you’re not. People want to work with humans, and I want you to embrace your humanity.

Okay, so let’s talk about call-to-actions today. I want to talk about how to create authentic call-to-actions. Let’s start with explaining what a call-to-action is. A call-to-action is that little sentence or two that is telling your client to go somewhere. It’s the little phrases at the end of a piece of content that say, “Book a sales call with me here,” or “Work with me one-on-one.” If you want to get started today, do X, Y, Z. You’ve seen them. There’s all kinds of call-to-actions. There are lots of ways to do them. There are a lot of people teaching you how to do them, and I’m going to teach you the most authentic way to do it and just the simplest way. The way I think about call-to-actions is wildly simple. That’s what I wanted to share on today’s episode with you.

A good call-to-action has three very simple components, and let’s get into it. Number one, a good call-to-action is when you are telling someone what to do. It’s very important that you resonate. You want to be very clear and give direction in the call-to-action. Typically, call-to-actions, depending on what we’re talking about, on a website it could be a couple of places. But if we’re talking about social media and a caption or an email, it typically is going to come towards the end of a piece of content. Not always the case, like if you’re launching and you’re at the end of your launch. That might look a little bit different, but for the most part, call-to-actions typically happen after the value is given. Once you’ve given some wisdom, some knowledge, some value, that’s when you invite them in to work with you in some way, shape, or form. 

A lot of people think that there is a smooth, right way to do this or right way to phrase it. Should you start with a question like, “Do you want more? Sign up here to get this, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah.” That’s not the way I want you to think about it. The way I want you to think about a good call-to-action is you’re telling a person what to do. And that is a good thing. People want direction. People don’t want to have to think harder to figure out how to work with you. That’s really the way I think about it. I think a call-to-action is like the best service. A good call-to-action is the best service you can give your people because you’re literally, if you, a good call-to-action, if it has these three things, I’ll just go through them quickly. 

A good call-to-action is: 

1. You’re telling people what to do. 

2. You’re telling them where to go. 

3. You’re telling them what they’re going to get. 

That’s it. A good call-to-action has those three components. It’s telling someone what to do, where to go, and what they’re going to get. It’s that simple. Some examples of this could be, actually, let me just pull up my phone. I’m just going to do it right here because sometimes when I make this stuff up in my brain, it just doesn’t come out the way I want it. So I’m going to read you some of my call-to-actions just as an example. Sometimes it’s as simple as, “Go to the link in bio to book a sales call with me, DM me with any questions at all. I can’t wait to coach you.” That’s one example. 

If we want to do this a little bit differently, let me look up a good one. 

Here’s one: “If you want to grow your coaching business to six figures without all the mindset drama, work with me one-on-one. I have two spots available right now. Book a sales call using the link in bio or DM me personally. Let’s go.” That one’s more on the authentic side.

Another one I have is: “Link in bio, go to the link in bio, DM me any questions, DMs are wide open.” 

I’ve been launching so much, so my call-to-actions look a little bit different. When you are selling one-on-one, I just don’t want you to feel like call-to-actions have to be this very robust, strategic thing. It’s not like that. That’s not how it has to be. I don’t want you to think that that’s how you have to do call-to-actions to book clients because it’s just not the truth. 

So I pulled up some call-to-actions that I created back when I was only selling one-on-one because so many of my clients sell one-on-one coaching. Let me read you a couple, just to give you some perspective of call-to-actions that are telling people what to do, where to go, and what they’ll get.

This one says: “And if you know I’m the right coach for you, I have one spot available in February, and I can’t wait to help you build a coaching business that is simple, fun, and profitable. Book a call using the link in my bio or DM me any questions you have.” That one’s pretty clear, right? I’m saying I have one spot in February. I’m telling them to book a call, and I’m telling them to DM me if they have any questions. It’s simple.

Another one: “I want to work with you one-on-one in 2024. Book a call with me using the link in bio or DM me for more info. I can’t wait to help you hit your goals this year.” Simple. And it’s also exciting. It’s like, I can’t wait to help you hit your goals. Who doesn’t want to hit their goals?

Here’s another one: “Imagine what your life would be like if you could build a profitable coaching business with ease and flow. If you’re ready to get started, I have two spots available for one-on-one coaching in February. Book a call using the link in bio or DM me if you have any questions.” Clear, simple, straight to the point.

Lastly: “Are you ready to hit your first 10k month in 2024? Let’s work together. I have one spot available for one-on-one coaching. Book a call using the link in bio or DM me for more info. I can’t wait to help you make 2024 your best year yet.”

So that’s the gist. A good call-to-action tells people what to do, where to go, and what they’ll get. Keep it simple, keep it clear, and keep it real.

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