Show Up Real is a show dedicated to putting more cash in the hands of Women of Color.

Hosted by multiple six-figure business coach Catalina Del Carmen, she shares strategies that keep your business simple, your mindset focused, your bank account big, and your impact even bigger. Listen to the weekly episodes on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or your favorite podcast app. 



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Meet the host

Catalina Del Carmen is a wife, mom, first-generation Guatemalteca, and multiple six-figure business coach. She keeps it real week after week, sharing the mindset, marketing, and sales strategies that keep your coaching business simple while still massively profitable and impactful.

272. 5 Risks Required to Scale to Six-Figures & Multiple Six-Figures

I am sharing 5 risks you’ll have to take at some point in your business.

If you are ready to grow, these are some risks you will face that will benefit your business, and help you grow into the person who can run a bigger business.

Register for my Webinar: 3 Steps to Scaling Any Offer at Any Price, Ethically, Authentically, & Using Your Intellectual Property. Register here.

Show Up & Lead Mastermind is opening enrollment on September 24th. Click here to join the waitlist to be the first to get info.

Show Up Real, my content marketing group program, opens for enrollment soon. Click here to get on the waitlist to get the most up to date info.

Follow @CatDelCarmen and @showuprealpodcast on Instagram and visit for more.


Here is the final version of your transcript:

[00:00:00] What is up y’all! Applications for Show Up & Lead Mastermind are opening September 24th. I designed this mastermind for women of color in business to scale their coaching offers online to $100K, multiple six figures, and beyond. Our approach to scaling your business is focused on three core areas:

One is your signature coaching process. Two is advanced coaching. Number two, selling, and three is an unbothered mindset. Let me explain. You’ll be able to develop a signature coaching process and learn how to market with it so that your work doesn’t blend in with other programs. It is so important that when you are scaling, you create a body of work that is yours and really is your true intellectual property.

Number two, selling. Scaling your programs means more content in less time, creating a sales process that makes it easy for your [00:01:00] clients to understand what it’s like to work with you inside your programs and buy into it easily.

Three, unbothered mindset. The number one issue I find for women of color struggling to scale their business is that they have a bad deep attachment to perfectionism, and people pleasing. To be completely honest, when you are scaling your business, you have to practice detaching yourself from your business to be able to grow it. So inside Show Up & Lead Mastermind, we teach you how to detach yourself from your business clients and online haters. Because if you’re going to build a legacy of a business, you have to create strong boundaries and an unbothered mindset.

Here’s what you get inside of Show Up & Lead Mastermind. This program is 12 months long of weekly coaching. You get one-on-one coaching, planning calls quarterly so you always know what your priority projects are for the [00:02:00] quarter. You also get community inside of Slack to collab with really top-tier women of color, coaches, and business owners. You get video feedback and reviews on your launch plans, curriculum, and marketing materials. We will give you the feedback you need. You’ll also get the curriculum inside of the portal, which is filled with strategies to help you get fully booked in one-on-one coaching, launch your group offers, innovate your income stream, and mindset exercises to keep your business moving, which is most important. You also get a private podcast. We have virtual events and challenges. And we are kicking off this new round of Show Up & Lead Mastermind with a live virtual event in October. The investment for this program is $10,000 and there are payment plans available. This program is designed for coaches and service providers who have a record of [00:03:00] consistent sales and want to grow their revenue to multiple six figures all the way to seven figures without burning out and being upset. If this is you and you know this program could help you get to the next level, I want to invite you to join.

My name is Catalina Del Carmen and I am a wife, mother of two, daughter of immigrants, and a rule-breaking business coach for women of color coaches, creatives, and service professionals. I spent years trying to figure out the online business game, creating fashion blogs, YouTube channels, Instagram pages, email lists. It’s all of the things with little or nothing to show for it. Now I run a growing multiple six-figure coaching business, keeping things radically simple so I could spend more time with my babies than my business inside my programs. Show up real and show up and lead masterfully. [00:04:00] I teach my clients how to build an online community using authentic revenue-generating content that doesn’t require them to be everywhere. Whether it’s your first four figures in business or six figures in my mastermind, less is more when you are committed to growing your impact and revenue at the same time. In this show, I tell the whole mother effing truth about what it takes to build and scale an online business. I don’t gatekeep. I don’t tell you half the truth. I keep it real and I will challenge you to do it as well. Welcome to Show Up Real Podcast.

What is up y’all? Before we start today’s episode, there is an event that I am putting on just for you. And I want to make sure that I invite you. So I am putting on a three-class, a free webinar that I am calling 3 Steps to Scaling Any Offer at Any Price Ethically, Authentically Using Your Intellectual Property. This event is going to happen on Monday, September 23rd at 1 p.m. Pacific Standard Time. Here’s what you’re going to learn within this webinar. Number one, you’re going to learn how to sell out your one-on-one coaching offer with high-integrity messaging that articulates the transformation you sell without promising the world to people. I want to help you learn how to really get fully booked in your one-on-one coaching business. That’s how I started my business and it really transformed the way I do business. So that’s number one. Number two, you’re going to learn how I instantly turn on my creativity and shift my content to [00:06:00] be more authentic to my brand, regardless of whether I’m selling a four-figure group program or a three-figure program or five-figure masterminds. I think that one of the most sustainable ways to create content in your business that feels right to you is leaning into your authentic vision and really leaning into your authenticity within the brands that you have created. So I’m going to teach you how to turn that on very, very quickly for yourself.

And then lastly, I’m going to teach you how to use your own unique coaching process and thought leadership to scale your client results and transition from one-on-one to group coaching. It is so important. You know, what really makes your marketing more ethical and more authentic is learning how to market with your unique coaching [00:07:00] process. And that’s what I’m going to teach you within this webinar. Previously, I had talked about an event that I was planning called Simple Scaling. I decided not to do the event. I decided to put all that information into one webinar and that is this webinar. And I want to teach you all of the components that I was planning to teach inside this webinar. So it’s happening Monday, September 23rd, 2024 at 1 p.m. Pacific Standard Time. It’s going to be, um, about 90 minutes. That’s what I’m planning for it to be. So it’ll be a longer webinar, but I really want to talk about marketing. I want to talk about mindset and I want to talk about what it looks like to get fully booked in one-on-one coaching transition into coaching. Group programs and really learn how to do that seamlessly and do it in a way that feels right to [00:08:00] you. So if that sounds appealing to you, I want to invite you to join us. Click here to register and get all of the details. And if you have any questions, reach out to me on Instagram @catdelcarmen. I am so excited about putting this webinar on. And by the way, this webinar is sponsored by Show Up & Lead Mastermind. So I will be inviting you to join, um, toward the end of the webinar, but what I wanted to share with you is that I am making so many changes to this program to really make it something I wish I had when I was scaling after I made my first six figures. I’ve really thought about like, okay, what program can I create that? [00:09:00] I needed after I had hit my first $100K and I created this program for that. So you’ll learn more about it at the webinar. And if you have no interest in joining Show Up & Lead Mastermind, you’re also welcome to come to the webinar, um, as well. Okay. All right, y’all let’s get into the episode. I will see you later. Hello, hello, hello. Welcome to Show Up Real Podcast. I hope you are having a wonderful day. I’m so excited for today’s episode. I’m going to be talking about five risks that you’ll likely have to make at some point in your business. And a lot of these I have done myself. I have taken these risks that felt really big at some point. And now I just see them as like these [00:10:00] risks that really are just required to grow and required to build a business and are needed to, continue doing big things and not only scaling my business, but also just like helping me grow into the person who could run a bigger business. Right? So that’s what I’m going to be talking about today. If you haven’t heard, actually, I think you literally just heard, but I am hosting a webinar. I am calling it Three Steps to Selling Any Offer at Any Price, Ethically, Authentically, and in Service to Your People Without Really Burning Down Like Your Business and Quitting and Burning Out and Like All the Things. So I’m so excited about that webinar. I, [00:11:00] um, if you haven’t registered yet, make sure to register below. I’m going to be sharing like the three, here’s the thing. I’ve, I’ve worked with hundreds at this point, hundreds of clients, women of color specifically who are coaches, who are service providers, and I’ve also seen a lot of businesses. I’ve been in lots of masterminds, different types. I’ve been in 25,000 masterminds. I’ve been in communities, you know, smaller communities. I’ve been in big communities, um, all like dedicated to content or coaching or whatever the case is. And I just, I’ve gotten so much visibility into different coaching business, different service-based businesses. And I’ve seen people get coached so much and I really just study this work. And I wanted to talk about the five risks required to scale, because [00:12:00] there are so many points. In our business where we either are too scared to grow or we’re too scared to make a decision or our ego gets in the way of making big business decisions or, um, just the, you know, whatever, I’m going to talk about them today, but there’s so many things that will happen in your business. And that I’ve gone through in my growth where I’ve really realized like, okay, so. These type of risks are required if I want to level up, like you can’t do the same thing over and over and over and over again and expect a different result. You can make good money, right? Like you can make good money doing that, but it probably won’t grow and it will likely decrease. Cause that’s just the way it goes. If you want to be moving in business, if you want to really grow your business into something that you’re proud of, grow it into something that [00:13:00] can sustain your lifestyle, grow your business into something that will help you build wealth. If that is your goal, then you’re going to have to keep continue growing your business bigger and bigger and bigger. And what I want to help you do is do it in a way that aligns with your goals. Do it in a way that aligns with the life that you want for yourself. Right. That is the goal. Of course, I want you to make all the money, but like, who cares about the money if our life sucks? That is like the absolute, I just recently was on, I think it was threads. Actually, I was on threads and I wish I had his name, but, um, he was sharing a post of another creator. I don’t know if you’ve heard, I, I, I’m. I have no names because I just thought about this right now, but there’s this creator who like interviews millionaires, like out on the [00:14:00] street, billionaires, millionaires, whatever, entrepreneurs, um, like getting out of like really nice cars. And they’re like, Hey, are you an entrepreneur? Like, what do you do? How’d you start your business? And this, this one, um, content creator coach, he reshared this, this, this reel and the reel was a guy being interviewed about how he scaled his business to 10 million and then he went on to say, and I actually saw this, um, this reel before he shared it, but he went on to say, I sacrificed a lot. I never saw my kids get up in the morning and I never put them down at night. But I scaled my business to 10 million. And he was saying like, this is exactly what’s wrong with capitalism. This is exactly what’s wrong with the way business is done. And I so agree. I so agree. [00:15:00] Look, I got big mother fucking dreams. Excuse my language. I got them. Big dreams. But the reality is my life is so much more important. And I think when we start our businesses, our businesses are this like outlet for us, right? Like there, it could be this outlet for us and we’re excited about a lot of data. And then you start making money in your business. And then it really does require a lot of your time and energy to grow it and to scale it. And I think that’s a good thing. I don’t think that’s a bad thing. But what my real stance is, I want you to build a business at the pace that makes sense for your life. And I also want you to be okay, and be real with yourself about the output and [00:16:00] the hard work you put into growing your business and be okay with the results that, that come in tied to that effort. Because I think what stresses out a lot of people, what makes people feel really burnt out is that they spend so much time thinking about their business, thinking about what’s not working, thinking about all of the things where I want you to spend that time. Learning how to create a plan for your business, take action on that plan. And while you’re taking action on that plan, really learn how to detach from your business so that when you get home or so that when you close your laptop, you can build a life that you want for yourself. Actually create a life that is exciting [00:17:00] to you that isn’t like aligned with who you want to be. Because the reality is, look, we could all build bigger businesses. Like, I really believe like, if I had no kids or if I didn’t care about my kids and I wanted to grow a bigger business faster, I like absolutely could. So could you, right? I mean, it’s very simple. If you think about it, you just have to work hard. You have to fail faster. You have to try things. You have to see what works, see what doesn’t, right? Like there’s so many different avenues you can take to build something if you wanted to do it fast. And I’m not suggesting you do. You could, right? But for me, for me and my clients and kind of what I teach inside Show Up & Lead Mastermind, it’s a healthy mix of you got to do what your business needs you to do. You got to go out there and work, but [00:18:00] also you have a life and that is wildly more important. And sometimes in your life, your business might be more important and that’s okay. The beauty is that it’s up to you. That’s the beauty. But for someone like me, I have such a beautiful freaking life outside of my business and I’m constantly coaching myself to not be so damn attached to my business and its results. I’m going to keep doing that. I feel like that’s probably going to continue to be an, um, like a part of my growth as an entrepreneur because I’m a hustler at heart and I love hustling. I love doing the work. I love trying new things. Like I, I freaking hop into failure. Like let’s fucking fail. Like, I just want to learn. I love that. And I [00:19:00] learn with action. But what I’ve learned so much in the last probably a couple of years since my little, my youngest was born two years ago. What I’ve really learned is that like, my life is so much better than like I have so much more like I want to have more and more and more fun in my life than in my business. I love my business. I love my business, but it’s not everything to me and I don’t want it to be everything to me and I don’t want it to be everything for you, unless that’s what you want for yourself. And if that’s the case, let’s let’s fucking go. Anyways, let’s, I saw this and I just wanted to bring it up because it is so in line in my beliefs with business. It’s like, I think a lot of people want to grow fast and they, [00:20:00] they, they want the wins faster. And I just want you to know that you could have those wins faster. But you’re going to have to learn how to detach yourself from your business. You’re going to have to learn how to be a moat, like grow your emotional capacity because if every time you fail, if every time you don’t make money, you’re going in circles pissed and you’re like, what am I going to do? It’s okay. It’s valid. I’m not saying it’s not valid, but like you’re going to have to handle it. You’re going to have to grow that muscle to figure out what to do when your business needs cash or to figure out what you want to do. If you want to go into a different direction in your business. And this kind of goes into what I’m talking about today because today I’m talking about risks, risks that I’ve taken in my business that felt like risks. And I really do believe [00:21:00] I’m just naming some. I think there’s the list of risk taking in business is huge. So I’m just going to name some that I’ve seen with my clients or that I’ve seen with myself. But I want you to know that like, especially for folks who are either struggling in their revenue right now, or you want to grow and you’re kind of sick at being stuck at a certain level of revenue and you want to grow that. You want to save up for a house. You want to save up to move. You want to travel more, like whatever you want for yourself. If that is what you want and you want to grow your business, I want to share with you some of the risks that you might have to take. That will and can help you. Okay. So I will, let’s go through these. Let’s go through this. I’m not going to take too, too long. Cause I, you know me, I’m very wordy, um, but we’ll go through it. Okay. [00:22:00] All right. So number one risk that I’ve taken and that you will likely have to take, and I’ve seen a lot of. I’ve studied business owners, I’ve studied multimillionaires, even billionaires. Um, I love business and I’ve seen this to be true over and over and over again. Number one, sell one thing and get very good at selling one thing, one offer. Now There are caveats to this. There are caveats to all of these, just to be clear. Um, it’s not black or white. There’s a lot of gray area, but what I really want you to take from this is the message, like the overall message. So let’s talk about selling one thing at a time.

When I started, here’s the thing I’m not going to go into like a crazy amount of storytelling, but here’s what I want to tell you. You have to learn how to sell one thing well, if you want to scale your business. You have to learn how to sell one thing very, very, very well because you’re, it’s not so much about what you’re selling. It’s more about your skill in selling it and growing that skill. And you’ll, I’ve seen this in tech, I’ve seen this in so many industries. The truth is. If you want to build a business that’s going to provide wealth for you, you have the goal is to get that one offer, right? That one, maybe not one, but like you [00:24:00] have to learn how to sell one thing first. Well, I think at least a six figures or multiple six figures. And then when you get there, you can kind of like add to it and maybe a second offer, especially in the coaching industry. But even in tech, it’s like in tech, it’s like the product. Like you have to learn how to sell the software or you have to learn how to sell the hardware. Like you have to, you have to have one signature product that you’re going to go to market with and really learn how to sell. That’s how businesses, like the first thing you got to get it right first. And then you could scale from there. Then you could create more offers. Then you could, whatever. So here, Is what it looked like for me when in 2020, I was selling, I mean, I was throwing spaghetti at the wall. I was selling webinars. I had a webinar that I was selling about podcasting. I had strategy calls that I [00:25:00] was selling. I had a course, a podcast course. I had a personal branding group program and stuff. I remember getting so overwhelmed and so frustrated and really burnt out because I was trying to sell all of those things and I was kind of hopping from one to the other. And when I really took a step back and I focused and I’m like, I’m going to learn how to sell this simple offer, I decided I’m going to focus on one-on-one coaching. Makes a lot more sense for, for the amount of effort. That I’m putting out there and what I, what I’ll receive, um, from, you know, in terms of like high ticket coaching, I’m like, okay, like if I’m going to get paid this much for one client, I could get behind this. Right. And I remember when I decided to, to go all in, in one-on-one. It was such a risk to me [00:26:00] because my brain was like, but what are you going to do? Like this is, you have a whole course and you have a whole group program and you were just started building the brand. And like, what if like this could be an opportunity for you to make more? And my brain was just telling me all the reasons why I should Absolutely not simplify and why I should continue selling my other offers and not focus on one-on-one. But when I made that decision, it was so intentional. I was really, really hungry to get good, get good at it. At selling and I was really hungry to get good at getting people results with their investment. And I really wanted to focus on that. And my everything in my body and intuition was telling me to like, take a step back, trust it. And I remember having so many conversations with God about this and I was just like, are you sure? Um, but [00:27:00] when I decided to do that, so much changed for me. So much changed. That’s when I really, I mean, not only did my revenue grow right to $200K plus that year, but I transformed, I became a person who is not really looking at the money. And I was looking at like, let me, let me just go out there and help people. The money comes. Like I just trusted so deeply that the money will come when I became great at selling my offer. And it was true. It was true. Each, everything you sell has, needs your full effort. And when it doesn’t have your full effort, you’re gonna have a harder time selling it because you don’t even know how to sell it because you’re not giving it the time it needs. I was just having a discussion with this, [00:28:00] uh, about this with one of my clients and she has, multiple offers and I was telling her that like your offers need your attention. They need space. You don’t even know what those offers are yet. When you really go all in and selling one single offer and you train your brain and you get your brain on board and you got, you have a plan set and you’re like, I’m going to do this and I’m going to see what’s possible if I go all in. Like that’s a fucking risk. It is a risk. It’s absolutely a risk, but it is the risk necessary because if you don’t do it now, you’re going to have to do it later and it’s up to you. You don’t have to do it now. But what I’m saying here is like you got to learn how to sell one thing. You have to learn how to become good at selling. Because eventually you’re going to want to increase those [00:29:00] prices. Eventually you’re going to want to change little things about the offer. Eventually you will have a new offer that you’re really going to market with. So that’s a hundred percent of risk you will have to take. Okay. Number two, number two risk that you’re likely going to take to six figures to multiple six figures. As you sell out, your offers are price increases and. or decreases playing with the price. That’s a part of the game, especially if you’re in coaching, especially if you’re selling services to businesses. If you want to scale to multiple six figures, you’re going to have to learn how to create a lot of demand for your current offer and learn how to sell it. [00:30:00] And you’ll know when it’s time to increase your prices when your demand is high, when you, when, when you start feeling like, okay, if I get a couple more clients, I’m going to be real overwhelmed. And let me just be clear here. You could, you could sell your offer for whatever you want. Right? So like, if you just started your business and you start with a $10K offer, I think it’s so, so, so doable. You just have to have the confidence of selling a $10K offer. And if you have the confidence to match, then let’s fucking go like you absolutely can. But if you want to grow your business, you, it’s likely, you’re probably going to increase that offer at some point. You’re going to have to learn how to sell the next offer. [00:31:00] So you want to learn you, you want like if you will, first of all, you’re going to have to increase your price if you want to grow your business. Not always. I think it depends on your business model and exactly what, you know, I personally would have to look at your business to make a full answer. But like for the most part. From one-on-one coaching. I mean, I went from. I think the, I started, I want to say I started at 2000 or 1800, um, that was like my first client and the only reason I sold even that package was because I had a group program I was selling and the group program was a thousand. So I was like, okay, if the group program is a thousand, my actual offer, my one-on-one has to be like at least double that because it’s one-on-one. I thought it was only fair. And then, [00:32:00] uh, I got on a sales call and someone wanted one-on-one coaching and I was mind blown. That was my first one-on-one client. I was like, what? Why would you pay $2,000 to work with me? I didn’t tell her that, but I definitely thought it. And when I decided to go online, I was like, okay, let’s do 2000. I really went all in and I sold, I sold a, how much did I sell? I think I sold to like five people. And then I, I changed it to like 2,200 and I kind of toyed around from 2,000 to 3,000 for like a month. And then I was, I kind of like, I was like, okay, cut it out. I, I stuck with 3K because my demand was growing. And I think I, I, I closed like six clients within a month or something, month, month and a half. And I was like, okay, things are moving. Let me just stick with this price. And I told myself, I’m going to stick with this price for the rest [00:33:00] of the year until maybe the very end of the year. That was kind of the plan. And I did, and I sold the F out of it. And then I got coached to increase my price to eight. 10 8,000. And I was like, no, heck no. And I was like, but I’ll do 6,000 and I’m going to extend the time too. So basically I wasn’t changing the offer. I was just like going from 3000 for three months to 6,000 for six months. So it was like really the same offer is just longer, but I still had to learn how to sell that 6,000 price. And I remember the first two to four calls, sales calls I had. I think one offer, one person, I just like slashed a thousand off. I was like 5,000 for six months. And then there are, there are a good amount of sales calls where I, I really just got [00:34:00] scared. I mean, I don’t know how to say it outside of that, but it was a risk because I wasn’t sure if I was going to be able to sell that. I didn’t know. I didn’t have certainty, but I did. commit to building the belief that this makes total sense and that people would totally buy this and that I’m, I want to be the person who really goes all into the decisions I make in my business, whether it’s related to the price or whether it’s related to whatever. And this goes the other way too. I think a lot, let’s talk about decreases, price decreases. There is so much more to this. space to talk about decreasing your price. I think decreasing your price is such an underutilized strategy as somebody who under-priced her program for a really long time. [00:35:00]

I think there’s so much value in just being willing to decrease your price. And sometimes it doesn’t have to be just decreasing your price. It could be just decreasing the amount of time. It could be decreasing the whole offer, but regardless, like I think a lot of people, I had a client once who. They increased their price after one month, but they increased it way too much. They went from selling like 3,000 offer to 7,000 I think. And they didn’t really have much of a proof of concept or the demand. And they struggled. Like I remember they struggled so hard selling the 7,000 offer month after month after month. And I’m just like, Okay, yo, like what are you going to do about this? And I remember suggesting like, just decrease the price. [00:36:00] And it was so much of an ego hit to them. It was so much of, well, then I’m not growing and then I’m not doing this. And then who cares? You have bills to pay. If you need to get money inside of your business, you got to do what you got to do, and you got to put your ego aside. This isn’t your worth. You’re worth much more than 7,000. You’re worth much more than 100,000. This isn’t about your worth. This is about the market. It’s about the what the market will pay and it’s about who you’re willing to be. And if you’re not willing to be the person, Who sells the 7,000, 7,000 offer if you aren’t willing to market in brand new ways and do whatever you got to do and, and, and journal and build belief and really build belief in your offer and add new features to your offer and make your offer better and [00:37:00] special. Like if you’re not willing to meet the standard of 7,000 or whatever the price was, then you should probably lower it. That’s just the truth. That’s a risk. That’s a risk. I remember when did I do? There was a situation where I remember, did I lower? I’m trying to think. I can’t think of the moment. There was, I just remember there was a time where I’m like, okay, but what are people going to think? Oh, it was when I relaunched my mastermind. I remember relaunching my mastermind because the first launch didn’t do well. This was like in 2022, I think. Um, my first launch, After I was postpartum didn’t do well. And I was like, okay, am I going to accept this or [00:38:00] am I going to do something about it? And I decided to do something about it. But I, it took, it really did take me putting my ego aside because in my head I was like, people are going to know that I didn’t do well. And then I’m relaunching. People are going to know that dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah. But at the end of the day, That is not being a CEO, like a CEO, being a real leader of your business. It means doing what you have to do in your business. And really learning how to detach yourself from your business decisions and look at it from the outside and be like, okay, let’s be real with ourselves. What do we need to do to get the needle moving? And for me at that time, I ended up doing two back-to-back launches and two webinars back to back. And I’ll do that any fucking day I need to. If that’s what I meant, if that’s what my business needs, [00:39:00] you have to be willing to risk. You have to be willing to put your ego aside. It’s not about you. It’s not about you. It’s not about your growth. It’s not about that. It is about your business and your wellbeing and being intentional about the decisions you make and who you’re willing to be. To make them successful. Number three, money risks. Now I have to, I have to, um, give a disclaimer. I am very risk tolerant. I have ADHD and, um, certain ADHD years have are very risk, high risk takers. And I’m one of those, I’m a very big risk taker. [00:40:00] And I just bet on myself. I bet on my business. That’s just who I am. And I don’t think everyone should be like me on that sense.

I think risks are required. Money risks are required, but I just, um, I say that disclaimer because I’m a little cuckoo. I’m a little delusional in that way. And I know that about myself and I’m also okay with it. And I work on that on with myself and yeah. I just feel like I’m always going to be a work in progress in that way because, uh, I’m just incredibly risk tolerant and like I, yeah. That being said, that being said, you’re going to have to take so many risks in your business as you scale. I mean, the amount of risks I have taken, I remember, I mean, I just remember specifically [00:41:00] the bigger ones that, that come out to me are when I made, I think I was like an 80,000 in like five months in my business and I put 25,000 cash into a mastermind, um, so I could grow my business. And I remember the following month after I did that, I had a 0 month and I like flipped out, but I had to work through it and I’d be like, okay, cat, you ready to put your big girl pants on? You ready to do this? Or are you going to keep, are you going to keep going in circles? Are you going to keep telling yourself you made a bad decision? Are you going to keep telling yourself you’re so dumb for making this decision in how could you do this? We were saving for a house at that time. I remember my husband, that was the one of the last fights that my, my husband and I had about my business because it was still pretty early in my business [00:42:00] journey. And we used to bicker and stuff about little things. And at that phase, in my business because my husband only saw me spending on the money and like he was just getting, he was just starting to see that I was getting money in, but it wasn’t the money I was receiving in my business. Wasn’t going to our family. Right. So for him, he was like, what the hell are you spending? 25,000 fucking dollars on a mastermind. And I remember we literally got into an argument about it. And I, I, I remember I was just like, I could imagine how he felt, but I also had my thoughts. And the reality is that you’re going to take some money risk. You’re going to make a large investments. You’re going to spend a lot of money. Sometimes, sometimes you’ll get into debt, right? Like there are, sometimes you won’t buy the, You won’t spend the money. Sometimes you won’t invest in certain things in [00:43:00] your business. And you’ll reap the, you’ll reap the consequences of not investing. Like I’ve seen this with people who are trying to like hoard all their money and save all their money. And then they don’t hire people to help them. And they get so burnt out because they don’t hire help. So it goes the other way. So I just want you to know that like the risks. will not end. I remember when I put on my first, um, live event for my mastermind, I remember that being such a big deal to me. Cause it was like, I think I spent like somewhere around, I don’t know, it was, I want to say probably like 12,000 or 10,000 on an event for my clients who already paid. And the event was like extra, they would have paid just for the mastermind. And. I remember I just wasn’t used to spending [00:44:00] this much money on certain things and we were making all these decisions and I always started to count how much everything was going to be and I was just like, fuck, this is so much money. But I just decided to coach myself. I decided to like, okay, I got to build this belief. I got to tell myself that I’m a smart entrepreneur, that I know what I’m doing, that I will get the ROI on this. Like I had to have my own back and think that way. And then I remember after the event was done, um, the place that we had rented to have the event, they claim, they put in a claim saying that we like ruined their house. And I remember my heart sunk when I got that email right after the event, like I was on cloud nine. I was so excited. We just had this amazing event. And then we got, I got this email saying that they’re claiming that we messed up all of these things, which is such. Bullshit, but whatever. But I remember in that moment thinking like, Oh my God, what if I have to pay [00:45:00] another 10,000 to fix these things? And I had a launch and a new program I was prepping to, to, to launch within like a month and a half. And I was just like, okay, cat, this is not going to work. You can’t think like this. You can’t like you have to handle this like a big girl. You want to scale your business. This is God putting real business problems on your lap. What’s she gonna do? So in that moment, I remember I was like, okay, let me calm myself down. I am going to respond and I’m going to go to work to try to, you know, get all the photos and like, just do whatever I can to claim, to claim, um, that we didn’t do anything wrong. And it turns out that everything turned out well. And, um, they, you know, the company had my side and I had all these pictures and you know, I did what I had to do and it worked out. But I remember that moment. I was like, okay, if you do have to pay [00:46:00] this money, what are you going to do about it? And I remember I put so much, I think my debt at that time, it might, I had a credit card. I had one credit card and the credit card went up to 40,000 debt. 40,000 debt because I was just charging everything for the live event. And I remember my heart was just like, when I got that email, I was just like, Oh my God, where is this 10,000 going to come from? And I decided. You know, we’re just going to do what we got to do. But at that time I really just, I really matured up and I did what I had to do and then I shift my focus and I was like, I’m not going to stress about this. It is what it is. And I think it took like a couple of weeks to get an answer back. So I’m like, I’m not going to stress about this for weeks. Like I have to let this go. And if, if I have to pay 10,000 whatever when in two weeks, then I’ll worry about that in two weeks. But right now I have. other things to focus on. And that’s what I did. [00:47:00] There will be money risks. There will be, sometimes you will put a lot of money into investments and you won’t get the ROI, but you will know that, that it was worth it or not worth it. Those are absolutely required. Number four, you’re going to, you’re going to take marketing risks. You’re going to take marketing risks and the last two are about marketing. So number four is automating your marketing. Now this was a, this felt like a risk to me. This might not make sense to a lot of people, but I remember the first time my team helped me automate my marketing. And for the first time ever, there was marketing happening, um, like. without me being behind it and a lot of marketing. Like I remember that there was a lot of content that was going out without me having my finger on it, without me having my hands on it. And [00:48:00] although this sounds very nice, this sounds like, Oh my God, how great is that? I remember at that time feeling wildly uncomfortable with this. I remember watching my own marketing and thinking, Oh my God, this is not how I wanted it to look or I don’t like that picture or like this copy sounds so freaking green and elementary and like, ah, this, I just remember being extremely self critical when I started having my team help me with marketing and automate. And I had to learn to just like, accept that some things are going to go up in, out in the world in my marketing that I’m not a hundred percent behind. And I have to let that be okay, because I also have to build a muscle of resiliency. I have to build a muscle of just learning how to fix things after they’re done. And certain things, you know, we could [00:49:00] fix in the moment, but like learning how to do that felt like such an uncomfortable thing for me. And that felt like a risk. Number five was a huge risk for me at, in my business too, is the risk of niching down the risk of really niching down and getting behind what your next phase in business is. That was a huge one for me. I remember multiple times doing this, but like I remember when I started focusing on a woman of color coaches that was so big because in the beginning of my business I was helping product-based businesses. I had clients. Who had like, who were authors. I had clients who had Etsy products and Etsy pages and were really successful. And I remember I had clients who, um, they were like, they had beauty products. Like, honestly, I [00:50:00] helped a lot of folks with products. And when I decided to go into coaching. Um, it was, I remember crying thinking I was going to disappoint people and thinking that people were not going to want to listen to my podcast anymore. And thinking that I am like turning my back on people who supported me, who supported my podcast, who, who helped me help me grow my podcast. I remember like just having a lot of shame. And I also remember like when I, when I launched show up real. And I started talking about content and really had a stance on content. I remember that was such a huge risk for me because I’m like, I don’t even have that many followers. Like, am I really the right person to talk about content? There were so many things I like, I was like, I’m not sure, but I’m going to do this and I’m going to try and I’m going to see what happens. I’m going to [00:51:00] see what happens if I put my full effort and we do this. Y’all. The risks are necessary. The risks are necessary. When you niche down, it’s not going to always feel like, Oh my God, this is so exciting. I’ve had the experience of, Oh my God, this is so exciting. La la la. And I’ve also had the experience of. This is what I’m deciding. And although I have resistance, I decided it. And when I decided it, I felt sure about it. So now I’m going to go with it. And this is still a struggle with me sometimes. Like there are lots of decisions I make in my business that I will go back on and I’ll toy with and I’ll debate. And [00:52:00] I know it’s unproductive, but it’s typically because I’m just not. As ready as I think I am or as mature as I think I am in my business. And one thing I do very well that I like about myself is that I’m very, very, very honest with myself about who I am in my business and why I get the results I get. I know exactly, I’m not a person that’s like, I don’t know why I got these results. That’s not me. I’m always taking responsibility for my results. I know exactly why I got the results I did. And if I don’t know the results, I look for them. I look for them and I’m like, it has to be something because I do know how it works. If you have an [00:53:00] offer and you go to market and you sell it, there’s the marketing, there’s the selling, and then there’s the offer and then there’s my mindset. It’s one of those. It’s, It’s one of those. It’s really, really simple. Always, always take, like, I always want to be the person that takes full responsibility. And that’s because I’m a CEO. I’m building something. I’m not deeply attached to the things in my business. If I had to, I remember the first time I changed my podcast name. That was like such a big deal to me. It’s like, now it’s just like, those decisions are nothing. I’ll change anything in my business. Anytime if my business needs it, period, end in point. And I share this with you because these are the realities of maturing in your [00:54:00] business. You’re going to have to learn how to take risks and you’re going to have to learn how to have the emotional capacity to take the risks. And there’s no rush to it. Just to be clear, there’s no rush to it, but you’re not going to create new results doing the same thing. You’ll have some great launches. You’ll have some good, like you’ll, you’ll do good work just because you work hard, right? Like work hard is still going to pay off in some way, shape or form. But if you’re doing the same thing over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again, and you’re just making these tiny little shifts that are barely risks. Don’t be mad if your revenue is slowly little by little by little by little by little by little. Don’t be upset about it. You, you know why. And even if, and I should also say, even if you are taking big risks [00:55:00] and you feel like you are doing these things and you’re still not getting the results that you want, you have to identify where your work is because there’s always a why. There’s always something we’re not looking at that’s related to the results we get and we still have to get up and try something new and try again if you want to grow this. And with all of that being said, this is why being in masterminds are so valuable.

Doing all of this by yourself can get very, very hard. Get with other entrepreneurs who are serious about growing their business[00:56:00] so that you can do it together. This is why I created my mastermind. I want women of color coaches, service providers, entrepreneurs, right? I want us to get together and really become the CEOs that we want to be, grow our business together. Share our growth, share our, our, our share, our growth, share our lessons, share our failures. I want you to have a safe space to fail. I want you to have a safe space to, to learn. Now we’re still doing business, right? We’re still doing business. So of course it’s going to be focused on business, but it’s also you. I mean, so much of the work I do is so focused on your mindset, especially within the [00:57:00] mastermind. It’s like. We talk about strategy and we solve a lot of problems, right? Like a lot of business problems, but your, your mind is going to have to be on board. And I’ll tell you, it’s a mix, it’s a mix of some tough love, some realness, and also compassion and love and care for each other because we’re. in it together within this program.

So I hope this was helpful. Show Up & Lead Mastermind is opening September 24th. And on September 23rd, we have our webinar, 3 Steps to Scaling Any Offer at Any Price, Ethically and Authentically. Make sure to sign up if you [00:58:00] want to learn how to scale your offers. The link will be in the show notes below, or you can go to my Instagram @catdelcarmen and it’ll be right in there. All right, y’all. I will see you later. If you have any questions about anything, DM me on Instagram. I’m friendly. All right, y’all. I will see you later. Big, big hug. Bye.

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